Absolutely hilarious!
That brought a little Shunshine into my life.
saw this on another exjw site and had a good laugh.. hope you get a kick out of it too ;).
Absolutely hilarious!
That brought a little Shunshine into my life.
many of you don't know me or won't remember me.
i left the jw's and my husband and my home last september - forging a new life in a new town.
i haven't posted here for many months, but have been reading most days.
71 is the new 21! Congratulations.
round two of the australian royal commission into institutional child abuse has all the makings of a very damaging event for the organization, if what is going to happen to the catholic church is any indication.. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-02-03/royal-commission-most-catholic-archbishops-to-give-evidence/8240208.
Having heard this (darkspilver's video of Archbishop Mark Coleridge) and the Salvation Army leader's video from some weeks back I now wonder what the Jehovah's Witnesses will put up in their video prior to their final hearing ...
Tumbleweeds ... ?
my wife found this 1/4 page ad on page 2 of yesterday's nj star-ledger, probably the biggest newspaper in nj.
pretty telling.. .
Richard Oliver, you think this will be a "tough mountain to climb"?
Looks like their are several parties of climbers making for the summit.
Perhaps you might phone all of these law firms to express your concerns to them? Such an undertaking would seem to be an increasingly uphill struggle too. Are you up to that challenge Richard?
Perhaps you might let us know how you get on?
there's a lot of criticism surrounding the jw's handling of chiild abuse within their ranks with a lot of it being well deserved.
but i'm interested to know how people on here think child abuse allegations should be handled.
there's a few scenarios below, the first couple are easy then it gets a bit more complex.
In the UK, you (a person who is aware of child abuse allegations) can always contact the social services and have a confidential conversation with them about your concerns.
I have done this when I believed there may have been child abuse (in one case possible serious neglect, in another two cases - involving allegations of child abuse). In the UK the Social Services will listen confidentially and they can act to get (in an emergency) even without prior police or court involvement.
Also if it is a case of possible sexual child abuse they will often discuss your options in a reasonable way. If what you tell them is serious enough in their opinion then they can go to the police and importantly they can get court orders, safeguard children, remove children without having a conviction in court which may never even happen.
I have sat with social services staff to provide information and ask advice on three separate occasions and I have been to the police in two of those cases after a discussion with them. One case I went to the police because I had evidence of child abuse available to "help them with an investigation". In another I had simply an opinion that someone (a jw) was being fitted up by a spouse (also a jw) eager for a more favourable divorce.
So I have never been afraid of the social services or the police and after a couple of dealings with the (anonymous idiot wankers - sorry was that unprofessional of me?) "brothers" on the service desk I simply ignored them as they hmmmmed and haaaaawed and tried to dissuade me from imparting information to the proper authorities.
something jehovah's witnesses do not talk about so much these days is the "north and south kings" of the book of daniel, and the reason is obvious.
this is one of many failed prophecies of the governing body.. they have not been able to present any new north king since the soviet collapse in december 1991, over 25 years ago now!
and this at a time when they are "so close to the end.
King of the North is and always has been Santa Claus.
what if fred franz had never existed?.
those of you who weren’t around in the days when he was the oracle of jwdom or who at least aren’t familiar with the deeper publications he was responsible for probably won’t be able to comprehend the significance of the question.
i believe he influenced jwdom greatly, and the whole feel of jwdom would have been different without him.. during the 60’s, 70’s, & 80’s (not sure about 50’s), he was considered to be almost superhuman by some (a lot?
The Nathan Knorr/Fred Franz tag team had luck on its side.
On the basis that for 50 years from the early forties to the mid-nineties Fred was in charge of doctrine and Knorr (until the mid-seventies) ran the business.
The current GB and indeed most of the previous GB were of this era.
The "luck" for them was that - even after 1975, certainly up to about the early '90's - "world conditions" could be made to fit JW prophecy. The 1914 time of the end/the generation/King of the North and South/Babylon's waters drying up, all fitted the rhetoric.
Time of the end: WW1/WW2 ever present threat of WW3 (Korea/Cuba/Vietnam)
The Generation: No need to explain this ...
King of South/North: USA/UK vs USSR
Babylon: Lessening interest in Christendom in the West and in the Communist block.
It all seemed to fit - those attracted to it (along with the whackjobs) were solid families/solid wives of unbelieving husbands. Then by the early nineties it all stopped fitting the rhetoric. And in the "west" any JW growth has been at snail's pace since.
The offspring of these families and these women are the CO's and elders who were running the congregations in the Western world from the 70's to the 2000's. Since then they are dying off and passing the mantle to their sons and to the whackjobs/easily deluded.
The stability is going and only the brainwashed remain - with no Armageddon or any new order in sight.
anybody have any ideas where they are going with the "new light" they have been pushing last week and this week?
for instance in this weeks study article one section reads:.
in years gone by, we believed that jehovah became displeased with his people because they did not have a zealous share in the preaching work during world war i. we concluded that for this reason, jehovah allowed babylon the great to take them captive for a short time.
And of course for the USA WW1 didn't start until April 1917 while the rest of Europe and Russia had been going at it hammer and tongs for over two and a half years.
So all the sheep-feeding during WW1 in the USA (90% of all bible students) had no real need to be interrupted - CTR was at the helm until the end of October 1916 and the only things that interrupted the flow was Rutherford's coup for control and his being put in the slammer for crass stupidity with his crazy book.
as some have recently posted here, there does seem to be a shift going on in their self-interpretation(s) of what happened in 1918 and 1919. if we can look past all the details that emphasize the poor thinking and poor wording (or contradictions/just plain craziness/insignificance) of their message, something bigger seems to be afoot.
they appear to be attempting to redefine the meanings for some "prophetic" scriptures in light of themselves.
1. they are trying to somehow fill the void they have themselves created from their rejecting freddie franz's (ff) type–anti-type postulations.
David Splane:
"And while we're on the subject of bread, don't forget to hand over your dough!"
That's an intrinsic part of the message which ever way you slice it.
hi folks,.
i have a difficult dilemma.
since i'm not pioneering any more, i'm reducing my hours wasted at that artifact known as cart or trolley.
You typed "bear", not "beard".
That is why Tepid and I posted our silly comments.