And the rambling! Oh god, answer the question you politicking bastard.
They are Teflon Men. Smarmy, slimy, it's-not-my-problem, f*ck-tards.
When I found out the extent of the pedophilia going on in this religion, and how the men of authority in it dealt with this, it sickened me. I am embarrassed that some of my family are in this putrid cult.
Angus Stewart did an awesome job. In my email to him I commended their work. I wondered how they had the energy to deal with all of this. If you are interested, I will post the content of my letter.
From Angus Stewart, I learned of the conditions, what Angus called 'a perfect storm of conditions within Jehovah's Witnesses', that allow pedophilia to flourish. I have to say that I've added Angus to my list of heroes. Here is a graphic I created of that info: