Glad to hear the victim is reaching out for help and received at least some justice.
This should help her in her recovery. I wish her well.
i could only find the article in french, but you can use google translate.
i remember this guy vividly and it churns my stomach to think of what he did to that poor girl.
Glad to hear the victim is reaching out for help and received at least some justice.
This should help her in her recovery. I wish her well.
please pardon if this a repeated topic.
i have had virtually no contact with any witnesses beside my mother for the past few years.
she watches tv constantly and claims she has never seen anything on the watchtower abuse cases.
Maybe it's not reaching as many JW's as we would like but it is reaching the news and the newspapers and as a result many will think twice about opening up their doors to witnesses.
It also helps those who may be on the fence about reaching out to authorities or a lawyer more of a push knowing they will be listened to.
positions of trusta jehovahs witness spokesman said: we have tried to educate families to try and educate and protect their children, so that children can protect themselves if they find themselves in a situation.if jehovahs were found to have abused someone if they are in a position of trust they would no longer have a position of trust.asked why about the claims sewell had not been kicked out of the jehovahs the spokesman insisted we cant comment on specific situations.we dont give out personal information, he said.
@ Mad Irishman
You would be surprised by what they get away with! Your right it doesn't make sense at all.
We went trough the same thing....molester was convicted of molesting multiple victims and guess what? Yup. He went to prison still a JW.
I would make calls to the elders asking why and would get nothing but excuses that made absolutely no sense. Two year passed before we finally heard he was disfellowshipped and not one of the elders called us to let us know...we heard it through the grapevine.
please pardon if this a repeated topic.
i have had virtually no contact with any witnesses beside my mother for the past few years.
she watches tv constantly and claims she has never seen anything on the watchtower abuse cases.
@ Brokeback
Maybe they are getting the instructions to get up and walk away whenever anyone approaches them with the news on child abuse??
I really think it's a subject that really gets to them.
i learned this past week that my wife is now awake.
i just shared the pbs newshour segment with her with no comment other than something along the lines of, "jw story on pbs.".
she is furious at the arrogance of these men.. thats what happens when you get a momma angry!.
so i had about had enough of reading jw's excuses online about wt child abuse and the candace conti nightline abc video about her case.
this is a really deep burning topic to me as i'm sure it is to many of you.
so today the gloves came off.
Great job Flipper!!
The cognitive dissonance is working overtime with JWs right now.
i was at a criminal trial all day in murfreesboro, tn, involving the notorious jw who i call "mommy molester," angela montgomery.
this is the reason i didn't know until this evening that the nightline program with the segment on jws was changed until tomorrow night.
(i forgot my phone.
I think people deal with abuse in the way they deal with it. Some can talk in detail about what happened without negative consequences and others can't.
I know my daughter wasn't given a choice when it came to talking in detail to the police and lawyers. It was needed for a conviction.
But a news reporter?? Nope, they don't need the horrible details to do a story, they just need to know she was molested period.
I thought Candace did a great job.
even though we have agreed to not speak religion, i thought this was something she would want to see, especially because she knows the struggles we have been through because of what happened to our daughter.
after watching it she actually agreed things need to change in their policy's and that the congregation should be warned.. she also said kendrick and his wife made fools of themselves.. i have a feeling more witnesses then not would agree with her....however, how they feel and what they do about it is two very different things.
they are completely powerless in their religion!
even though we have agreed to not speak religion, i thought this was something she would want to see, especially because she knows the struggles we have been through because of what happened to our daughter.
after watching it she actually agreed things need to change in their policy's and that the congregation should be warned.. she also said kendrick and his wife made fools of themselves.. i have a feeling more witnesses then not would agree with her....however, how they feel and what they do about it is two very different things.
they are completely powerless in their religion!
Even though we have agreed to not speak religion, I thought this was something she would want to see, especially because she knows the struggles we have been through because of what happened to our daughter.
After watching it she actually agreed things need to change in their policy's and that the congregation should be warned.
She also said Kendrick and his wife made fools of themselves.
I have a feeling more witnesses then not would agree with her....however, how they feel and what they do about it is two very different things. They are completely powerless in their religion!
It takes all of us wicked apostates to force the hands of their leaders through criminal trials and civil lawsuits. They should be thanking Candace Conti instead of vilifying her.
andrea montgomery was found guilty as charged on each of the 6 charges of child rape of her biological son, alan von webb, the oldest boy of four children.
today, many media people were there in the courtroom for the first time since the trial started.. the verdict came in about 3:30 p.m. which took time for the judge to read, etc., so i learned about it at 4 p.m. when the father of the four children, now young adults, called us.
one of the children has down's syndrome, and it's difficult to imagine, but he also was raped since a child by his mother.
What a touching photo.
I personally know that horrible feeling while waiting to hear the jury's verdict.
I'm so happy for Von Webb family, I hope this is the beginning to a very happy future for them all.