I want to say one more thing:
Morrisam & Mimilly the two of you are an example of just how STRONG women can be in times of crisis. I hope only happiness for the both of you. It's good to know these assholes couldn't destroy you.
ladies i know i shouldn't really hit on this because i have no real understanding of what you go through when you are raped.
i just want to try and understand some of what is going on.
let me ask this q. do you believe that the elders do not want to report the rapes or they are told they cannot report the rapes from the gb?
I want to say one more thing:
Morrisam & Mimilly the two of you are an example of just how STRONG women can be in times of crisis. I hope only happiness for the both of you. It's good to know these assholes couldn't destroy you.
ladies i know i shouldn't really hit on this because i have no real understanding of what you go through when you are raped.
i just want to try and understand some of what is going on.
let me ask this q. do you believe that the elders do not want to report the rapes or they are told they cannot report the rapes from the gb?
First I would like to thank everyone that particpated in this thread especially you Mimilly; It couldn't have been easy for you to open up to a stranger and share a very dramatic and disatrous event in your life.Thanks to all of you I have learned a little more on a very touchy subject.
one of the things that people don't realize is that victims are as different from each other as are people who haven't been abused/raped. We're all different colours and we have positive and negative traits. We'll all human. morrisamb
Morrisamb those words are so true. I have watched some women become completely destroyed by some ass hole who did this to them while others (like Mimilly) have come back fighting saying no more , never again. It depends on the state of mind and strength of the woman I guess.
I feel good about coming here.
Peace James
ladies i know i shouldn't really hit on this because i have no real understanding of what you go through when you are raped.
i just want to try and understand some of what is going on.
let me ask this q. do you believe that the elders do not want to report the rapes or they are told they cannot report the rapes from the gb?
Hey SYN Nice to meet you.
You sum my feelings up in a couple of thoughts. I can't stand to see women hurt either I even find myself protecting women I can't stand. I feel as long as you don't put your hands on one or abuse them in any other way it's okay to disagree. Thanks!
ladies i know i shouldn't really hit on this because i have no real understanding of what you go through when you are raped.
i just want to try and understand some of what is going on.
let me ask this q. do you believe that the elders do not want to report the rapes or they are told they cannot report the rapes from the gb?
Thanks Mimilly and I will respect that and only email if I have more of these questions. I thought this subject would be kind of touchy but I chanced it because I need to know what to do. I will explain why I need to know in private. Thanks. hugs
ladies i know i shouldn't really hit on this because i have no real understanding of what you go through when you are raped.
i just want to try and understand some of what is going on.
let me ask this q. do you believe that the elders do not want to report the rapes or they are told they cannot report the rapes from the gb?
it was difficult to understand her feelings on the issue. I didn't really understand at that time that rape was more about control and little or nothing about sex. LB
That's what I hear from the experts. I don't get why they need to control someone who's begging them to stop. It's sick.
She was pretty darn safe with me. I didn't lay a hand on her for a long time as it was obvious that being close to anyone was difficult for her. In fact on our second date she informed me that if I was expecting sex, then I was barking up the wrong tree. If I wanted a friend then she was available for that. This was a first for me to be honest. The relationship took a long time before it became sexual. Then it only lasted a brief time. She was one of the very few girlfriends that didn't hate my guts afterwards????
You are a strong man LB, women need these kinds of men. I would never hurt a woman but it's important to me that they know that. I just don't know how to talk with them on the subject.
Mimilly Monster - interesting nick, and welcome to the board.
Thanks, and Yeah the name fits because I did some things to my family that I now regrett.
Elder one said that I bewitched men and shouldn't be near them. Yep. He said that. Elder two said I must have wanted it because I didn't scream. (how does one scream while enduring a flashback of one's childhood? - He couldn't answer that one) The 'offending' brother got off on the flashback.
Because you didn't scream? How does he know was he there? and besides what does not screaming have to do with it? Women don't scream because they are afriad for their lives. Now that's something even I know.
They want the goodies - the details, and as many details as possible. They're perverts. They re-rape. They re-punch. They re-choke. THEY are abusers by their very words and actions and/or inactions.
Now with these men doing this to you it doesn't make a woman want to trust a man again or talk or trust them with private information. This is why I wouldn't fault a woman for not trusting us.
There are triggers everywhere and I know how to react now
Now that's tight, let me ask this: When the triggers go off what happens to you inside? Do you have to leave for a while , start crying what? let me say this, the girl I dated had those triggers go off everytime I grabbed her by the wrist. But I didn't know that what was going on inside her. I found out later she was held by her wrist by other men while others took turns on her. And like you everyone tried to make her feel it was her doing. She suduced the helpless men. Those sick bastards!
