I remember my Aunt telling off her self righteous Elder (as in he was an Elder) son. (my cousin)
In the UK the longest running (since 1960) and one of the most popular TV "soaps" is "Coronation Street" a gossipy load of nonsense set about folk living in a terrace of houses in the North of England.
My Aunt was an avid watcher and follower of storylines despite being a devout JW.
Well in the 80's and 90's one of the pet peeves of the GB was "TV soaps" and occasionally we would get an assembly item or Watchtower study haranguing the faithful not to watch such "worldly" entertainment.
My cousin being a self righteous prig would wag his finger at her in a semi jocular fashion until she told him that A) He wasn't her spiritual head and B) when he stopped watching James Bond "with all its sex and violence" then he might have freeness of speech to come and speak to her."