i left when i was 15 and im only 22 now so although i have managed to deal with alot of my issues i do still feel anger when i see a young brainwashed face bouncing along the street with a leaflet in the hand. i feel sadness that my lil bros and sister are still very young and are still having to do it, and most of all i am transported back to that 6,8,10,11,12,13 year old me walking along with my head hanging down absolutley petrified anyone i knew from school would see me and realise what an "unloveable ugly weirdo" i was-my thoughts as a child NOT now!so the emotions that situation stirs up for me are first sadness then anger, then i have to laugh to myself that i am soooo well rid of that life!!!!
JoinedPosts by littleC
How do you feel when you see groups of Jehovah's Witnesses in the ministry?
by nicolaou inregret, anger, frustration?
how about sadness, sorrow, sympathy, understanding, even compassion!.
it can be quite confusing at times, especially if some of those witnesses were your friends.
What I do know is that there is peace to be found and there love to be had, after the organisation
by LIftsong inmy mother became a jw when i was six months old so i was brought up within the confines of the organisation.
i left properly in my early twenties and i am now 43 so a good 22 years of life, post being a witness have i travelled and documented thus far.
mine was a typical experience of a child in the congregation and i was busy doing my best to be a little adult as the child within slowly fell asleep.
dad i am so proud of you that brought tears to my eyes reading it, you know what?thankyou more than ever for making that painful choice all those years ago because although i did grow up half asleep-i always had you to tell me the real truth and now its all over and in the past i know that part of who i am is down to that decission you made all that time ago. i wouldnt change any of it for the world. we can finally say WE WON!!! were happy and at peace with ourselves and were stronger than ever xxx
How Do I Discover Myself And Build My Self-Esteem After Realizing The Truth About 'the truth'?
by african GB Member insome of those of us who are still in find it difficult to get on with our lives after discovering the wt lies.
we keep going to the meetings for family.
sitting there for hours affects one psychologically, especially when those in good standing boast about the new system,how bad people will be destroyed, and how good they are in the eyes of jehovah.
hi i left the organisation-as thats all it is founded and kept by people when i was 15, i left everyone i grew up with my family home i left my brothers and sisters and really was scared!i have never looked back im now 22, it was the hardest thing i have ever done and you know what?id never change it for the world because i am me. weve all been through some difficult patches and your right its natural to turn to the thing that you have always relied upon. it seemed when i left for a while it went from bad to worse, now i look back its because i didnt know who to turn too ither, but now i have learnt all along it was me!i hope you can begin to love yourself for who you really are and beleive in yourself that you ARE stronger than you sould ever beleive we all have it in us its just trying to pull out those wires that were installed in our brains for all those years, just imagine that-connective wires plugged into your brain-gradually put there over time by someone else they controll who you are, what you do and everything about you. because thats what it is, your brain is like a computer and with time you need to learn to re-wire it.i send you my love and hope that with time you will see the beautiful person you are and spread your wings, much love