Out4good4 said about his wife ...
"Then she presents the idea that I would be a good person she can practice her presentations with with me being the householder."
Of course you could look at that as an open goal mouth!
so yesterday was the midweek meeting - the first of the month for december so instead of locals doing the little talk skits we get the on screen shadow puppets.. after each one the ms taking the item asks the congregation for "positive" comments.. part way through i get a text from a pimo brother enduring the show which reads thus (and i quote word for word ...).
"it's like listening to a bunch of people from a mental institution.
Out4good4 said about his wife ...
"Then she presents the idea that I would be a good person she can practice her presentations with with me being the householder."
Of course you could look at that as an open goal mouth!
i recently asking this women out who here has problems with women after being a jw.
i still do.
i will try to talk with with women..
Don't forget "FORD" when you feel tongue tied.
In a non intrusive way ask about her:
FAMILY (People usually like it when folk take a non threatening interest in their family background)
OCCUPATION (ditto job, charity work etc)
RECREATION (Hiking/Cinema/Sports/Books/Cosy up in front the fire ...)
DREAMS (Plans/Holidays/Goals)
so yesterday was the midweek meeting - the first of the month for december so instead of locals doing the little talk skits we get the on screen shadow puppets.. after each one the ms taking the item asks the congregation for "positive" comments.. part way through i get a text from a pimo brother enduring the show which reads thus (and i quote word for word ...).
"it's like listening to a bunch of people from a mental institution.
So yesterday was the midweek meeting - the first of the month for December so instead of locals doing the little talk skits we get the on screen shadow puppets.
After each one the MS taking the item asks the congregation for "positive" comments.
Part way through I get a text from a PIMO brother enduring the show which reads thus (and I quote word for word ...)
"It's like listening to a bunch of people from a mental institution."
went to the meeting last night with my believing wife.
the co was visiting and delivered a really cult-ish talk on loyalty but that's another story.. they made the announcement that starting january 1st they were going to have only 3 congregations in this town instead of 4.. they are dissolving one and growing the territories of the remaining 3. the reason given is that many of the elders are getting up there in age and can't do what they used to do.
basically not enough elders and ministerial servants...or even men reaching out for that matter.
Fantastic news! Remind me ... what part of the world is this?
hey everyone.
i have a question and i hope i'm not confusing this with something else i heard.
while watching ex jw videos on youtube many of them talk about how noah's ark and the flood didn't happen and it's impossible.
Don't worry Gokumonkey, everyone knows that Noah's wife's name was Joan. And their surname was Covenant.
well it's been awhile since i got angry and wanted to post on here again.
last week's watchtower about the subject of love had something to say about the hard working attendants.
it seems that they are choosing to sit in the best seats at the convention.
While the higher-ups moan and point out attendants "choosing the best seats" in their sections in the cheap seats they sit on cushions in air conditioned offices drinking coffee and eating biscuits.
copied from a facebook post :.
"heard on a youtube channel that " a purge " is taking place disfellowshipping quite a lot of witnesses in both hull and plymouth area,s ?".
anything to add ?.
Any updates?
had a couple of witnesses stop by yesterday to say the usual "we miss you, missed you at the meeting, just checking in on you, etc.
" i've always liked this guy so we spoke for a few minutes.
my wife said that they could count their time since i am inactive.
Sparrowdown wrote: "I thought they could only count time if they were "assigned" to a specific inactive person by the BOE. Has that changed to all inactive all the time?"
When I was last an elder (2000's) the "rules" were that someone had to be assigned by the service committee to have a bible study with an inactive person.
So sister "come to the memorial and other occasional rare surfacings, inactive but no hanky panky going on" might be assigned to study with (usually) a pioneer or elders wife.
we all know that this cult will drive those trying to leave to desperate measures, and today by brother was very nearly one of those statistics.
he slashed his thigh with a kitchen knife and was bleeding out until he called the police.. i got a call on my way home from work from a police officer, coincidentally it was one of my old friends from school who's now a cop.
he told me my brother is in hospital after an attempted suicide and has lost some blood but will be ok. but i should get to the hospital as he's asking for me.
Top job P.E. You are a good brother. In the truest sense of the word.
2 pioneers of the opposite sex.
the brother is in his mid-20s, sister is in her late 20s.
both are alone in car as the only 2 out in field service.
St. George said "It's actually a lavatory, use of the word toilet does nothing for ones social standing!"
In descending order from Posh to Slob. UK English
Where is the Ladies/Gents lavatory, please? (Formal)
Where's the Loo? (Less Formal, more genteel than the next one down.)
Where are the toilets/gents/ladies? (Normal everyday use)
I'm off to the bog. (Mainly a male comment - perhaps camping with mates/working on a building site)
I'm busting for a dump! Where's the bog? (Freddo - in urgent need)
I need the crapper/shitter. (What Freddo really means)
Hope that helps!