Mimilly don't answer those questions if they hurt or to personal.
I simply won't attract the predators.
Don't ever feel like you attrack predators. They are men who are no damn good looking for someone to hurt. I hung around men in the Army that was looking for females like it was some kind of sport as if ladies were animals to hunt down and capture. A few of my boys followed women to their homes to find out if they had a man. I know it sounds wild but it's so true. They would drive by their homes watching them. These ladies never knew they were being watched like that.
Mimilly thanks for taking time to let me in on your feelings.
peace James (((((((mimilly))))))))
ladies i know i shouldn't really hit on this because i have no real understanding of what you go through when you are raped.
i just want to try and understand some of what is going on.
let me ask this q. do you believe that the elders do not want to report the rapes or they are told they cannot report the rapes from the gb?
Ladies I know I shouldn't really hit on this because I have no real understanding of what you go through when you are raped. I just want to try and understand some of what is going on.
Let me ask this Q. Do you believe that the elders do not want to report the rapes or they are told they cannot report the rapes from the GB?
I know of two of my Army buddies who were accused of raping some females in Saudi, I believe the ladies because no woman in her right mind would tell she was raped in the military unless she wanted to suffer entrenal shame.These guys got off , the ladies were made to look like whores.
Religion rape has to be a whole new twist, after all you are being taught Jehovah wants to you remain clean until marriage, but some ass hole comes along and takes that from you, I can't imagine what suffering you are going through in the mind.
I believe the elders not reporting it has everything to do with the GB. Get this: I still have that little green book about family life, I notice they want us to believe that women are weak (which is one of the reasons they take so many freedoms from women) the book also says that women act more on emotion and us strong men use our heads. I don't believe that for a minute but it could explain why the Elders are so quick to doubt a womans story. You know what's going through their minds right? oh boy another lady over reacting to a man making a pass at her. She did something to lead him on. I know that's how they think because I heard it so many times. I have seven other brothers if my sister was ever raped by anyone , god help him.
Ladies what's your take on all of this? What do you think is going on behind closed doors? Do you ever think you could run to a man for help if this ever happened again.? If you never trusted us again I would never fault you. How could I ?
Have you ever dated a woman who was raped?
did you help her to get past the pain or was it to much to deal with?
Did you feel you would always have to prove to her she was safe with you?
Have an of you former elders ever had a sister come in and say she was raped? if yes what did you do to help her?
Personally I don't know how to deal with rape. I see women who suffer it and just don't know what to say to them. I wish I could hold them but I know they don't want any man touching them. I know they are blown over the thought after being raped they have to go before a male doctor to be checked out. I dated a girl once who was raped but I didn't know because she was such a great pretender. I did feel she was nervous everytime I spoke of her being alone with me, and whenever I grabbed her by the wrist she began shaking. One day I asked her why she was so nervous when I touched her, my boy comes out with "man she's been hit everyone knows that" I looked at her she had a look of sheer shame on her face she jumped out and ran out. I could have killed him for busting her out like that. My boy thought it was funny busting her out like that, I let him know I don't get off on shit like that. He almost ended our friendship. She wouldn't see me anymore that hurt but I understood her. I guess I am not one to be there for women when they are hurt like this.
So guys give me your take , maybe I can learn what I do wrong. I would like to do something to all rapist but I will get in trouble for just saying it in a public place like this.
Peace James.
hi people its nice to meet you all.
i envy many of you here who had nice relationships with your family before family ties were cut.
because you had such strong relationships with family members i guess i can understand your angry feelings towards jws.
SixofNine Dawg, you are a monster
I see you caught on to my name quick. Yes i am but I am working on being a good monster.
So how's your moms doing with the ole submission thing all these years?
LOL much better now that she makes the descisions because of dad's condition.
something about those girls named sally, simply very to-the-point types!
LMAO...No comment.
Morrisamb yes us little brothers can be trouble at times LOL. tell him i said hey.
Thanks everyone for trying to understand the letter and the warm welcome.
hi people its nice to meet you all.
i envy many of you here who had nice relationships with your family before family ties were cut.
because you had such strong relationships with family members i guess i can understand your angry feelings towards jws.
Hey James! Great story! I wish I had had the guts to do half of the stunts you pulled.
lol and I wish I never did those things. Thanks Tammy.
hi people its nice to meet you all.
i envy many of you here who had nice relationships with your family before family ties were cut.
because you had such strong relationships with family members i guess i can understand your angry feelings towards jws.
