According to the oral argument calendar the appeal is being heard today. I'm sure it will take months for the decision to come in.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.
The Honorable Judith Haller, Acting Presiding Justice, and The Honorable Associate Justices Alex McDonald and Terry O'Rourke
D068093 Bank of Southern California, N.A. v. D&D Gtoryoka LLC., et al.
D066388 Lopez v. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York,
The Honorable Richard Huffman, Acting Presiding Justice, and The Honorable Associate Justices Judith Haller and Alex McDonald
D068356 People v. Jimenez
D069063 Groves v. Davtyan
The Honorable Patricia Benke, Acting Presiding Justice, and The Honorable Associate Justices Richard Huffman and Alex McDonald
D067409 Capeci v. City of Imperial