Thanks MsDucky
JoinedPosts by truthseekeriam
What song best describes your sex life rite now????
by karter ingoin to be some hot love baby this evening..
What song best describes your sex life rite now????
by karter ingoin to be some hot love baby this evening..
What Do You Think?
by snowbird inlast night, my oldest daughter went to a bingo parlor at a large church.. guess who she ran into there?.
her spermatozoa donor!.
we've been divorced since she was 6 years old; he quit his job in order to avoid paying support for her.. she said he was so flustered and nervous at seeing her that he couldn't concentrate on the calls.. tee hee hee.. think i should go with her next friday and really upset him?.
I'm with FlyingHighNow
If you had controlling parents
by mrsjones5 inten signs you may have had controlling parents.
if your parents were controlling, click here for helpful resources.
if your parents still try to control you, click here for helpful resources.
So I'm a little controlling...but I'm working on it
I just think I now better...but I don't.
After Exiting the Witnesses - Are you O.K. Not Knowing about the Future ?
by flipper init seems that religion has always been considered the opium of the people.
or at least many tend to gravitate towards religion to have or solidify some sort of future with a supreme being overlooking them hoping to have a reward either in heaven or in the jehovah's witnesses case - living forever in a " paradise earth ".
it seems that people can't just live day to day and let each day come to them with whatever happens.
Great thread Flipper
I admit when we left I was afraid of the future, I mean come on the whole JW thing is doom and gloom! Do this and do that and maybe..just maybe, you'll get this.
Happy to say, two years out, I really don't worry about what's next. I love living each day for what it brings. I think one thing that helps greatly is have teenagers..I mean "thinking" teenagers who happily show us how fun it is to be normal and to think outside of the box we were once in. They openly talk about so many different subjects that they would have never brought up in JW's great!
Clergy-penitent privilege
by Honesty inthree ministers or elders of the tinian congregation of jehovah's witnesses are asking the superior court to quash the government's subpoena that commands them to appear at a jury trial of a man accused of sexually abusing a girl.. .
bob morie, emyl lumba, and dwight manglona stated in their motion that the subpoena would be burdensome and oppressive since it requires the disclosure of privileged and protected information.. .
Makes me sick that they keep hiding behind that clergy privilege in order to help the molester instead of the victim!! It's so wrong.
I feel very sad for the victim and her family because when this happens it's like a punch in the gut! First your devastated that a fellow JW would take advantage of your trust and then you floored when the elders, those who your depend on to sheppard you through such a horrific experience turn their back on your child by refusing to openly share the truth with the courts. It's such a very stressful time My thoughts go out to the young lady and her family and I pray they receive some justice.
Sex at 14?
by headisspinning inhello all.... some of you have been following our story from the beginning - and even those of you who haven't should be able to relate to my quandary.... last week my 14 year old son told me he no longer wants to be a jw.
we laboured over telling his jw dad all week.
well, on friday night he finally came clean.. but in a bizarre and unexpected twist, after having sex with his girlfriend for the very first time - in his father's home that very afternoon.
Oh man this thread is scaring me!! I have a 16 year old son and a 14 year old daughter. I personally just feel 14, or even 16 is too young for sex and all the consequences that goes along with it.
I just hope when the time comes I wll be as understanding and open as you are.
Hopefully with you working together with your ex your son will see the importance of really listening to what your saying and know you both are just looking out for his well being.
I hope it all works out for you and I'm sure you know, your not alone when it comes to raising teenagers It's not for the weak, that's for sure!!
You'll lose your life and that of your children if you don't come back
by truthseeker init was a beautiful, sunny day.
i was in the supermarket doing an early morning shop when i see an old friend of the family, a jw sister.. she asked me if i'd gone to the memorial and i told her no.
she said that the end is so close what with all the earthquakes and brother truthseeker, you need to come back to jehovah otherwise you will die and so will your children.
I got that same crap a few weeks ago The elder actually told me if I thought the molestation of our daughter (by an ex elder) was heartbreaking just wait 15 years from now and see how much heartbreak we'll have when our children and future grandchildren are in the "world" living horrible lives!!
Yea, what a charmer huh?
Oh yeah, " The end is right here just look at what's going on in the world." So how again I'm I going to see my grandchildren being miserable in 15 years If the end is here now?
How do these people keep a straight face?
The Recession (funny)
by carla infound this elsewhere-.
recession .
the recession has hit everybody really hard... .
Church is in session: NHL Playoffs
by unshackled innhl playoffs start tonight.
get your beer chilled and the wings in the oven.
the next two months or so is my church - the grueling battle for the stanley cup.
Go San Jose!!! Born and raised in the great city