Spinks and O'Brien are spiritual Eunuchs. Sock puppets of the Governing body who themselves are too cowardly to appear.
Posts by freddo
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
New member + anyone attended/seen the Zone Visit?
by Isambard Crater ini'm a new member so wanted to say 'hi'.
i live in the u.k, was born in, fell away as an unbaptised publisher, got baptised in my 30s for reasons i'm retrospectively unsure of, and lost my faith about five years ago around the time of the original a.r.c.
now, being unable to leave is making me physically, emotionally and mentally ill.. i have been visiting this forum for a couple of years and wanted to post my first message to see if anyone has attended, heard or watched the zone visit broadcast thing happening this month?
Isambard Crater
There is no rush. Armageddon isn't coming "soon" (Luke 21 v 8) just as it wasn't in 1914/1925/WW2/1975/The generation of 1914 passing away.
Take your time. Learn from us how to "Fade". Talk to your husband.
I was an elder for over 25 years. I am utterly mentally free. I do not believe "Jehovah" will smite me down now or at Armageddy. I will die and am content with that thought.
I have no guilt in reverse theocratic warfare (lying through my teeth and deceiving them to protect myself just like they do at child abuse enquiries and on their website) against these lying charlatans the GB of the WTS.
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
I've said it before and I'll say it again ...
Olive Oil/Fishy ain't wired right.
Business Slow at JW Literature Trolley
by Athanasius inyesterday i stopped at a local shopping center to pick up a few things.
i arrived at 9:45 am and two jw ladies had already set up their literature trolley and had opened for business.
but i didn't see anyone stopping by and taking advantage of their free literature.
Where I am there are two or three "Metropolitan" carts in the busy hubs of the town fed by the circuit pioneers and other ubers and then each of the congregations has their own cart arrangement in their local shopping centre.
Back in 2012 or whenever it all got started I expressed the view that there wasn't much interest and was told by the service overseer that people had to get used to seeing us and then they would show interest. By about 2014 there was a bit of a buzz in the hall about how people were now friendly. More like the local slackjaw came up and spoke to the sisters from time to time.
Now it is just a way of "getting in time" - as Blondie said "using their worst sheep as sacrifice" before going to the coffee stop.
Utter waste of time and probably counter productive now. No extra "bums on seats" in the KH - no increased memorial attendance - no wonderful examples on the circuit assemblies.
One look at the smiling automatons on jwborg is going to drive away all but the most mentally needy and less useful members of society isn't it?
Mill Hill - Chelmsford, reduced capacity, any news on Chelmsford plan revision
by Lostandfound inchelmsford looks to have much less work than in mill hill complex, if gb spirit guided why did they allow massive plans for new site when such significant changes must have been in discussion, planning , or contemplation.
knee jerk reaction to things looks to indicate someone or more on gb has instituted changes almost overnight.
my dog plans his day better, get up, walk, sleep, eat, walk some more, eat some more, and sleep again.
Branch visit this weekend - I expect the hatchet men are sharpening their axes.
Catching up on the A.R.C.
by The Searcher ini haven't been here for several days, so apologies if similar comments have been posted regarding messrs spinks' & o'brien's "spiritual & scriptural" replies to the australian royal commission last week.. perhaps this line of questioning by mr. stewart could have helped exposed the org's corruption of the "two witness" rule:.
mr stewart: mr. spinks, does the jehovah's witnesses' leadership base their "two witness" rule solely on the bible?.
mr. spinks: yes.
Sorry - did I shout?
ABC News Australia Report: Jehovah's Witnesses accused of failing to adopt abuse inquiry recommendations
by AndersonsInfo inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5wn5hfmeas.
I'm glad my small amount of correspondence to the ARC highlighting my dealings over child abuse reporting with the London Branch as a congregation elder went towards those "Over 1,165 items of overwhelmingly critical correspondence from across the world." (My paraphrase).
Way to make me look stupid . . .
by Coded Logic inwhen the arc made their recommendations to the society last year i genuinely thought we'd see some real changes.
oh sure, i expected a lot of feet dragging, double talk, and general nonsense - but at the end of the day i was certain the society would do what they legally had to and then run around claiming:.
) these new policies and procedures aren't really new we've always done them.
slimboyfat said "If they were facing the situation in the United States and the GB were compelled to attend the response may be different."
University students. The brainy type who like to play tricks on people. Quite a few turned up in the fields within an hours drive of Oxford and Cambridge. (Brainy students with good farmland nearby.)
They sneak out in the middle of the night with boards and scythes, carefully walk to the middle of the circle and work outwards using a stake and rope to give the radius of the circle. Then they walk back out in single file carefully putting the stalks back up if they have trodden on any.
In Devon there is a stone circle of nineteen stones about 30 metres across in a field near Seaton - all the stones are about the height of a small man and weigh about half a ton. It looks authentic but it was put there by a "character" farmer in the 1980's with his digger and tractor. After a year or so the soil bedded down and the grass grew and if you stumble across it you'd think it was "real" at first glance.
Edited to add - Just saw punkofnice's video - sorry punky, I should have watched it first!
The reality of "shunning" and character assasination highlighted at the Australian Royal Commission
by stuckinarut2 inonce again, the arc has brilliantly highlighted the reality that any witness who either fades or disassociates is subjected to active official shunning by the organization.. the "brothers" tried to state that it was the choice of the indiviual who steps away from the organization to shun them!
they actually tried to make it out to be the fault of the one who leaves!
then they tried to say that those who fade are not shunned!.
I noted Eunuch Toady O'Brien saying those who get baptised "know the consequences" (of DA'ing) and that they are adults or near adult age when they get baptised.
Shame the March broadcast mentioning a 10 year old getting baptised wasn't highlighted.
(Also a shame that Jackson and any other of the Seven Spiritual Dwarves were too busy doing the Lord's work
picking out curtains for Warwickto appear.)