Okay I don't know what happened to my punctuation marks but I think you all can understand it. I wrote my story first and then posted it maybe that had something to do with it..
Thanks sigswife appreciate the understanding.
hi people its nice to meet you all.
i envy many of you here who had nice relationships with your family before family ties were cut.
because you had such strong relationships with family members i guess i can understand your angry feelings towards jws.
Hi people its nice to meet you all.
I have a story to tell but its not like those I have read here. I envy many of you here who had nice relationships with your family before family ties were cut. Because you had such strong relationships with family members I guess I can understand your angry feelings towards jws
My story with jws stated when I was 13yrs old. I am the 8 th , child of seven other brothers and one little sister. I along with one of my older brothers and baby sister was living at home at the time when my dad met them. We didnt have a real bad or hard life my dad was an engineer. He made good money we lived behind the neighborhood my dad had grown up in, so its not like we forgot our roots. But in-spite of the fact that dad made good money he appeared to be empty inside, mom felt it was midlife crisis. One-day dad comes home in good spirits and spoke about a co-worker who had given him some religious magazines to take home and read. After some time he began going to meetings with the co-worker. Mom was happy to see a change in dad I really couldnt care less because I was going through teen problems of my own.
Dad n mom started going to the meeting and the next thing I know we all had to go. I protested and said I would never go I didnt care about any god. My dad let me know as long as I lived under his roof and was under age I would do as he wishes. I soon made sure he regretted that decision.
Fist meeting I attended I took note of everything to see what I was up against. The girls were dizzy and empty headed but I decided to use them for my own purpose. Guys my own age were no better than the females I wondered if any of em had sex before, they were weak and lankly looking.
Second meeting; was a Sunday meeting. I took my Walkman and one of my Easy E tapes. I sat in the back moving my shoulders wearing sunglasses raping the song. Few second later I felt a sharp tap on my shoulder, I jumped up said, "Yo Sup" My brother and sister laughed, it was my dad. We went outside where he could yell at me without disturbing anyone. My dad threatens to have my mom take care of me when we go home. See my dad was strong in most matters but mom was capital punishment she was old school to the bone. We go back inside everyone is looking at us. At home mom decides I would be grounded for a couple of days, which meant I would have sneak out when they went to bed.
At another meeting (book study.) We were studying some book about a dragon being cast out of heaven and beast coming from the seas. I was high, as hell I started bugging. That shit is cool man, what the hell is going on in heaven dog? God got beast and dragons coming to get us. Word? The younger kids understood every word I said and laughed, the older ones just gave me stupid looks. After the meeting the young kids tried to explain it to me, I could see from the look in my moms eyes I was going to get an ass whooping when we got home. LOL. We all go home theres a big fight. I screamed out there is no god. My mother took that personally so I asked, if theres a god why is he always letting
the brothers get smoked? They all became quiet. If there is a god where does it say to force your kids to worship him? Even though I made my points I still got the ass beating. It was no big deal mom dont hit as hard as she used to.
A week later a Montel Williams show came on about angels. People were telling stories about how angels helped them, I called my mom in to see it and said, look mom, that fat woman said she was craving some beef when an angle knocked on her door with a package of meat for her. I started laughing and cracking jokes. "So let me get this right, god sends the angle to give that fat woman some beef because she has a taste for it but thousands of children are starving all over the world and they cant get a cup of clean water to drink what kind of god is that?" She walked out never saying a word.
The elders talked to my dad about a family study they would send a conductor over. He came with a sister who was looking for a husband. First meeting I took pleasure in making mom scared about joining this religion. I took advantage of the womans role in everything. My mom was the most liberal minded female I have ever known. Its better to kill mom then take freedoms from her. I questioned the elder, "so what you are saying here is, if my dad wanted to move to one city and mom wanted to stay in this one its best mom go along with his plans because after all he's her head and by right she don't have to right to over ride dad's head in these matters?" The brother tried to beat around the bush but the sister jumped right in and said ,yes its the way god got it set up. I had a big smile on my face. I jokingly said, Hey it looks like dad will wear the pants from now on hey mom! she was mad. Every chance I got I brought it up in conversations. Whenever mom did something I asked if dad had approved of it, boy if looks could kill LOL.
