I remember similar Pale.E.
At our D.C. the "aghast brother" didn't specify what he saw on his laptop but it obviously shocked the poor darling to the core and he resolved to stay away from the nasty internet.
the internet is what helped bring me and so many others out of this evil organization or at least confirmed our doubts.
i have to say, i have seen quite a few youtube videos recently of ex jw's secretly recording their interactions inside of different congregations, halls, etc and see how empty the halls are!
so many people comment on how the attendance is so low, far more emptier than when i was in 6 years ago, even on a weekday meeting.
I remember similar Pale.E.
At our D.C. the "aghast brother" didn't specify what he saw on his laptop but it obviously shocked the poor darling to the core and he resolved to stay away from the nasty internet.
article from the above news paper... .
maybe boe in north east england having an attack of zealous fervour!
Oh look! Polly Parrot is parroting the half truths from JWdotborg website with "theocratic warfare" ...
"A spokesman explained the process of disfellowship and shunning.
He said: “Those who were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses but no longer preach to others, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned. In fact, we reach out to them and try to rekindle their spiritual interest.
“We do not automatically disfellowship someone who commits a serious sin. If, however, a baptized Witness makes a practice of breaking the Bible’s moral code and does not repent, he or she will be shunned or disfellowshipped.
“The religious ties someone who is disfellowshipped had with their family changes, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings continue.”"
Deceitful little parrot repeating the deceitful words on the deceitful website.
since my awakening i have tried to understand why and how people could continue to believe so blindly in a proven false "religious" cult that has such an extensive and detailed record of scandals, lies and cover ups???
i've come to the personal conclusion that there are three major reasons.
i call them the 3 f-ups!
LV said "Uncon - do you think there are lots of others just playin the game?"
I don't know about "lots" but in my hall there I think the broad brush proportions in varying degrees are:
A) Full on believers - active not letting doubts get through. 40%
B) Believers that "struggle" to believe - shown by lethargy, ME type symptoms, mental illness etc. 40%
C) Those that know the gig is up but go through the motions. 5-10%
D) Memorial "surfacers" (who maybe a subset of B or C) only 10-15%
the internet is what helped bring me and so many others out of this evil organization or at least confirmed our doubts.
i have to say, i have seen quite a few youtube videos recently of ex jw's secretly recording their interactions inside of different congregations, halls, etc and see how empty the halls are!
so many people comment on how the attendance is so low, far more emptier than when i was in 6 years ago, even on a weekday meeting.
I liken it to the gears of a car.
1st Gear: Up until the mid-2000s the internet was only available on the family PC or the worker with their laptop and internet access. Also WT was very scathing of the internet and gave it a red light.
2nd Gear: Mid-2000's onwards Smartphones and tablets became increasingly available and surfing the net in privacy became much more easy to all family members. WT gave an amber light to limited use of the internet by going on line itself.
3rd Gear: We've shifted into this gear with pre-teens and poorer countries getting smart technology. JWborg is in full flow with the internet being embraced with a tacit green light. JWTV is out there in all its awful parody/glory. Everyone from 9 to 90 is being encouraged to go on line to receive JW litter-ature. Trolley-Dolleys encourage the public to check out JWborg. (What else will they check?)
Result? Increasing concern, apathy, disbelief, quiet rebellion and out and out apostasy. In the field only the mentally ill come in and only the born-in kids get baptised.
Hi Sinboi here's "da rulez"
You cannot be DF'd for associating with another DFd person unless you are vocally going about saying you don't agree with the decision to DF or otherwise sticking it in their faces where they bring in "brazen conduct" - the clever catch-all sin. If the parents are discreet it may not be an issue. If caught out by some nosey busybody who runs to the elders they (the parents) can claim "necessary private family business" without disclosing what it was.
If the DF'd relative is a minor then the parents get a free pass to keep them in their home until they are an adult before they get pressure to do otherwise. This is not rigorously enforced at age 18 but at 19 or especially 20 upwards they will get pressured to consider why the DFd person is there. If it is perceived that you are there because you just want to then the parents will get more pressure. At the other end of the scale if the householder wants his DFd parent to live with him because he is aging or unwell then the same scrutiny will apply. Needed or just convenient?
