made me laugh BEE........why you guys scared of a pic?
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. .
go to this site.
make sure your sound is up.
made me laugh BEE........why you guys scared of a pic?
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
i was wondering:.
has anyone seen any of the governing body lately?
how is their health?
I haven't seen any of the GB lately but I have seen a few give talks at the KH or assemblies. These are the ones I remember:
Henschel............can't remember no impression left...must not be good
Barber................terrible speaker
Klien...................tolerable speaker
Swingle................fair speaker
Fred Franz...........was a very engaging speaker
The first time I saw Fred was at my first memorial back in the 80's near NYC. The last time I saw Fred was at Yankee stadium. (the last outdoor convention we had because of the heat) They carried Fred out to the podium around the diamond baseball field. (They aren't allowed to walk on the grass) He was wasn't lucid. He died within the next year or so.
We haven't seen them around lately.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
for the last year or so i've been mulling over quitting everything, becominga bum, and actually going to university.
i work with computers, and though the pay is good (hence my still doing it), i can't shake the feeling that this isn't what i'm supposed to be doing.
i want to do something with english.
Naebs, Go ahead and get started with one class that you know you will enjoy. Just make sure it's transferable to your local University. You'll figure it out as you go along. *see my reply else where*
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
i received a call from chris yesterday.
my friend mattie thought she would rub in the fact that i have a date for the pig picking(pig roast).. well, he called three times.
(twice he left a message for me to call him back.
Since, you asked our opinions...Your right everyone isn't 'selfish' all the time. If you find that you are drawn to this type of man, maybe you should try to find out why. Start to explore why you have been drawn into non-nurturing relationships. You can't change other people but, you can change how you react to others. And learn how to read people before you get to involved.
The only person you can change is you.
And Lilacs getting drunk every night to torment Naebs with your.....uhum.....powers. Isn't a step toward developing nurturing relationships in your life.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
i've gotten strange vibes from this joker, ever since it appeared here.. first, the moniker, "gravedancer"-.
what the hell kind of weirdo hangs around graveyards .
in order to dance on graves?.
Grave Dancer has gots to be a jehovah Witness
This seemed to be a conclusive statement, but I'll take your word for it that you were speculating. I was just replying to your original and humorous statement...LOL
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
i've gotten strange vibes from this joker, ever since it appeared here.. first, the moniker, "gravedancer"-.
what the hell kind of weirdo hangs around graveyards .
in order to dance on graves?.
Gravedancer hates everything!...I can't believe you arrived at this conclusion. Are you interested in some real-estate...very close to the Brooklyn Bridge...It's on Columbus Ave. in Brooklyn Heights. Are you interested?
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
hey everyone...i'm new here and i thought i'd give you my story.. i was raised in "the truth".
my mother is still a witness of over 25 years, and a pioneer for over 10. my father is not in the truth.
he was supportive of my mother in her pioneering and everything, and he used to come to meetings occasionally when i was younger, but started coming less and less until he only came to the memorials.
Spender.....don't you feel better already? You should write some more. This makes more sense than you did in chat. lol
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
i'm supposed to be working, but can't seem to get away from this freakin' board!!!
can anyone help me or give advice as to how they limit their time here.
i do really well when i'm out of the office meeting with clients, but when i'm at my desk i'm a lost cause.. simon, i can't get enough of your place!!!
Hi...My name is imbue and I’m a addict........I’ve been lurking on these board since 98' started out as an occasional peek. Well, then it become an obsession. Now it’s out of control and I can’t abstinence the only option?
*cross talk*
seven006, I have the same problem..........I'm on the puter 12-14 hrs a day. So, I have this board pulled up on my PC while I work on my Mac. I also don't find TV all that entertaining. I prefer interactivity.
What are you doing with 3D.......I have a friend creating 3D type?
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
my first born baby will be going to college in the fall.
she will graduate high school and spokane community college this year with an aa degree.
Congratulation TR you should be proud of her accomplishments!
JT is being facetious! He doesn't believe all that JW propaganda. He was affected by it the same as all of us here. I see you are still in the anger stage and I wish you well. It does help to write about it so, why don’t you write your story and post it for us. I love the stories. Amazing had me hooked like everybody else.
(edited for forgetting my manners and not congradulating TR first)
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
i'm after that pic with the shrieking clergyman with the church in background being blitzed.. the pic is shown in the witnesses of jehovah video..
from ak.
If you transfer the video in to IMOVIE you can make them into stills.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.