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Posts by Heaven
Welcome President Pence!
by Wasanelder Once incan we expect legal problems for trump to cripple his authority?
remember that trump u. is still pending as well as multiple accusations of groping.
there is that one case of the woman claiming he raped her at 13. wow america, you really know how to pick'em.
Relatives of those who have lost their lives putting faith of life or death in a religion that is neither Inspired nor Infallible.
by smiddy inwith the admission of the governing body that they are neither inspired nor infallible , i am curious to know how many of you people from all around the world know of somebody ,a relative or friend , who lost their life because of following the dictates of a religion that now says they are neither inspired nor infallible.,that they now admit they make mistakes.. how many people have needlesly died having followed the jehovahs witness religions policys regarding not getting your child vaccinated against diseases ,which was the case years ago, not having organ transplants as that was considered cannilbalismm years ago ,and since the mid 1940`s the ban on jehovahs witnesses having blood transfusions.. yet somehow today you can have fractions of blood donated by non jw`s who are designated as people to be destroyed at armageddon because they follow satans system of things,.
blood that is donated by these people ,stored in a laboratory , and processed into fractions by laboratory staff and given to jehovahs witnesses with their consent.with no consequences to them for doing so.. blood is not poured out on the ground and not used for any purpose as their bible the nwt dictates.or any other bible for that matter..
My cousin died as the result of a very bad car accident and refusing a needed blood transfusion. She left behind 3 children and her husband.
My family has been damaged thanks to the mean spirited nature of the 'kick your unbelieving family to the curb' ideal this religion holds.
"The G.B. is neither inspired nor infallible"
by smiddy inthat admission in the feb.17 ,study edition of the watchtower , " who is leading gods people today ?
" "the governing body is neither inspired, nor infallible, therefore it (they/we) can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction .".
have the many jehovahs witnesses past and present who have lost their lives by refusing blood transfusions due to the prohibition on blood tranfusions by jehovahs witnesses really got the sense of this statement ?.
All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.
fisherman said: There is a scriptural basis for that:
All the more reason to ignore it. Use critical and logical thinking. If their instructions are damaging or destructive, do NOT follow them. I like to use historical evidence of past 'instructions' as benchmarks. I am not seeing a lot of instructions from these guys that would be of much use. They have their agenda. Follow the money.
Vidiot said: There's a scriptural basis for the assertion that women and children are property.
Shall we follow that, too?
Patriarchy has long outlived any usefulness it had, if any. Thank you Vidiot.
"The G.B. is neither inspired nor infallible"
by smiddy inthat admission in the feb.17 ,study edition of the watchtower , " who is leading gods people today ?
" "the governing body is neither inspired, nor infallible, therefore it (they/we) can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction .".
have the many jehovahs witnesses past and present who have lost their lives by refusing blood transfusions due to the prohibition on blood tranfusions by jehovahs witnesses really got the sense of this statement ?.
smiddy said: If its not to painful to speak about this Heaven i,we , would love to know more about the situations you found yourself in with your dad and your cousin , and how this panned out.
Hey smiddy... I don't mind sharing. I could probably write a book but will try to keep it fairly short. Hahaha.
On the whole, my Witness family, outside of my parents, have been pretty good people. My folks went through a period of being fairly mean to us in the '90s which damaged our family. The Borg's 'kick your unbelieving family to the curb' belief is largely responsible for this.
In his email my cousin said they always think fondly of my Dad and our family. I am not sure if they would think fondly of us all now. We aren't JWs and don't ever plan to be. My bro lives common law with his girlfriend. My niece (she is an Industrial Electrician) lives common law with her boyfriend and pole dances for recreation. I'm sure that wouldn't go over well. And I love pagan stuff... witches, dragons, fairies, crystals, candles, nature, herbs, etc, etc. I'd rather have pagan memorabilia in my house than religious items any day. (I am a Secular Humanist but I love the romance and beauty of pagan, shamanistic, fantasy things). My Dad is truly mentally ill, suffering from dementia.
I am not that young anymore - there is more than 50 years of JW history in my family. With my cousins, things go back to before my one cousin's death. In the early '90s I believe (maybe even before that), their Father (my Uncle and my Mom's brother) was DF'ed. No one has told me the reason but I suspect it was due to a disagreement with some sort of doctrine. I'd have to look back at that time to see what flip-flop(s) was/were going on. I'm pretty sure his DFing was before the change in the 'this generation' teaching in the mid '90s. He did get re-instated, particularly after the elders who DF'ed him were subsequently DF'ed themselves. He has since passed away.
At any rate, my Uncle's daughter, died some time after he was DF'ed. She refused a blood transfusion after being in a very bad car accident. She was t-boned in an intersection waiting to turn left on a green light. A car came careening through the intersection against the red light and hit her. One of her sons was in the vehicle too. He survived but his mental abilities were affected and his breathing is now different (he had to be intubated). My cousin that died left behind 3 children and a husband. Her husband remarried (he wasn't a JW) and as far as I know 2 of the 3 kids are not JW. They are all adults now.
I wonder how the changes to the blood policy have affected them. No one has ever said and I have not asked.