Now if the Parent is a pioneer or especially an appointed MS or Elder then his qualifications will be "considered" (scrutinised) and unless there is a damned good (JW) reason then they will be deleted from their position.
If they aren't an MS or Elder then the elders may choose to restrict "privileges" as they see fit.
If you are joining the army then I guess you would only be able to try to visit your parents when you are "on leave" and so if your parents operate an "under the radar" policy the problem shouldn't arise.
I guess the problem will be whether your parents will go against "da rulez" rather than the elders who may not be aware of your visits.
elder and his wife build a flash house.. they go on the stage at an assembly and give an experiences of how they sold the flash house to simplify their life so they can go pioneering.. the real story.. elder and wife can't afford the flash house and have to sell it he never goes pioneering she does until they are declared bankrupt.. why were they bankrupt?.
the money leaft over from the flash house they invested in a yet to be build apartment and the developer goes bankrupt takeing their money.. just one of many.. karter..
I was asked to do an interview at the CA about 6 or 7 years ago where the brother taking the item wanted to explain how I had "bounced back" from not taking counsel and losing my "privileges" to being reappointed again and how it showed that I had "learned my lesson" in a "humble way". (Barf! I know. I know. - )
The CO thought it a good example but he was interrupted by the DO who was riding shotgun at the rehearsal.
The DO thought it was too negative and that I hadn't showed humility by resigning in the first place and cut the interview out. (That was fun - standing on the rehearsal platform in front of all the circuit heavies and being kicked off! LOL!)
That DO was demoted to CO in 2014 along with all the others and if I have his age correct he will just about be getting put out to grass in outer fumbuck as he will be taken off of being CO as he approaches age 70.
A nice opportunity for him to show humility!
as a jw i pretty much just went along with what was taught from the platform i didn't do any real bible study.
as a result, now that i am out of the org.
i find scriptures that blow my mind.. i am not sure how i would have reacted if someone had pointed this out to me when i was a jw but now i can't believe i've never noticed this before.
I used to say "You cannot find ALMIGHTY anywhere in the Bible in reference to Jesus. Only to Jehovah."
I also used to say "Which is the more senior? Father or Son? ... So as a Son, then Jesus is subject to his Father, Jehovah."
If you want a scripture to cut the feet from under JW's try Luke 21 v 8.
the internet is what helped bring me and so many others out of this evil organization or at least confirmed our doubts.
i have to say, i have seen quite a few youtube videos recently of ex jw's secretly recording their interactions inside of different congregations, halls, etc and see how empty the halls are!
so many people comment on how the attendance is so low, far more emptier than when i was in 6 years ago, even on a weekday meeting.
What an excellent use of the internet! Please tell us more of how you get your anti JW message out there.
I always love your posts. That JW lady cannot fail to have your truthful experiences and what you said lodge in her brain.
... ... ...
In general terms the internet is also hollowing out JW's from the inside. Those that only get a glimpse of anti JW stuff, those that quietly research, those that doubt but feel unable to say anything at all and those "in for family" will vote - even if only subconsciously - with their wallets and their feet.
Armageddon never comes; The old school baptised pre -1975 stalwarts age, get sick and die; Peace and Security never comes; The King of the North has disappeared and the spoutings of the GB appear more manipulative, money and property focussed and inaccurate.
This is why meeting attendances and "door-to-door" are down, weekends away are up, lethargy and anxiety are on the increase and treading water is common.
Yay for the internet!
just wondering how many are assisted to wake up after experiencing harsh treatment from "the loving shepherds of the congregation"?.
perhaps some were starting to wake up, and such behaviour or treatment gave them the push to leave?.
as jesus supposedly said "come to me all who are toiling and loaded down, and i will refresh you.
Does an idiot C.O. harshly enforcing unwritten rules count? If so - raises hand.
the dub at my door ___________________i’d rather have a root canal than agree to a sit down with an active jehovah’s witness.i’m an ex-jw.
for good reason.
fool me once....i’m an activist and an author of a book or two exposing and vilifying the destructive jw cult organization.yet i agreed.
Great! What are the three traps Terry?