Another study talked about sex (my favorite subject). The elder had a big brown book with him in the book he quoted a passage that said its not real important if a woman is not satisfied in sex as long as the man was. My mom couldn't believe it, she asked to read the book sure enough it was there. Again I took advantage of it all. "So I dont have to worry about if the girl gets hers as long as I get mine?" Everyone looked at me, "Well I dont know if thats a good idea because she ain't gonna come back if she cant crack one". My dad was to embarrassed. Now the elder started preaching to me why I should wait for marriage before having sex. I said, that would explain why you can't sexually satisfy females you have no experience and don't know what you are doing, man get out of here with that I am getting mine. The elder sat there with a blank look on his face the sister said, well it sounds like you are insecure with yourself thats why you want to conquer as many females as you can. I came back with, that would explain why you are not married you have no idea what makes men happy, in fact you wish you were conquered you are the one thats looking, I am the one thats getting. She didn't come to anymore of our family meetings. She ignored me at every meeting.
At the next wt meeting my dad made sure I was going to pay attention, he threaten to take away my home video games if I didnt answer any questions. So after the brother finished reading about a man who was beat up by Indians in a jungle who later forced him to swim across a lake, which turned into a blessing because he had not taken a bath that day and after he gotten out of the water he was, as the book said, "sparkling clean". I raised my hand, they called on me. I said, Thank god, Jehovah had those Indians to beat that man down, instead of going to the meeting dirty he went all sparkly because of an ass whooping, sure he smelled like fish but at least he was clean, brother you know what I am saying? The elder laughed but my dad was mad and not laughing he came up to the front grabbed me by the ear and pulled me in the back everyone was watching and laughing.
At other meetings I began hitting on the sisters in the hall, the brothers warned their daughters to stay away from me. One brother took me in a back room to confront my womanizing ways I assured him that because he had one of the ugliest daughters in the hall he didnt have to worry about me hitting on her. I walked out I could feel his looks stabbing me in the back.
Cutting the story short now. I did one more thing after the many things ( I am not going to talk about) I had already did. This last thing would cut ties with my dad and me for a few years.
I knew a ho named sally (not real name) sally had a talent of making her nipples stick up at a moments notice. We all liked sally J I paid sally to play a little joke on a couple of brothers. I asked dad to let one of my friends take me to the meeting, he agreed thinking he would get a little break from me. Later in walks sally and me. She had on a nice short black shirt with a business jacket. I went to one of the brothers and asked if he would come in the back room to help us with a problem. The brother went and got an elder. All four of us went to the back room. Sally started talking about her inability to control her sexual needs, right away the elder caught on to our little game but the brother didn't he was looking puzzled and embarrassed. Second later sally walks over to the younger brother and opens her jacket; there she was standing there with only a t-shirt on and breast standing up. POP came the nipples poking out; the young brother turned cherry red. Sally had another talent I didn't know about she could make her breast jump one at a time up and down, up and down. She did it in the brothers face he was stone frozen with fear and embarrassment. The elder looked at us laughing but he was pissed I had finally crossed the line. He walked out to get dad, as soon as dad saw sally he knew it was all true. Everyone in the neighborhood always talked about sally. Even though I got a cheep thrill out of embarrassing the brother something in my dads eyes told me he was finished with trying to help me. My dad excused himself from the meeting we all went home; he never said a word to me the whole ride home. It didn't feel so good anymore to play my little joke. We got home my dad gave me a long stare and walked into his room. My mom asked me, why do you do these ugly things? Now I was a shamed of myself. The are many other things I did but I didnt mention them because it would have taken much longer to write it all out, but this was the last straw. For the next couple of years dad didnt ask me to go to meetings he barley said a word to me anymore. I won my battle but I lost my dad in doing it.
After high school I joined the army. Four years went by and I never talked with my family I didn't even say good-bye when I had to go to Saudi. After serving in Saudi for a year I got a call that dad was on his deathbed. I rushed to his side, I saw him laying there, he looked so weak to me not the strong man I had been raised by, I tried to say I was sorry for all the bad things I did to him but my lips kept trembling I just broke down and cried,. He really couldn't talk anymore; all he could do was give me a smile, which helped me feel better. Dad is home with mom now he doesnt get around like he use to but he still goes to his meetings with mom, my little sister, and brother goes once in a while.
I am struggling with believing in god, sometimes I do sometimes I dont. I did notice one thing when serving in the army: There are a lot of GIS that are married to jws wives. They are everywhere. What is it about GIS that jws women like so much?
Well thats my story I didnt have any bad experiences like you all have. Most of my troubles came from me. I dont know if I was looking for attention or just going through teen years. I dont have no personal grudges against jws I guess that makes me an outcast here. I have leaned many things from reading here; I hope to learn more.
Peace James.
Edited by - Monster on 5 August 2002 20:39:26
Edited by - Monster on 7 August 2002 14:34:9
Edited by - Monster on 7 August 2002 14:38:57