I have seen dogs and cats use carpet as toilet paper. I had to regularly clean up the carpet after the cats did their business.
Posts by Heaven
Animals were created without needing Toilet Paper ... but not Man ... Why???
by RubaDub inmy dog and other pets do their "business" and run away and are happy.. man does not have that luxury.
any thoughts on why animals were created with the "poop and go" capacity while man has to go through more steps?
was this perhaps an additional issue that god added on when adam and eve sinned (such as eve having significant more birth pains)?
Is It Really All That Surprising that Kevin Didn't Go Into the Bunker?
by Wild_Thing injust look at his history!
w00 8/15 pp.
8-11 - the watchtower—2000: "kevin needed an additional $900, so he decided to sell his 16 two-year-old pigeons.
Kevin and Andre are definitely related.
DEATH: How have you prepared? Funeral, cremation, donate body to Science?
by TerryWalstrom inwell, hell!.
i had dizzy spells and near-fainting and nausea for a few days, so why wouldn't i start thinking about death, ya know?.
am i just very lax in my responsibilities in having no plans at all?isn't that irresponsible?
I was thinking cremation. Hoping that friends and family have a party as well. Some people who know they are going to pass away hold 'Celebration of Life' parties. I like that idea.
There are alternative options to traditional burial that use your dead body to grow trees and memorial/memory forests such as Capsula Mundi.
There aren't any details on cost on the Capsula Mundi website. They do have a Kickstarter program going. I'd consider this option if it isn't too expensive.
However, if it doesn't cost anything to donate my body to Science, that might be another option. Terry, do you have any details on this?
I feel slightly demonized after watching this
by rebel8 inhttps://www.facebook.com/officialanttix/videos/1344960652199711/.
“the essence, the soul, of disco was shown to be free,“liberated” sexual expression….satan is manipulating this world for his own purposes, shouldn’t we expect that he would also use the world’s entertainment in his efforts to turn people from true worship?” awake 1979 dec 22 p.20.
to cure me of the demons i just caught, maybe i should say 5 hail marys look at jw dot org 3x and put a napkin on my head the next 5 times my husband is in the room.
If you are dancing to disco in your basement it means you aren't out in Field Serve-Us. Anything that detracts from this is forbidden. Now get out there and recruit more people, preferably ones who have money and are willing to fork it over.
Can GB be guilty of sinning against Holy Spirit
by Chook inthe crime is ,condoning the removal of and shunning of jw children ,who when older want to express freedom of religion and attend another church.
god created family unit ,gb destroys lives on all levels of family tree.
can this be the unforgivable sin?.
And again, Jesus' words at Matthew 10:35: "For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law".
Botchtower accomplished this very well in my family.
"God does not desire any to be destroyed "
by stuckinarut2 inso if that quote from the bible is correct, for every year that goes by another couple of million people will need to be destroyed.
it just doesn't make sense right?
Hey stuck, which specific scripture is that?
It certainly contradicts Psalm 137:9: "Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks." - NIV
I feel slightly demonized after watching this
by rebel8 inhttps://www.facebook.com/officialanttix/videos/1344960652199711/.
“the essence, the soul, of disco was shown to be free,“liberated” sexual expression….satan is manipulating this world for his own purposes, shouldn’t we expect that he would also use the world’s entertainment in his efforts to turn people from true worship?” awake 1979 dec 22 p.20.
to cure me of the demons i just caught, maybe i should say 5 hail marys look at jw dot org 3x and put a napkin on my head the next 5 times my husband is in the room.
Coming soon... the evils of twerking. Or did I miss that article already?
I need more faith so I've been told
by hoser ini attended the circus assembly last weekend and i have come to the conclusion i am lacking faith.
the opening talk on the program, the very first words that came out of the speakers mouth told me so.
he said most of us here are lacking faith even though we might not know it.
This 'lacking faith' label is not just JW, it's Christian wide. Any time I engage Christians in discussions and present facts that refute their beliefs, they fall back on the 'you need to have more faith'. Then I'm told "I will pray for you."
So far their prayers aren't working.
I have wasps (yellow jackets) nesting in behind the light next to my front door. I haven't had a lot of door knockers this year. Hmmm... I wonder why.
WT “Study” for 11th Sept 2016 – “Why Must We ‘Keep on the Watch’”?
by Nicholaus Kopernicus ini was really puzzled when i opened this edition of the wt magazine at the above “study”.
what on earth has this picture at the top of page 13 got to do with christian watchfulness?
i wasn’t making a connection at all.
Some excellent comments made on this thread.
Listener said: They are now stumbling around in the dark. They have no oil left in their lamps because they used it all on their false dates.
They keep using the phrase 'the light is getting brighter' when they change their doctrines but in reality, it's getting dimmer and dimmer.
FOG (Fear, Obligation, Guilt) tactics don't work on me. They have the opposite anticipated affect, actually. Kinda like this: