Funchback, I would have to say that your area is evidently over saturated having 2 JW carts in such close proximity.
Edited to add: Meanwhile, where I live, I have yet to see these carts.
1. three jw ladies, standing on the avenue along the beach here in sunny, warm fortaleza, cearĂ¡ (brazil)2. two jw guys sitting on a bench doing the same as the ladies in pic 13. let's see how productive they are being doing this urgent, life-saving work.
Funchback, I would have to say that your area is evidently over saturated having 2 JW carts in such close proximity.
Edited to add: Meanwhile, where I live, I have yet to see these carts.
thanksgiving is really just a nice, traditional, family-oriented day set aside on a national level.
no babylon the great.
give me a break with the holier than thou, "we don't celebrate thanksgiving.
"WE'RE Thankful EVERY day."
i told him i communicate with my dog, my dog informed me that the cute little french poodle two doors south is a slut.
my orange tree is not producing fruit this year, so i cursed it and told it i want you out of yard.and then i told him the other day i was at the race track (horses) and while passing the stables old turkey told me he will win his race today.
what do you think my psychiatrist diagnose for me.
I feel a 'commitment' coming on.
march study edition says we should show honer to people in general that includes df ones great now i can smile and show honer to them by speaking to them and not shunning them..
Interesting Poopie. Maybe this is why HereIgo and I (and maybe others?) have been contacted of late by family members that had been 'shunning' us.
if in the wts earthly-paradise fantasy, the wolf won't eat no more the lamb and they will be the best friends, will human continue to kill lambs to eat?.
the earthly paradise is vegan?.
My cousin went vegan. Her hemoglobin levels dropped so dangerously low that her doctor told her she had to introduce meat back into her diet.
And could you imagine the massive amounts of insects we'd be wading through if they weren't eaten by the various carnivorous and omnivorous species on this planet?!
so we were at another family members home for a random celebration when the nature channel showed a killer whale eating a seal and my sister in law was horrified.
we made a joke about the circle of life and i said something along the lines of 'everything that lives must die, the bible says every king must die, so even jesus wasn't immune'.
after that comment there was an awkward silence with our jw family whispering to each other about my comment of dying.. once upon a time i asked my uber elder jw brother if he thought that he would not die and he asked me if i knew when god would start armageddon.
smiddy is spot on. When I started learning more about the natural processes on Earth, it suddenly hit me, in order for there to be life there MUST be death. Put another way, death feeds life.
It was then that I realized how f'ed up all religion is that believes death is due to sin.
3 questions i hit my jw mum with:.
first question: do you believe that god is love?
third question: do you think a god of love would choose to destroy me for not doing something i cannot do (be a jw) because i am not convinced rather than convince me beyond doubt?
LOL @ Vidiot.
Yeah, they use their fall backs of 'you don't have enough faith' and 'I'll pray for you' which both mean absolutely bupkis. They're meant to kill the conversation.
3 questions i hit my jw mum with:.
first question: do you believe that god is love?
third question: do you think a god of love would choose to destroy me for not doing something i cannot do (be a jw) because i am not convinced rather than convince me beyond doubt?
Divergent said: Her answer: You don't want to be convinced.
"No Mom, I refuse to be bamboozled."
Divergent, you did an excellent job with your statements.
Several years ago I had a discussion with a couple of Christian Support Workers at my Dad's nursing home. At the end of our conversation one of them said "I will pray for you." as obviously, I wasn't a believer.
I can honestly say, her prayers aren't working. To this day, I remain unconvinced in the existence of any Sky Daddy spirit-being.
as i have revealed in other threads my mother and i havent talked in over 2 years.
she has been keeping her distance, therefore staying loyal to jehovah.
she found me on facebook.
HereIgo said: Was there a recent study article written about reaching out to "inactive" ones?
Maybe it's the annual 'Armageddon is so close' push?
It's a good question though as my cousin who hasn't spoken to me in over 7 years recently emailed me twice. So far there has been no mention of the religion in his correspondence though. I wonder if it will in any future ones.
not playing their game, as i've learned here.
they came to my door to find me with a full beard and a nightmare before christmas hoody, playing a video game where the characters "do not act according to bible principles", and i happily answered the door.
i simply smiled and told them no when they asked if i have a minute.
blondie said: That elder shouts: Are you saying that the WTS is not God's organization.
Husband: No, you said it.
It seems to me, from many of the stories I've read here, that this is what the elders are really after. They aren't trying to encourage anyone. They are trying to 'keep the Borganization clean'. It also seems to me, that by this very action, they are actually accomplishing the exact opposite. :0/