Thanks Saltheart.
What was the MS outline about this time?
for those not aware:- during the circuit visit there is a meeting with elders &ministerial servants based on an outline.
the mss are dismissed then local matters (eg new elders, meeting attendance etc) are discussed.
recently there has also been a part of the outline just for elders - one year it was about stopping anyone dressing in a "gender blurring" way from going on the ministry.. the latest visit has a section of the outline for elders.
Thanks Saltheart.
What was the MS outline about this time?
i have been told that there is to be a special talk linked via video hook up all around australia this saturday april 1st?
a 3 hour program apparently?.
someone said it was a governing body speaker?.
Probably Geoff Jackson explaining why he couldn't appear before the ARC and how O'Brien and Spinks are going to take the lead in outer Fumbuck, Papua New Guinea.
Oh. And send your dollars.
1. in bro sandersons latest video (in which he shows a very impressive skill with russian) he mentions two likely results of the imminent russian ban: the liquidation of the branch office and its assets, and the individual brothers capacity to worship freely.
no prizes for guessing which one gets mentioned first!.
2. why have the gb never attempted in the past, and are not interested in attempting now, such a letter writing campaign in other communist countries where the work is under similar restrictions, like china, or vietnam?
Sometimes people do "genuine things" especially when there is no cost and it can make them look good. Add to that the prospect of losing property and control over it and you get a "something must be done" mentality.
Then the history - this present GB 2.0 would have been young men writing to Malawi in the 1970's and not involved in the decision making process of Mexico/Malawi of GB 1.0.
To them it is win-win. It has certainly lifted the local JW's out of their Memorial tract peddling apathy.
To the JW's in Russia (my having done a speed-read on Wiki about Putin, his background and his demeanour) I do not believe it will help one iota. Maybe make matters worse.
on my commute past 25 columbia heights, i noticed that the large 25'x25' jworg sign has come down.. i'm sure the sentiments of the entire brooklyn heights neighborhood are something like, "don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Don't let the door hit you on he way out mean I want you gone so get away from here fast as in don't dawdle or go so slow that the door (esp. a revolving one) would hit you as you leave.
Teenager (stamping foot) : I hate this place I'm leaving!
Fed up parent (rolling eyes) : Bye, bye and don't let the door hit your rear end on the way out.
check out the latest watchtower:.
"your defense?
be determined to stick to jehovah’s organization and loyally support the leadership he provides—no matter what imperfections may surface.
Hi Searcher,
Here's more of the quote in context. I wonder why WT didn't want it quoted in full?
WT says: "Therefore, it is likely to be most effective if people ... are discouraged from thinking critically.
Fuller quote: (Bold italics mine)
"Therefore, it is likely to be most effective if people do not have access to multiple sources of information and if they are discouraged from thinking critically. Michael Balfour has suggested that the best touchstone for distinguishing propaganda from science is whether a plurality of sources of information and interpretations is being discouraged or fostered."
with mark sanderson appearing recently on jw to ask all the witnesses for there help on the russia ban.
it is a giant slap to the face of all the children and members who have been affected by this cult.
as the royal commission two weeks ago asked or requested if one of the governing body dudes could appear or even be online feed to the commission, but of course they said heck no.. .
As Tomo3 displays all too readily - all that matters is that they "look good". (to keep control)
All we can do is open the crack in the whitewashed grave and show what is inside.
jehovah's witnesses mobilize global response to threat of ban in russia.
march 21, 2017.
new york—threatened with an imminent ban on their worship in russia, jehovah’s witnesses are responding with a direct appeal to kremlin and supreme court officials for relief through a global letter-writing campaign.
Here's mine ready to post.
Dear Vlad the impaler,
I am brush'n up on my Rushan and I am putin pen to paper (see what I did there?) to write about your wikid percy koo shun of the jehova witnissis in Rusha. God will destroy you like wot he did to Hitler and Stalin and the hole USSR if you don't leaf them jdubs alone.
You have been warned just like we did in 1914/1925 WW2/1975/the generation that saw 1914 with understanding which is now overlapping.
Armagedy is coming soon, so soon, so very very soon. You are birdfood and your eyes will rot in their sockets. We R not xtreme in are views.
Avrij Dub
Proof reading by M. Steven Lett
these douche bags left a memorial invitation in my door today, after i have already told them point blank, "do not come to this property ever again," which was months after my trespassing letter.. how dumb can people possibly be?
is there such a thing as an iq below zero?.
so i want to send a 2nd letter with the tract ripped up inside, so i will have a 2nd receipt showing another attempt to get them to leave me alone.. how do i know which hall's territory i am in?
The invite should have a kingdom hall address with a time of the memorial on it. If you go to jborg and look up "find a meeting" - type in your street - you should be able to find the congregation(s) that go to the hall on the invite.
i'm a new member so wanted to say 'hi'.
i live in the u.k, was born in, fell away as an unbaptised publisher, got baptised in my 30s for reasons i'm retrospectively unsure of, and lost my faith about five years ago around the time of the original a.r.c.
now, being unable to leave is making me physically, emotionally and mentally ill.. i'm not strong enough to da and live with the family consequences, and despite having several good friends outside the faith, none of them could support me in an active way as such.
Fade more quickly to minimum first.
Why do two hours a week for goodness sake?
Why attend all the meetings?
I only attend for peace with close family. We have a don't ask don't tell stand off sort of agreement. I show my face at ministry once a month and report 2 to 4 hours. If elders ask to shepherd me or go propaganda preaching I politely but firmly refuse. If they pressed (they leave me to myself now) harder I politely and firmly tell them I'm content where I am and do not wish to join them in the ministry.
When they asked why I would say I have private and personal concerns which I am not prepared to share with anyone except Jehovah (yeah right, like he exists or cares).
If they press further I say we all have private things between ourselves and our creator so please leave me alone.
IF YOU WANT TO FADE you must shut up and be firm about it. Smile, laugh, put on a brave face but do not say anything they can use against you.
Best wishes.
" and a mighty cry went out over all the land: "sell !
sell !
sell !
This is from their charity commission accounts. Note the bold print I have added. A nice old sum to the branch from where they were saving for a Kingdom Hall. Don't forget the old one is still to be sold with an asking price of £47,500 ...
CONGREGATION RECEIPTS: Donations for local congregation expenses £3,010.50 Gift Aid donations for congregation expenses £2,494.00 Gift Aid Small Donations £3,705.31 Donations for new kingdom hall £399.80 Gift Aid donations for new kingdom hall £171.00 Congregation coach £1,026.00 Gift Aid reclaimed from HMRC £0.00
Deposit with Branch from Tylorstown £71,097.
15 Other receipts Unpaid Cheque £713.14 From KHOC £912.17 Total Receipts £83,529.07
CONGREGATION EXPENDITURES: Donations to Watch Tower for WW (Resolution) £119.05 Donations to Watch Tower for KHAHCW (Resolution)
£96,446.84 Donations to Watch Tower for KHAA (Resolution)
Donations to Watch Tower for TOAA (Resolution) £375.00
Kingdom Hall operation and maintenance. £4,235.16
Hire of coach for convention £1,900.00
Circuit overseer and visiting speaker expenses £341.78
Donations to circuit accommodation committee £0.00
Donations to hospital liaison committee £0.00
Donations to Mid-Glam No. 1 circuit £1,065.00