So my cousin who emailed me, his daughter got married about 11 years ago. I took Dad to the wedding. It was there that my cousin's Mom (my Aunt) says to me "Heaven. I wasn't supposed to get old!" I just nodded my head (I try hard not to get into in-depth discussions on this stuff with my family as they don't want to hear what I have to say). My Aunt's health is not good. Her daughter is looking after her.
All the recent changes may be affecting them as they have been JWs for decades. My cousins were born-in. It wouldn't surprise me if they are having their doubts.
Back in 2009, my cousin was contacted by one of the elders at my Dad's Hall because something wasn't right with my Dad. He wasn't cutting his grass and this elder was doing it. So my cousin emailed me. Since that time, my life has not been the same. I have had to look after Dad and that takes up a lot of time. The elder who contacted my cousin is a pretty good guy. He offered to help. I told him I appreciated it but that he had his own family to take care of. They have always offered their help. They are getting older too and their health isn't top notch so I don't bother them with my issues. I don't really want the JWs involved either.
So I haven't heard from this cousin who emailed me since he told me Dad isn't doing well and I need to check it out over 7 years ago. I am wondering why suddenly he is emailing me. His Mom used to call my Dad and chat on the phone but Dad's phone has been disconnected now for a few years. Am wondering if it has to do with some sort of recent JW stance... maybe this whole 'GB are not perfect nor infallible' thing was their straw.
I replied to him last night. Will wait to see if I get anything back.
Ooops... looks like this wasn't very short.
"The G.B. is neither inspired nor infallible"
by smiddy inthat admission in the feb.17 ,study edition of the watchtower , " who is leading gods people today ?
" "the governing body is neither inspired, nor infallible, therefore it (they/we) can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction .".
have the many jehovahs witnesses past and present who have lost their lives by refusing blood transfusions due to the prohibition on blood tranfusions by jehovahs witnesses really got the sense of this statement ?.
Interestingly enough, I just received an email from one of my JW cousins. They haven't contacted me in 7 years ... and they knew Dad wasn't well. I wonder what this is all about...
Edited to add: This is my cousin who lost his sister years ago when she refused a blood transfusion after being in a very bad car accident.
contradictory statements?
by aboveusonlysky ini'm always interested to hear what a 'spokesman' for the organization has to say when newspapers report on child abuse issues.. for example the following statement was made in a recent guardian article.
a spokesman for the jehovah’s witnesses said: “we are in no position to, and neither would we wish to, force any victim of abuse to confront their attacker.”.
and this is straight from the shepherd the flock book -.
Saename said: There was a letter a few months ago that updated these policies. Victims of sexual abuse no longer have to meet their abusers on Judicial Committees. It is possible that this is why this spokesman said that. He could mean that although victims in the past were forced to meet their abusers, they no longer have to today. They're basically like politicians, avoiding harmful (to them) information.
Which then begs the question why didn't Jehoopla get it right the first time? -
contradictory statements?
by aboveusonlysky ini'm always interested to hear what a 'spokesman' for the organization has to say when newspapers report on child abuse issues.. for example the following statement was made in a recent guardian article.
a spokesman for the jehovah’s witnesses said: “we are in no position to, and neither would we wish to, force any victim of abuse to confront their attacker.”.
and this is straight from the shepherd the flock book -.
It's Theocratic Warfare. They feel it is ok to lie to anyone who is not a JW when they perceive that Jehovah is about to look bad and possibly have his name dragged through the mud.
So I just watched Jackson's ARC interview...
by schnell inthank you, everybody here, for introducing me to this.
no, no i had not heard of this.
child abuse issues have been roundly dismissed as apostate attacks in the congregations i've attended in the last decade.
Vidiot said: I kept half-expecting his head to go kablooie like that poor f**ker in Scanners.
You could smell the burning. And I'm in Canada.
So I just watched Jackson's ARC interview...
by schnell inthank you, everybody here, for introducing me to this.
no, no i had not heard of this.
child abuse issues have been roundly dismissed as apostate attacks in the congregations i've attended in the last decade.
It is possible that during his questioning, Bowditch was, for the first time, presented with ideas he had never thought of before - ie. ... that children outside of the religion also need protecting from JW sexual predators.
Maybe some seeds were planted that day. I like to think so. I also think he was trying to figure out how not to perjure himself but at the same time, not get DF'ed from the religion. Oh what tangled web they weave.
Halloween, Day of the Dead, the Flood, yada yada yada
by schnell inmy local public radio station today had a piece about dia de los muertos, and after all this time, i was surprised to learn that this day was actually moved to november by the spanish from september.
so much for all that "halloween/all saints/day of the dead celebrates the flood!
" nonsense.
Hallowe'en is the Witch's New Year called Samhain. Some say it is pronounced 'sow-in' but in Gaelic mh is pronounced as a 'v' so it is likely to be more like 'sav-ahn'. It is their festival or sabbat marking the end of the harvest, beginning of winter or 'the darker half of the year', and a time to honour one's ancestors. They believe it is a time when the parting of the veil occurs - where the worlds are thinnest and spirits can pass through into our world with ease.