RosseBuds... rabid dogs watch out for the rabid dogs...
The person that said this: "Glad to have you, though. Look forward to your opinions..."
Only looks forward to opinions that agree with his own...that's the tricky part...
RosseBuds... rabid dogs watch out for the rabid dogs...
The person that said this: "Glad to have you, though. Look forward to your opinions..."
Only looks forward to opinions that agree with his own...that's the tricky part...
elder: "the brothers (referring to gb) have advised that we read only the material provided by the faithful and dscreet slave.
you should read all of the watchtower and awake articles every time you receive a new one, as it shows respect and appreciation for the hard work the brothers have put in to creating it" .
well i never liked playboy??????????
Violet can learn and change her mind at any given time just like the rest of us. Coming to know reality is a slow process for those exiting the org. She doesn't need all this sarcasm from any of us. Why can't you people just allow her to express her feelings and ideas about the WT?
The WT isn't ALL good and itn't ALL evil. The common black and white...all or nothing mentality that Jws have is severely dysfunctional. Violet is just discovering what is reality so let her have her say without being judged over every little break through she may share.
It's a very ignorant to insinuate that she must be mentally ill because she has contradictory thoughts.
Edited by - imbue on 17 June 2002 18:59:38
Edited by - imbue on 17 June 2002 21:3:13
does every issue of morality have to be compared with the thinking and teaching of jehovahs witnesses?
simply because you are no longer jehovahs witnesses does that mean that you flaunt all moral authority and engaged in any perverted pleasure that you have a mind to?
because your morality is no longer legislated by a pseudo religious organization does that give you license to engage in all acts of "immorality" and refer to it "as just having fun.
Hmm... JanH teased me about being a fluff bimbo on this thread...LOL So, I want to make it clear that I'm not being a fluff bimbo here but I'm a naked PIC whore... I need PICs for the calendar of JWD hotties I'm making. Anyone that believes this is dumb as a rock so just send your naked PICS to me....
i know i asked this absolutely yonks back, then by the name of celtic, but with so many newcomers here i thought no harm but to ask once again.. how many artists do we have here or working in art related fields including film, music, theatre, environment, gardening, sculpture, graphic design, illustration, fine art, photograpy etc etc?.
what hobbies do you have?
how do you see your future artistic horizons opening up?
hey (((celty))
I'm an artist:
Fine arts :painting, drawing, lithographs, intaglio, screen printing, wood cut prints and book arts ( I hand make my own books with my images)
Graphic design: digital media and printed books
What do I hope to do? Be a creative and productive person all my days. Which is a need I have that was unfulfilled during my time with WT.
no, this isn't another childish photoshop prank.. in the past day(s), probably many of you have noticed the facility that i had to lash out unnecessarily at other people.
i've insulted people who came to support me, i've embarassed myself, gone into arguments that i couldn't win, made a pretty flagrant face-about, and generally, made an ass of myself.
and for that i'm sorry.. to tell the truth, the last day (s) has/ve been a nightmare of sorts.
Ignoring IT..even though IT left IT self wide open....using restraint...sitting on hands...
above comment is not for you Mindfeild
Mindfeild don't sweat it.. I doubt anyone holds your little spat against you and I bet nae doesn't either. You can't expect to agree on everything with everyone. That's how the real world is, generally people agree to disagree. This isn't the KH where we MUST agree on everything.Only certain posters expect to be catered to and agreed with or else they make your experience here miserable.
Edited by - imbue on 16 June 2002 22:4:20
ok, ladies and gents, mostly americans... .
tell me : what did i do wrong ?
i tried for the first time in my life to make fried chicken .
Add salt to the oil first and make sure it is hot..
hello all my new friends here,.
when i disassociated myself back in 1981, there were only just a couple instances afterwards, where the jdubs came to my door in the service of their ministry.
during those times, i would never ever answer the door.
Karen excellent post :
Thanks for sharing that experience it demonstrates that being reasonable can reach some people. If you had responded with indignation you would not have had the ear of this woman.
does every issue of morality have to be compared with the thinking and teaching of jehovahs witnesses?
simply because you are no longer jehovahs witnesses does that mean that you flaunt all moral authority and engaged in any perverted pleasure that you have a mind to?
because your morality is no longer legislated by a pseudo religious organization does that give you license to engage in all acts of "immorality" and refer to it "as just having fun.
My GAWD! There are posters here that go out of there way to insult , bait and offend others and thier welcomed with open arms. Your thread is FAR FAR from being on the level as many others.
Like you do PLM ... your posts on all these flame threads make insult, bait or offend and almost always at the end of the thread....hmm
Like this one..hmm
Edited by - imbue on 16 June 2002 20:27:46
i used to spend quite a bit of time during my teenage years in what was affectionately called "the green room".
the elders couldn't wait to take out a pen and paper and take pages upon pages of notes while i spoke and my poor parents sat and squirmed.
i wasn't a bad kid, it was always about stupid things, like sister-so-and-so said i wore a short skirt to school, etc.
Zen it was you in that short skirt...LOL
a funny looking and funny sounding man was standing at a street intersection hollering about how john ashcroft must be brought down, and that the man who will save us all is lyndon larouche.
he was wearing a placard that said down with ashcroft -- bring in larouche.. for a dollar's contribution, i received two copies of larouche's may 1st washington d.c. seminar and the june 10th edition of the new federalist.. this man has the truth and even though there is no jehovah and you know is wrong about armageddon we need to get behind larouche it is the only way we can save ourselves from ourselves do it now give him your money make him president bring about positive change for the future!!!!!!
LMAO @ Skally