ok not to throw no shade or no disrespect to the JW religion. which i truly do respect
I think I see what your problem is.
ok not to throw no shade or no disrespect to the jw religion.
which i truly do respect because my girlfriend is part of but i just don't understand, i have researched so much about it.
so much about how its discouraged for her to be with me just cause of different religion.
ok not to throw no shade or no disrespect to the JW religion. which i truly do respect
I think I see what your problem is.
I feel my life is even more complete not having met this guy.
there seems to be confusion within christianity regarding whether or not god communicates with humans today and if he does, how does he do it?.
- does god still insert thoughts into people's minds today or is that something which he only did in the past?.
- some maintain that god is no longer giving persons dreams/visions or speaking directly to them or sending angels to speak with them today but he will nevertheless insert thoughts into their minds to guide them.
Does God communicate with humans today?
just read a quote:.
"people want to ban pokemon go in places of worship, because they are sick of people coming inside chasing after imaginary beings".
i found this little jem this morning .
it's a little dated but describes the self-proclaimed jesus of nazareth by the name of a.j miller.
he was raised in the jw religion and was also an elder and pioneer.
Millie, you made me LOL!
I often wondered why my parents never really got 'chummy' with too many Witnesses. Seems my thoughts about a lot of them being wack-a-doodle is spot on.
besides being raised in the religion , why do people become jws?
The JW craziness was brought into my family by my maternal grandfather. He converted from Catholicism to JW in the 1950s. He was disgusted with his religion when the coffins of the aborted babies from the Nuns on Nuns Island in Montreal, Quebec were discovered. He had seen the priests row over to Nuns Island at night earlier in his life and put 2 and 2 together. The coffins had been buried around the Basilica and were dug up when the subway was being constructed (according to the story my Mom told me).
so i was talking with my daughter the other day and she tells me that she doesn't want me to push my beliefs on her.i am agnostic.
which isn't a belief.
it's a lack of belief.
If the 3 main faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam started out as Witches do... "And ye harm none, do what ye will" ... we'd likely live in a much better world.
Witches revere nature. They are Pagans believing all things in nature to be divine including the equal importance of God and Goddess.
when i joined jws my mother said " you know they don't take blood and their suicide rate is much higher than general public.
in last three years i have known three young brothers all dead at their own hands, a gun ,a rope , plastic bag over head.
i knew these guys personally, it's one sad story after another.
One of our own JWN members, Oompa, took his own life as he could not handle the shunning.
JWs are really kind of a death cult. If you don't die from boredom, suicide because you don't feel worthy enough, or lack of proper medical treatment, your life dies from the tedium of constant Field Serve-Us and meetings, meetings, meetings.
i just received the following link to a video where some claim that jws are pressuring syrian refugees in northern greece to convert.
fyi, i tried to locate the date of the video, but couldn't, so don't know if it is recent or not.
Holy Crap.... JWs are the ambulance chasers of the religious world!
this video showed a married brother with three children living in a nice domicile and working full time.
his employer demands that he change his working pattern such that it conflicts with his being able to attend wt meetings at the weekend.
the brother decides not to yield to his employer’s demand and is thus dismissed.. the brother seeks for work very actively over a significant period but without any alternative being found.
Crazyguy said: Jehovah will provide jack shit!
Crazyguy nails it.