Hi Anti-Christ,
I don't know what the norms are wherever/whenever you had those studies, but my experience studying with thse JWs hasn't been like that. When I asked about the skirts only for women (I'm a girl.. I find the whole skirts only, not being able to give speeches, etc., very sexist and annoying), the people I'm studying with were very clear in telling me that these things were expected and what they believed. They gave examples of people who wore trousers during meetings when it was deep winter, but made it clear to me that while I might feel these things are sexist, it was what was recommened and what I would be expected to follow. They didn't lie to me about that.
The whole beard thing was explained to me as - even though Jesus had a beard, in the modern world, a clean-shaven person is considered more approachable. Since the JWs do a lot of door-to-door work, it is important that people don't feel threatened by them and that is why the org. asks them not to keep a beard.
Yes, they do keep certain things under wraps/carefully phrase their words until they think the topic is more palatable... but I don't think they have lied to me yet.
So, I don't think ALL people who conduct bible study are liars/forced to lie by the society.