This is a joke, right? AM3?
It's a day early for the broadcast assuming it is out on Monday 1st January 2018.
A funny one, mind.
david splane explains newest understanding" of 'this generation" adding a 3rd group.... .
This is a joke, right? AM3?
It's a day early for the broadcast assuming it is out on Monday 1st January 2018.
A funny one, mind.
i'd like share why i went from being a teenager determined to work in full time service for jehovah my entire life, to now being on here commiserating with you all.
i use to be an atheist but i now believe in god.
but i'm not preachy about god.
Wow! You could write a book.
Oh ... you already have!
Welcome and thanks for sharing. Very much appreciated.
for the holidays my girlfriend and i had planned to travel home and enjoy some time in our home area and visit with all our families.
she has several siblings and both our parents are divorced and living separately so it was a really busy time traveling around visiting each home.
my girlfriend was never a jw, but as for me i have been df'd for about 7 years now.
There was also a mid week meeting a couple of months ago replaying the DF scandinavian girl video from the 2016 Regional Assembly where dearest mommy doesn't even pick up the phone to her DF'd daughter and by so not doing is instrumental in bringing her back into the fold.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
What's the distance across that disc in the post previous to this one?
And the distance from the tip of South Africa to the tip of South America?
the following is a qfr from the april, 2018 watchtower.
just a couple of articles back the organization was explaining how jws need to be encouraging and even when admonishing congregations jesus would start out with encouraging words.
we see none of this in the qfr, rather, it is heavy handed and legally incorrect.. why is it not permissible to post publications of jehovah’s witnesses on a personal website or on social media?.
I wonder whether "Fisherman" will be obeying this edict?
"An online forum is not an appropriate setting for “instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed.”
l have researched this subject and come to the conclusion that no we didn't.what do others think?.
Not enough technology in the late 60's?
So we had -
Viable submarines enabling humans to routinely operate in an airless hostile (and high pressure) environment over 100 years ago.
Flying the Atlantic just under 100 years ago.
Rockets (V2) reaching altitudes in space and dropping 2000lb warheads on London from 200 miles away over 70 years ago.
USSR reaching Earth Orbit 60 years ago.
USSR/USA sending man into Earth orbit early 60's.
Manned Moon landing 1969.
What technology didn't mankind have?
another brilliant episode.
true and poignant..
Another brilliant episode. True and Poignant.
the watchtower in the uk are expecting volunters in the uk to travel many 100s of miles for a days work either skilled or unskilled in the new bethel at chelmsford;from edinborough in scotland its almost a 800 mile roundtrip.
Not just UK. Also Ireland. They expect a group from Dublin to go together.
Edited to add:
Just saw your leaflet Punky.
It needs a new line or two adding ...
The Borganisation also "suggests" you pay them a monthly donation to stay there and can also sell it from under you whenever it likes.
the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses of namibia has asserted its right to be exempt as an "employer" for purposes of payment to those who work on its behalf, nor are they responsible (they claim) for filing any social security documents as to wages, hours worked, withholding, 2014, the congregation asked to be de-registered as such.____it didn't go so well.____on the 16 june 2014, authorities replied to the jw's request by confirming that the appellant is considered an employer in terms of the ss act and consequently should be registered with the employees’ compensation fund established by the employees’ compensation act, 1941, as well as having the order register its members with the maternity, sick leave and death benefit established by the ss act___a ping-pong protest and response commenced with multiple requests for clarification by the dubs and protestations and requests for appeal, etc.____authorities decided this matter was best handled by visiting the premises and investigating for themselves what goes on.____after the "visit" by authorities, nothing was offered by the dubs to change any minds.___the jw's continued to whine and protest and appeal, etc.____the authorities examined the congregation's appeal and made the following evaluation:== in the respondent’s listed grounds of opposition, it noted that the appeal filed by the appellant is not proper as it failed to complete the form 11 as contemplated in rule 17(2)(a) of the rules of this court==___jw's protested and appealed the appeal response which didn't appeal to them.___arguments continued until the following finding was released:the labour amendment act stipulates that:18 ‘for the purposes of this act or any other employment law, until the contrary is proved, an individual who works for or renders services to any other person, is presumed to be an employee of that other person, regardless of the form of the contract or the designation of the individual, if any one or more of the following factors is present:(list of factors attached)____blah-blah-blah-blahfinally:the ss act does not provide for de-registration of employers.
accordingly, logic follows that once an employer has been registered under this act, the obligations created in terms of this act ceases to exist only where the employer (who is a natural person) dies or becomes insolvent or is sequestrated or is liquidated or wound up (where an employer is a juristic person).
employees may be ‘de-registered’ under that employer in the event they die or their services have been terminated._______cut to the chase:accordingly, the appellant cannot pick and choose which laws should apply to them and which not.
Thank you Terry.
Methinks anything under "CCofJW's in Namibia" will be moved by Watchtower to come under the direct control of South African branch ... (with more poor sods being kicked to the kerb in a third world country).
Mind you I don't know how many "full time servants" are directly under CCofJW's Namibia at present anyway.