Exeter UK last weekend ... drum roll
2,816 produced 6 baptisms.
of 3 in cleveland: avg.
attendance 7500 baptised 27 a robust growth of 0.38%!
not my convention so no details..
Exeter UK last weekend ... drum roll
2,816 produced 6 baptisms.
hi everyone.. this is just a thought, while reading bill bowen's silent lambs website i was interested to find out how long ago the figure of 23,000 molesters was published.. well it was in 2002.. in the spring of 2002, silentlambs was contacted by three different sources who claimed to have connected with people inside the headquarters of the watchtower bible & tract society of new york, located in patterson , new york .
these insiders provided silentlambs contacts with a computer data base number of 23,720 child molesters on file there.
so as the spring of 2002 was just over 15 years ago i wonder how many more have been added to the list ?.
Sugar Shane - THAT post deserves its own thread.
Edited to add: Ooops! - late to the party - someone already has.
did anybody else notice in the convention drama when they went to the memorial the speaker called jesus "our lord and savior"?
when have you ever heard jws use that phrase?
christians, yes; jws, no..
I've heard it from jw's here in the UK. Occasionally in prayers.
Also in the nwt bible in 2 Peter 1 v 11 / 2 Peter 3 v 18 and in the literature.
i'm taking a university astronomy course, and i must say it's really fun to read about this field.
anyway, i remember the jws used to use jupiter (and probably still do) as an example for how unique and special our solar system is (and thus designed) -- namely, that jupiter protects the earth from astroids, comets, and meteors.
convincing if one doesn't know any better, especially circa 1994 when jupiter stepped in front of a comet for us... but this isn't the full story!
By Jove!
it's been 9 years and it would be nice to get them off the internet.
You've been here about a year longer than me. And its five years since your last post. Now you've piqued my curiosity and I have had a look back through some of them. Perhaps the best way to have disappeared into the ether would have been to have let sleeping dogs lie?
Your best chances of getting your posts removed will be to PM Simon who owns and runs this site.
Best wishes on your journey.
this guy have been at bethel for 25 years when he could have been making 75-100 thousand a year as an engineer.
so they kick him to the curb so they don't have to house him and his wife anymore.
they run into a problem at warwick and they ask him to come back for 3 weeks.
Edited to add ... Ooops. Sorry double post.
this guy have been at bethel for 25 years when he could have been making 75-100 thousand a year as an engineer.
so they kick him to the curb so they don't have to house him and his wife anymore.
they run into a problem at warwick and they ask him to come back for 3 weeks.
is there anyone who will just say it straight in bethel?.
"governing body members, you're embarrassing us with every broadcast.
Semen stains?
thought i'd share this article i was sent today.
it's getting to where you can't go and take a leisurely stroll or hike without being bombarded with the stufff we want to get away from.http://www.citizen-times.com/story/sports/outdoors/girls-gone-outdoors/2017/07/06/proselytizing-blue-ridge-parkway/452390001/.
It's a minor irritation to me if it's legal.
At least they are offering free water according to the article.
Not sure what the position is here in the UK. I would imagine the passing sentiment of anything between rolling eyes and "why don't you go and do something useful, idiot?" would be the norm here.
a well known scripture says, "however, do not let this escape your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with jehovah as a thousand years......." (2 peter 3:8) .
using this divine calculation of time, let's apply it to a prophetic type/anti-type scenario:.
matthew 16:21 says, ".....the christ would suffer and rise from among the dead on the third day...", while john 21:1 reveals that it was at the very beginning of that third day - "on the first day of the week, mary magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and she saw that the stone had already been taken away from the tomb.
New light! New Light!
"The Governing Body" (said by Steven Lett, while gurning and nodding his head) has found out that Jerusalem fell in 587 BCE! This means that instead of being 1914CE as the throwing of Satan down to the earth and kingdom rule being set up in the heavens we should be looking at 1934CE.
Now this is so obvious brothers, why didn't we see ... Jehovah's chariot ... blah blah ... overlap ...
1934 was when Hitler became supreme ruler of Germany when Hindenburg died and evidently fits in with when Satan came to the earth to mislead the nations and blah blah blah.
So the Generation which saw 1934 doesn't overlap at all and if you were a baby in 1934 you would be well along in years now so the end is very very soon; even imminent! This is no time to be toying with the words of Jesus when he said nobody knows the day and the hour.
The Generation that saw 1934 will by no means pass away. A prophet has gone among us! Sell your homes! Pioneer! Short remaining time!
*Note to COBE
Please print out (at your own expense) 1,000 labels for each active publisher deemed worthy by the service committee to receive them - marked 1934.
Give a sheet to each publisher and ask him or her to stick it over all references to 1914 in their publications.