I didn't say it would be important I just would like to hear what they think about the quote..
These people have more in common with jws than I thought. I am still reading I found this..
Founder, Editor, Bible Believer's Ministries, Miami, FL USA (305) 372-9790 [email protected]
This study will be on the 7th Day Adventist. This cult began in the early 19th century by William Miller (1782-1849), who was a FALSE PROPHET! He predicted that the Lord Jesus Christ would return to Earth in glory on Mar. 21, 1844, and later on Oct. 22, 1844! Neither prophecy was fulfilled!
Edited by - Monster on 12 December 2002 2:48:46
Editing to add this
Therefore, the cult was instituted by a Bible rejecting HERETIC! Furthermore, he was a LIAR because he spoke presumptuously concerning the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. One can't help but think of the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) who stated in The Battle of Armageddon, Studies in the Scriptures, Series IV, 1897, p. 621, "But we ARE in the end of this Gospel age, and the KINGDOM is being established or set up. Our Lord, the appointed KING, IS NOW PRESENT, since October 1874, A. D., according to the testimony of the prophets..."
He compared them with the jws teachings. I had no idea. This is all very interesting to me.. Well see you all in the morning..gnite
Peace James
Edited by - Monster on 12 December 2002 2:54:55