Firstly my being naive enough that any concerns and doubts I had would be answered or respected. Then when I realised that was obviously dopey thinking on my part, the loss of family relationships if I DA'D.
I even hunkered down and "tried harder" for a couple of years and tried to bury my doubts. But I think once we got to 2010 to 2015 (so that there was no way I could fool myself that the generation that saw 1914 might still survive to Armageddon) - gasped at the desperate idiocy of "the overlapping generation" and seeing Steven Lett, dancing trolley carts and DFD daughters phone calls to parents being ignored in convention dramas - well that finished me off.
The ARC, money grabbing/closing Kingdom halls/booting bethelites, just confirms that if there is a god who cares he certainly doesn't care about Jborg and all its cult adherents.