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Posts by freddo
How Many? - (Marc and Cora Latham)
by Tallon ini came across this very informative and thought provoking video.
it was produced by marc and cora latham, who are quite well known among british activists.. if you have 15 minutes to spare, i encourage you to watch it.
it certainly gave me pause for thought!.
Good one. Their interview about their history in leaving jw's on Youtube is good too.
For those that read the bible, does the true message of scripture still come through in NWT?
by NikL inmy active and in jw wife is up for reading bible together.
thing is she wants to use nwt.. i have problems with that translation as you my imagine.. just wondering if you thought the true message of the bible will shine through the deliberate tampering of the nwt?.
i know many people here don't like or want to read the bible and think it's rubbish anyway, so if that's you, you can save your comments :-).
If you have the WT's own interlinear to hand (or on the tablet she uses) that is useful and then you can just say "honey let's look at the interlinear" every time you are aware NWT puts Jehovah for Jesus or Lord when it shouldn't or at least when it is debateable.
Maybe other things like "Wonder why the NWT translates that word as "obeisance" when talking about Jesus and "worship" at all other times?
Or "Wonder why we changed Hebrews 1 v 6 from worship to obeisance?"
That sort of thing.
Life is changing for me: no pioneering, got a job!
by Skepsis ina month ago i decided to register in this board.
i had decided to step down pioneering but was frightened about the consequences.
i had finished my university degree some months before (despite disaproval from brothers in my congregation) and i had to choose: continue pioneering and working in jobs with no future or starting a career, working full-time.. i was thinking to postpone the decisiton but... i was fed up with preaching.
Well done skepsis.
I note you have a PM from The Searcher. He's good. Very good.
I'll send you a pm too.
JWfacts: Excellent 15 minute video and script presentation - "Growing up a Jehovah's Witness"
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/growing-up-a-jehovahs-witness.php.
"growing up a jehovah's witness" .
following the title, is the statement, .
Strange isn't it? I'm 12,000 miles away from Paul Grundy in New Zealand and yet that could have been my life - same publications, same drivel at assemblies - same indoctrination.
Watchtower Annulled My Baptism
by RICHT incontrary to popular belief you can have your baptism annulled as i did by my local elders after my judicial hearing.. the watchtower of 1964 page 126 first paragraph clearly states that anyone that was committing a gross sin before, during and after their baptism is void.
in order to get right with the lord you would need to be re-baptised.
err no thanks, i'm not a believer!!!!.
RICHT - thank you. When was this in your case?
I remember having this highlighted at a CO visit when I was an elder in the UK - I would say about 2003/4? It was used to remind us of the "very rare" possibility. BUT we were told not to "offer it" but contact the branch if someone "claimed their baptism was invalid". Also that if anyone had "progressed" to being a pioneer (even AUX) MS or Elder that it could not be "undone" for any reason as that showed that the holy spirit had obviously approved them for further service. (BARF!)
It COULD certainly be used if someone was baptised before the age of maturity (18 in UK) AND that they confess or it was proven they were sinning (DF level of sinning) all the way from before to after baptism.
But the 2017 WT article above may have changed that - perhaps it's in the 2015? (not sure of the year) Branch manual on the ARC website?
I could envisage the Borg using it to their advantage - you know Brother "Molester" has his sins come out and it transpires he was doing it at time of baptism so the Borg nullify it to claim he was "never really a jw" especially if he was inactive and a jw in name only - but that could be me being cynical!
Clearly, they're hunting down irregular publishers
by ILoveTTATT2 inlook at this graph:.
it has the % difference between the peak number of publishers and the average number of publishers for that year.
this number can only be positive.. what the graph tells us is that there is a clear trend towards hunting down inactive and/or irregular publishers.
Yes he does because it is a "public" talk. That is in writing in the "Organized" book somewhere.
edited to add: Page 76 of the revised 2015 version.
Hypothetical Memo to the G.B. From the Writing Committee
by The Searcher indear glorious ones, we feel certain that our statement in the february 2017 watchtower - "the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction" - will assuredly save each one of you from taking a bullet this year when the australian royal commission and the u.k. charities commission's findings are made public and inflict punitive measures on the organization for its historical failure to weed out pedophile and to protect children.
if the minions are challenged, they now have a ready-made conversation stopper and can show it to dissenters on their electronic devices.
And in the
dumbed downSimplified version of the same magazine article I quote:para 12. "The Governing Body is neither inspired nor perfect. It can make mistakes when explaining the Bible or directing the organization."
elders are leaving me alone. what to make of this?
by nowwhat? ini am a born in that goes back to the 1960's i am in a very zealous congregation with super dub elders.
i have been inactive for 3 years and only go to about 2 meetings a month.
i made my displeasure known about the overlapping generation b.s.
You probably are lucky but the fact that you said your piece about "the overlapping generation b.s." and they haven't come back to you shows they have no reasonable answer to what you said.
You may have made your own luck by not spreading your views further and wakening up their "need to protect the flock" from you.
Also, you probably said exactly what they think but they are too afraid to face because if they do then their little world will turn upside down.
So they have no scriptural (or more importantly for them - organisational) mandate to deal with you so they leave well alone.
You are probably the "Elephant in the room" at their elders' meetings!
Britain in the doldrums!
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inthe 2014 - 2015 jw statistics showed a peak publisher decline of 884 with the average publisher tally showing a gain of 183. .
the 2017 yearbook is now available via jw.org and the statistics for britain show a 2016 peak publisher increase of 630 and an average publisher increase of a paltry 26!.
nothing to shout about on the part of the followers of caiaphas in the britain branch.
Of course a large proportion of them came here not as jw's and with little spoken English and few friends and who should smile widely at them but pretty pioneer sisters with literature in their own language and "instant (conditional) friends"?
Hence the "Britain" figures being propped up in jwland.