slipnslidemaster.......entertaining yes he is......laughing at you Hygh.......funny how the experiment turned out...LOL
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
some of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
slipnslidemaster.......entertaining yes he is......laughing at you Hygh.......funny how the experiment turned out...LOL
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
thank you, thank you, thank you for making me see that i'm wasting my time being in a world of bitter, twisted, self-absorbed people and helping me to wake up to the benefits of being a jehovah's witness!
if any of you come back with the ol - the jw's are full of bitter, twisted, people (in the most stupid arse voice of course!
), i'll reply, yeah, but not as rampant as the rest of the me crazy if you like, i don't care, because it's my salvation i'm worried about not've thrown it away because you can't see the bigger picture....trials and tribulation will always abound in this day and is proving like job that we are not discouraged by the trials that gains us the most happiness because we know the trials won't go on much longer and jah will repay us 100 fold for our pain....that's a damn good reward to me!
Violet why don't you join and see if you really would fit in with the JWs.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
basically we're all open minded right?
so lets put aside our negative comments and throw a cyber-space send off for violet's up coming baptism into dubdom.
she said she's planning on getting baptised soon and clearly our advice and negative thoughts are hurting her feelings.
Violet, you might want to stop your association with apostates before you take the plunge. If you really believe then why are you here?
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
some of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
LOL @ Hygh is she Santa? Does she talk with you? Is she one of the voices that you hear?
She knows when you're awake. She knows if youve been good or bad so be bad for goodness sake.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
some of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Yes an *ignore* feature would be great here. I'm sure many at Yahoo utilize that feature with you.
Since, Bridh doesn't know me she cann't say what I would joke about or for that matter anything about me.
Hahah Ring at least your a man...there are so few here.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
some of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Yes, I meant it as a joke. Is it true...yes. All jokes contain some truth.
What is osme?
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
who viciously attack the teachings and beliefs of their resigned religion?.
i was thinking of this last night....i have never in my life seen a movement so big as the apostates against jw's..... no other religion has displayed this....usually people just quietly leave and get on with their lives and there is no anomosity...even if they have been wronged by their religion.... but with jw's it's's an all out and out attack on anyone and everyone who has something positive to say.... makes me believe the bible and the jw's even more...being here is setting the doubt in my mind right....
I'm a catholic apostate
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
some of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
someone suggested you are actually a witness. I assumed you were an ex. I am unaware either way unless you say so.
Why do you want to know my status?
The cowards comment is a joke.I see you can't discern when something is said in jest! I'm just playing. I think your funny on the board...Really
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
some of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
These are the threads started by 'You Know' have fun...LOL
You seem to be kissing all the right a**es here Hygh...see how long it lasts.
As for you COWARDS that won't post about this but you talk about it in chat. I never want to hear you all complain about hygh again! COWARDS! You call yourselves men...I have bigger balls then all of you!
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
some of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Hygh you really are funny
But again remember, you are Irish and are not permitted to be one of the slave girls in the cult. And since I wont be with anyone from this board, you are going to have to find someone else in order for you to join the second wife or concubine category. Perhaps Teejay.
especially the part about teejay.....LMAO
Sorry Hygh but I already have a husband...So I'm not looking for anyone elses rejects...LOL
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.