Just finished the book so I look forward to the movie, although they never are as good as the book.
I liked "The Butler" as well.
Just finished the book so I look forward to the movie, although they never are as good as the book.
I liked "The Butler" as well.
Killing her newborn- mental problem
not making a peep while in labor- complete fear of the elder and parents
Its just a horrible story and it completely shows how screwed up this religion is. Her parents sitting in court hearing every detail and not shedding a tear for their daughter or the grandchild that's now dead speaks volumes!!
traverse city alyce morales' sobs hung in a benzie county courtroom as she told a judge that panic gripped her after she secretly gave birth to a daughter in a tent.. .
morales, 19, of cicero, illinois, said she felt sorry every day since july 22, 2013, for what happened next.
she closed her fist and struck herself before hitting her daughter, marie, with a blow that fractured the infant's skull.. "i was in a really bad situation.
TRAVERSE CITY — Alyce Morales' sobs hung in a Benzie County courtroom as she told a judge that panic gripped her after she secretly gave birth to a daughter in a tent.
Morales, 19, of Cicero, Illinois, said she felt sorry every day since July 22, 2013, for what happened next. She closed her fist and struck herself before hitting her daughter, Marie, with a blow that fractured the infant's skull.
"I was in a really bad situation. I was alone and scared. I didn't think anything was going to happen, so I panicked," she said Tuesday. "I know that's not an excuse for what happened."
Nineteenth Circuit Court Judge James Batzer crafted a sentence that puts Morales in prison for at least 29 months, but also gives her a chance to clear her record. Morales pleaded guilty to manslaughter after authorities ruled the infant's death a homicide.
The plea agreement dismissed an original charge of an open count of murder.
Batzer's decision came after an emotional hearing in which Morales' attorney Jesse Williams argued his client's strict Jehovah's Witnesses background made her fearful she'd be shunned by her family because of her out-of-wedlock pregnancy.
"I really think that the life she led and the isolation she grew up with led to this tragic event," he said.
Benzie County Prosecutor Sara Swanson argued Morales' actions should have consequences. She said she spoke for Marie Morales, but pointed out she didn't have any stories to tell about the child and no pictures to show other than those taken at an autopsy.
"Although we don't have memories to share and stories to tell about her, her life still has value," she said. "She was only alive eight hours, and during that time she was beat and suffered. ... She died a very brutal death."
Swanson said Alyce Morales could have reached out to family, friends, counselors or even strangers if she felt afraid. She said Marie Morales' own cries for help were met with her mother punching and ultimately killing her.
But Morales' cousin Patricia Perales testified that the family's Jehovah's Witness beliefs may have left Morales feeling she had nowhere to turn for help. Perales said church elders and family members shunned her after she gave birth to her son.
"I do believe I know Alyce very well and her heart," she said. "I feel I can very relate to her mindset growing up in this religion."
Morales' aunt Elsie Vela testified that she felt their family failed Morales because they knew about the pregnancy. She pointed out that church elders were present at the campground when she went into labor.
"We never, ever thought she was that terrified, she was that isolated," she said.
Williams said the church members' presence explains what he found "most astonishing" about Morales' labor — that she didn't make "a peep" in the tent.
"You don't make a sound, why? Because the very elders that you're so scared of are present, they're all out by the campfire," he said. "You can't about this, you have to hold this in."
Williams pointed out all the sobs and tears in the courtroom came from Morales' family members, save two.
"Those two right there, her parents, are the only ones not crying," he said.
Morales' family members declined comment.
Batzer said isolation seems to be the "common denominator" in cases like Morales' in which a young woman killed their child. He said understanding Morales' fears of rejection and stress doesn't excuse her actions, or preclude punishment.
"Ultimately, there are no good answers," Batzer said. "What the court has done is impose a punishment on the defendant, but one that will allow her to move on with her life."
Batzer committed Morales to custodial supervision and training in Michigan's Department of Corrections.
Williams said Batzer granted his request for a sentence under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act, which allows a judge to sentence a defendant, between ages 17 and 20, to prison or probation without a conviction.
Swanson said this sentence prevented her from commenting on what she thought about it.
"I really can't comment on it, because the records are sealed now," she said.
Very intresting information. It looks like the WTS is outright refusing to turn over documentation the courts are demanding they turn over. What does this mean?
Can they be put in jail?
All I know is if I was on a jury reading these letters to the elders I would completely see the cover up. Maybe thats why they are avoiding going to trial and just paying out.
I hope these young women get whatever they need for closure.
sometimes people make special connections to animals.
sometimes they bond very deeply and are real friends.
yesterday was the end of such a friendship that lasted ten wonderful years.
That was hard to read, we recently had to put down our beloved dog as well. I'm very sorry for your loss, I don't think we realize just how much our pets add to our day to day life until we no longer have them.
My teenagers insisted on picking up a new puppy at the local animal shelter that needed a good home. So now we are crazy busy trying to keep this pup from destroying the house. It's a good distraction for us all,but we miss our good old man.
from from the very beginning, the watchtower has been wrong about every prophecy regarding "the time of the end".
they still continue to spout false information.. go out and preach before it is too late!
I think it just shows how completely controlled they really are.
more than one thing for me, but i have learned to enjoy festivals, and just enjoying free time.
it's not that the org wouldn't allow it, i just felt i shouldn't.
there are others, of course, and i really have been happier and good things have come my way since i left.
There are so many little things....
being able to join along in singing Happy birthday to complete strangers at a resturant.
not turning my nose up at those who live a different lifestyle them myself and instead getting to know them as individuals.
encouraging my children to get higher education with a view to a very long fulfilling life, instead of the doom and gloom they grew up in.
choosing to celebrate or not celebrate the holidays...knowing it's all about the fun of it and not some evil pagan worship.
having the weekends to enjoy as our own.
not having to put on a fake face...if I'm grumpy, I'm grumpy. If I'm happy, I'm happy. It was exhausting trying to please a bunch of people who were exhausted try to please other people.
I'm so happy we left!!!
due to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
Thank you Flipper. You are 100% correct when you say the WT society has a lot to answer for.
I just hope by all of us speaking up, we will lead active JWs to at the very least open their eyes and protect their innocent children. Every child deserves a normal happy childhood, I truly wish I could rewind and give that to my precious children.
i found this today and thought it was brilliant.
it definitely captured everthing perfectly.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keidzmxhliy.
@ flying high,
That was great as well. Thank you.
i found this today and thought it was brilliant.
it definitely captured everthing perfectly.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keidzmxhliy.
@ Paris.
Yes!!! That was so funny. The poor little boy was just drawing blood on the picture like he seen on all the other pictures in the book..lol! " god hates violence" too funny.
I remember looking at the fans on the ceiling and counting the lights at the circuit assemblies. This video really brings back all those feelings....so glad we're out!