And of course amalgamating congregations so there are enough "qualified men" to go round.
A little story from a circuit near where I live.
Four congregations near each other (1,2,3,4) with the perfect storm of low attendances (>50) in two of them (2 and 4); two kingdom halls with one of them being old, costly but valuable in £££ terms ( - like £500K plus - valuable) and aging bodies of elders in the two low attendance halls and also in Cong 3 which had more publishers but only 5 elders of which 4 are between 65 and 80.
What did they do in 2015/2016?
Cong 1 and 2 have their hall sold. Cong 1 is shifted 8 miles down the road to the next town in its entirety and put in with 3 other congs and that hall is refurbed. Cong 2 is disbanded with publishers being spread to 3 congregations including boosting Cong 4 with 30 extra publishers and 3 extra elders.
Congs 3 and 4 have their hall refurbished at a cost of about 50K (bear in mind that the org have sold a hall for 500K!) and the org is now eyeing up another cong. with a dilapidated valuable hall (this time the thick end of £1 million) to chuck in with them.
5 Bethelites (2 elders and wives plus a single MS) have been booted out and they have landed in cong 3.
So we have about £1.5 million for the London Branch coffers, 5 available elders and a couple of pioneer wives to put into the congregations that are struggling , a pair of halls with a lick of paint and new carpet that couldn't have cost more than £100K the pair.
No need for sisters to break out the doilies just yet!