even if the current war is bullshit, i appreciate the fact that there are people who are serving selflessly, because one day there might just be a war that threatens our freedoms, and they will be there.,
i have been lurking on here for some time and i finally decided to join the fray.
i am 25 years old and was raised in the society.
fortunately when i was 8, my father left the organization and this allowed me to see the wrold from both angles, the jw (mom) and not (dad).. at first, i was strongly on the side of the witnesses and i even allowed myself to be convinced that getting baptised at 11 was a good idea.
even if the current war is bullshit, i appreciate the fact that there are people who are serving selflessly, because one day there might just be a war that threatens our freedoms, and they will be there.,
is this web site in any way run by jw's?.
hey you might be paranoid but at least you understand altered movie references!!!!
background information for those who do not know:.
curtis shane thompson was raised by his jw mom.
in 1985 he was arrested and subsequently convicted for four violent rapes in the seattle area.
no, i realize i made them myself, but i used the inspiration from the bible, which was taught to me in part by the JWs, to spur this on.
certainly, the JWs play a part in my positive changes.
if they didnt, then no one apparently can have a positive influence, it is all within you, and i actually believe this is pretty much true. But then it kinda kills the original argument... that JWs in particular cannot affect positive change.
is this web site in any way run by jw's?.
"I see JW people" wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
i actually knew someone who did this, this was his approach to people at conventions or assemblies to find women.. i found it insane then, i find it even moreso now..
i actually knew someone who did this, this was his approach to people at Conventions or assemblies to find women.
I found it insane then, i find it even moreso now.
by hortense, 3:45 pm on sat jun 13 2009, 65,186 views copy this whole post to another site.
slurpcancel </form></form> google_ad_section_start just in case their racism, sexism, and general awfulness hasn't been enough to turn you away from abercrombie & fitch after all these years, here's another glimpse of the inner workings of the horrible store.. when i previously (and gleefully) wrote about the economic troubles that abercrombie was having a few months back, i mentioned that my personal hatred for the store comes from the fact that one of the women i was in the intensive inpatient unit with during my treatment for anorexia was heavily recruited by the store just days before her hospitalization (she was incredibly underweight) because she had "the look" they wanted.
turns out that this horrific "look policy" doesn't just revolve around being stick-thin; according to riam dean, she was forced to work in the stockroom, as opposed to on the floor, at abercrombie's london flagship store because her prosthetic arm didn't fit the company's attractiveness standards.
fuck them in the neck.
no one deserves that abuse.
hope she gets tons of cash and never has to work again :)
just post a 'welcome' thread to him/her.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/experiences/176666/1/lets-welcome-ak-rekrul-to-the-forum.
because we care about your drama.
background information for those who do not know:.
curtis shane thompson was raised by his jw mom.
in 1985 he was arrested and subsequently convicted for four violent rapes in the seattle area.
"Jehovah's Witnesses are just like any other religion: a scam and a racket, unable to positively effect people."
fucking ridiculous
JWs positively influenced me in a number of ways:
1. got off drugs
2. stopped drinking
3. better relations with family (they were bad before, i healed things quite a bit even though i was still more distant that your average son)
4. stayed out of politics
5. helped my jealous tendencies
6. became a better person in general (friendships, relationships, etc...)
7. and there is more where that came from!
just because it doesnt work on everyone doesnt mean they CANNOT affect people positively.
you are a bitter, biased, fool if you think this.
I am GLAD i am not a witness. It was a game i did not want to play any longer. It was a school i graduated from. I got hurt on the way out. But to say they didnt affect me in a good way, is pure stupidity.
this guy did a prison convert, which many people in the prison system AND in the JWs realize is usually bunk. He WASNT a witness when he stabbed those ppl.
dear brothers and sisters,.
i martini, will confide in you that i have become a neutral jehovah's witness.
i wonder if i'm not coining a new phrase here!.
didnt read the other responses.
the best answer is:
keep studying the bible on your own
fade - that is, go inactive, and dont tell the elders ANYTHING.
keep researching and go to college if you havent been there yet.
praise gathering 2009 is taking place in glasgow this weekend.
we've been given tickets to tonight's concert as a gift.
to explain, praise gathering is a concert with a full orchestra and 400 singers.
to be honest, it is quite obviously going to cause a problem for witnesses by attending an event like that.
of course PP knew this and didnt say exactly what it was.
my "worldly" family, who i loved the whole time and still love - would always invite me over for things for no reason, and when i showed up, it was a birthday party. This was pretty uncomfortable to me, and dishonest. They may have had good intentions, but it was dishonest.
this is what i think of when i think of your situation, except being a former witness (i assume) you should know much better.
you brought this on yourself.
deal with it.