So what's behind this ... and why was the first one discontinued?
Methinks the first one was discontinued so that if something went wrong (maybe the helper starts molesting the helpee - or the helpee has an accident while part of a Society program they might claim off the Society - or just that the pioneers don't want to be doing stuff for which they can't count their time) then the branch can't get sued.
But now the monthly ministry results are looking worse and worse and the Society "helpers" and "GB" always like to lay the burden on the lower middle management while not lifting a finger themselves - and so it's keep "busy, busy, busy" for the pioneers and "blame, blame, blame" for the congo elders and "guilt, guilt, guilt" for the ones that allow themselves to be "assisted."
One thing's for sure - "the ministry" is utterly ineffective - the gig is up but the corpse is still on life support.