Looking forward to hearing about it.
Don't forget - goatees, bandannas and sticks and a large inflatable helium filled seven headed dragon.
As per Revelation book pics.
Looking forward to hearing about it.
Don't forget - goatees, bandannas and sticks and a large inflatable helium filled seven headed dragon.
As per Revelation book pics.
for those who don't know, asexual is someone who feels no sexual desire for other people.
they may often want the companionship of a relationship but with no benefits.
what would the jws view be of a jw dating an asexual worldly person?
Two things ... Worldly Person. Opposite Sex.
Here is the order of things.
1. Counsel.
Then depending whose feathers are ruffled
2. Whispered counsel to others to avoid you then possibly "Marking" for walking disorderly.
3. As mentioned - if you have a snooze on their sofa overnight and the "police" know about it then judicial. They may us their new catch-all "brazen conduct" to do the dirty.
this is a video from down with the tower.
it's excellent.
enjoy.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0lvvy2qurm.
I have in my hand the 2016 yearbook which shows 2,187 congs for the 2015 service year.
2015 peak publishers 165,754 ave 163,871
our co-ordinator put his hand up and commented saying that people who go on about how depressed or anxious they are just need to stop giving in to impulses and show more self control without letting their emotions rule their lives.. if anyone from the media, a government agency or some other public body heard a comment like that, they'd have a hard time exercising self control over the rubbish this elder spouted, which my friends and family with genuine depression found insulting..
He would have done well to "exercise self-control" in his answering and show some patience towards the depressed.
1st Thess. 5 v 14 (2013 rnwt)
daniel macias said.. investigators learned that ramos was an elder at a jehovah’s witnesses church in the 4000 block of west mckinley avenue.
there, he met a teen girl and her family three years ago.. .
Fisherman, have you pre-studied your WT for tomorrow? Self-control is the subject for indoctrination.
Does your posting (your drivel) on here demonstrate self-control according to the Governing Body of your religion?
when does the number of memorial partakers get released for 2017. i was wondering if the number will surpass 20k.
You are a star wifibandit! Thank you very much for all you do and to all your sources.
Mind you I wonder if the figure will be published this year? No more yearbook gives "them" more opportunity to hide unpalatable numbers.
when i left the jobos i went to different churches, depending on where i lived at the time.
i still believed in god and jesus at the time.. i was beginning to feel that there was actually no god but continued with the delusion as it comforted me.. the church i went to had some that claimed they could speak in tongues.
i suspected this was just an attention seeking device and that they were just spouting gibberish to appear special.. i went to a church morning breakfast.
Peter needed a crutch. Pun intended.
i know it could be a sensitive subject however we were all once firm believers and could have very well let one of our loved ones die due to what we once believed.. and not to be judgemental on what we would have done or did do in the past ,i sometime wonder if any of the parents or even one parent of the children of the may 22nd 1994 magazine of "youths who put god first " have now regretted their decision to let their children make this decision on their own.. after all these years i find it hard to believe that not one of them have no regrets to what happened to their child.. i can also accept that it would be extremely hard to admit that you allowed your child to make a decision to die on a belief you instilled in them that you no longer now believe in.
i think that would be very hard to live with and come to terms with.. if any of you are here my heart goes out to you because you have gone through hell and my thoughts/vibes are with you..
What Diogenesister said.
Truly stomach churning.
i was just shown a jc letter from a friend and i noticed that the bottom of it was signed by tree elders.
the letter specifically stated that it was an invitation to a "judicial committee" due to the brother having a marital relationship that was not aligned with bible principles.. i am asking because i remember reading experiences of brothers who demanded their jc be arranged over certified mail with signed letters to which elders refused to do.
since they could not get this done the matter was dropped and no dfing ever happened.
Well duh! "Tree elders" are sent by the "Branch" - obviously.
There is a difference between legally married (in jw land) and scripturally married.
You can get a legal divorce but if you remarry (legally) without "scriptural" grounds for a divorce then you have entered into an "adulterous marriage" and if they can get their ducks in a row (proof - admission by you or two witnesses or it is known you are living with your new marriage mate) they will hold a JC and DF you.
"Scriptural" grounds means that either...
A) Your ex had definitely done "jiggy-jiggy" with someone - or an animal! (porneia is the word they use which means penetrative or oral sex or mutual masturbation) and you have chosen not to "forgive". ("Forgiving" means you have resumed jiggy-jiggy with him or her)
B) You have done the dirty and your ex chose to "not forgive you" and scripturally and legally divorce you first.
Oh and with modern technology- phone sex, sexting, robot sex (!) etc. this will have them spending hours or days consulting with the branch to decide what or if you have "grounds" or not! Probably not.
But no Pharisees at work here. No Sir!
8: 58 footnote 1985 ed kit blue (01).
8: 58 footnote 1969 ed kit purple (02).
jesus, himself tells us just how important it is.
I cannot throw more light on the post but I knew there were two interlinears. Not hugely different although I'm sure someone can highlight anything significant.
I have the blue one (later) but not the earlier. As far as I recall the purple one was based on the complete (old green 1961 nwt bible) in style and came out in 1969.
The blue one of 1985 came out with the revision of the 1984 nwt (you know where Heb 1 v 6 is changed from "worship" to "obeisance" of Jesus in the main text) and at the time of the big reference bible.
I guess there would have been tiny subtle differences to support their doctrine plus some extra charts and such to make it more sellable (financially) to the JW's who would have been the main source of income.