You sound a lot like I did just a few years ago. I also was never a stickler when it came to all the you shouldn't do this or that. However, I did think we as an Org were persecuted in the media and lied about. I was so angry when that Dateline story on the cover up of child molestation within the Org came out, I just shook my head in disbelief. I thought to myself their is no way victims would be treated in such a manner within our loving brotherhood.
Fast forward a few years and guess what? Yep, my child was molested by a beloved brother in the hall and yes I learned the hard way that victims are treated in such a manner in the unloving brotherhood.
Sometimes it personal experience that shows us the truth. Do I wish I could still live in the dark and this never would have had this happen to our family? You betcha. It's much easier to live what's comfortable to us.
Please watch your children around the brothers and sisters, it's never who you think it would be. Molesters are very good at what they do and they know how to get away with it.