Oh look! Polly Parrot is parroting the half truths from JWdotborg website with "theocratic warfare" ...
"A spokesman explained the process of disfellowship and shunning.
He said: “Those who were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses but no longer preach to others, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned. In fact, we reach out to them and try to rekindle their spiritual interest.
“We do not automatically disfellowship someone who commits a serious sin. If, however, a baptized Witness makes a practice of breaking the Bible’s moral code and does not repent, he or she will be shunned or disfellowshipped.
“The religious ties someone who is disfellowshipped had with their family changes, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings continue.”"
Deceitful little parrot repeating the deceitful words on the deceitful website.