Posts by Heaven
Can you prove that our entire universe and existence is not a computer simulation?
by EndofMysteries inif you were a computer programmer and you were to create a simulated automated world, that would constantly evolve and self run after initial designs.
first you would have to code the rules, laws, and core elements of this world.
while this is being coded, the program is not run yet, so none of it exists.
Can you prove that our entire universe and existence is not a computer simulation?
by EndofMysteries inif you were a computer programmer and you were to create a simulated automated world, that would constantly evolve and self run after initial designs.
first you would have to code the rules, laws, and core elements of this world.
while this is being coded, the program is not run yet, so none of it exists.
I have yet to receive an error code like a 404 when I can't find something.
Did the flood happen?
by BlackWolf inso we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
Many born-ins see the bull shite very quickly. Young minds can and do detect the Borg's crap. Many of us just have to/had to wait it out as we are captives due to our minor (aka underage) status.
Another piece of evidence, or the lack thereof that shoots down the global flood myth is illustrated in the image below. It's along the same lines as the lack of evidence for the Exodus. Where is the debris trail?
The kangaroos would have also had to swim quite a distance in the sea to reach Australia. Seriously, the Biblical flood story is about instilling fear of Yahweh's mite into us mere mortals. Remember, Jewish people are very good at bull sh!t.
Sunday Tv - Jehovah's Witnesses Paedophilia in Australia
by berrygerry inif only someone had listened back then!.
Thank you for sharing this berrygerry. It is an excellent report. The elders, once again, do not come off looking good at all. Just like in the ARC.
It is interesting in Natalie Webb's case that the JWs sent 3 congregation representatives to be with her father during the trial, and no one for her. In Simon Thomas' case, his abuser was disfellowshipped but then re-instated because his abuser was repentent. If anyone questions the Patriarchal nature of this organization and its belief that the victim is the real issue and not the perpetrator, I think these actions alone speak volumes. It's an old boys club. Children and women are not considered of much importance, if at all.
The 'Wait on Jehovah' mantra, their formula of "Pray More and Wait on Jehovah" only results in Nothing Being Accomplished, Problems Getting Worse, and People Getting Hurt, Sick, and/or Dead. This clearly doesn't work and probably should be considered a crime against humanity.
The Borg considers sexual abuse of children a sin, and not a crime. It boggles the mind.
I hope you don't mind but I am going to continue to post what Angus Stewart revealed at the ARC about this religion and it's 'perfect storm of conditions' for child abuse to not only continue, but to flourish. We need the secular authorities to step in and deal with this pronto.
D-Wave Founder Eric Ladizinsky - The Coming Quantum Computing Revolution
by Brokeback Watchtower ini wonder how many doublings moore's law will keep happening now that we have begun quantum computing?.
I am not sure I'll ever truly be able to fathom an object being in 2 states at the same time (ala Shroedinger's Cat or the example Eric gave of a light switch being off and on at the same time). Stillin... you have an excellent observation about investing... hmmmm....
"back in the day people didn't know not to abuse kids"- a jw explanation for their abuse scandal
by purrpurr ina few weeks back i showed the guardian article about the borg refusing to cooperate with the charity commission into child abuse to a fellow jw.
their response was quite amazing.
they told me that in the 50s-80s people didn't know about child abuse, didn't know it was wrong and no one really believed children when they claimed they had been abused - even worldly people.. they said that alot of the time children lie about being abused or therapists plant false memories in their heads and that apostates lie about being abused to undermine our faith.. about the borg not cooperating with the commission they said that it was probably because they wanted to protect the identities of jw's who had been abused.
LoveUni - "If the JWs admit they have a problem with child abuse in the organisation, there might be a chance they could fix it..."
Vidiot said: Never gonna happen.
Vidiot is correct. Watchtower is not going to veer from the Patriarchal model as outlined in the Bible because the ones in power in the Borg would lose said power. It would also prop up the increasing discord that Jehovah really isn't directly involved with this Religion, that it really is NOT his chosen organization on Earth.
I made the following 2 images.
The 1st one is from a post Outlaw made back when the ARC was on. In this image the gentleman on the left is the Honourable Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and Judge of Appeal in New South Wales. Geoffrey Jackass Jackson is on the right.
The 2nd is my own creation based on something Angus Stewart said during the Arc:Botchtower is not going to stand down the male power model, isolation, and repressive sexual norms they have instituted because they claim they would be violating God's sanctioned setup in the Bible. They will only change when they are forced to do it legally.
Did the flood happen?
by BlackWolf inso we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
Vidiot said: Holy f**k, these guys were just pulling stuff out of their collective asses that far back?!
They've really been doing this since inception. The 'Jesus returned invisibly' crap is from way back in the early 1900s. I don't know if this is still on JWN but we've done a number of memes over the years. This one has always been a good one:
"You will never grow old in this present system of things" -- some campaign tools
by FatFreek 2005 ini am approaching 76 years old.
i can clearly recall that awake!
statement and similar during the pre-1975 hype -- "staying alive in '75", et al.
My cousin's girl got married in 2005. My elderly JW aunt (my cousin's girl's grandmother) was there and said to me "I can't believe I got old. This wasn't supposed to happen."
Back in 2010 my Dad said to me that he didn't want to die. I told him I didn't want him to either but that is what happens. No one in the history of mankind has ever not died .... not even Jesus. We all have to die sometime.
What I discovered in my research on natural systems is that death is necessary for life. It is a part of the life cycle on Earth. Without death, there would be no life here. And we homo sapiens, aka human beings, are not separate from this system even though Religion wishes we were. This was very jaw dropping for me. Another case of the evidence, and of reality, flying in the face of delusional, wishful thinkers who have mislead millions of people.
Many JWs and those raised but not baptised JW held off having children because of the imminence of Armageddon. Many including one of my JW cousins who said she would have them once everything was a paradise Earth, Satan was done away with for good, and there was no more threat of Armageddon. This all comes on the heals of a belief that if you are a good JW, you won't ever die. Many also didn't go to school because why would you need to? Armageddon is so close. Paradise Earth looms before us. My Mom even said to me and my younger brother you can't go to College and you won't need careers as Armageddon is so close. That was after the failure of Armageddon to arrive in 1975. My younger bro and I ignored this and went to College. We are so glad we did. I guarantee my retirement is far closer than Armageddon ever will be.
It amazes me that Religion is allowed to operate with such fraudulent claims. No other company or organization would get away with peddling a product or service that never stands up to it's claims. Religion truly is legalized fraud.
AUSTRALIA: Jehovah's Witness paedophile back working with children at family's church - August 22, 2016 - The Age newspaper
by jwleaks injehovah's witness paedophile back working with children at family's church.
the age newspaper.
reporter: chris johnston.
Pedophiles have a very high rate of re-offense. They should NOT be allowed to be around children. Period. The Jehovah's Witness religion is truly one that encourages abuse.
Happy Mother's Day - never would have happened in JW land
by Zoos ini'm a huge fan of the canadian tenors.
[google them..... you will melt].
saw this video and realized, this would never happen injw land.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aypgut4te2k.
wannaexit said: Anything that is beautiful is turned in the ugly by the watchtower.
I was thinking the same thing. I was never baptized and I didn't play by Botchtower's games. I always called my Mom on Mother's Day. She would feign 'oh we don't celebrate that' but I know she loved it. Ha! F!ck you Watchtower.
Zoos, thank you for sharing that video. It is beautiful and those guys have awesome voices. To give them that amount of joy, is what we as human beings should constantly be doing with each other.