Zeb - the North Wales "fallout" problem from Chernobyl.
Now I'm no conspiracy theorist type but I have heard of the fallout from Chernobyl damaging a North Wales lake and that "Acid rain" causes the problem too.
There is a MAGNOX reactor built in 1965 and shut in 1991 there in Snowdonia ...
From Hansard (London Parliament record)
Trawsfynydd Power Station (Nuclear Incident)
§Mr. D. E. Thomasasked the Secretary of State for Energy whether the Central Electricity Generating Board informed his Department of a nuclear incident at Trawsfynydd power station during the last 10 days; if he will undertake a full departmental inquiry into all circumstances surrounding this incident; and if he will make a statement.
§Mr. Norman LamontI am informed that moisture was discovered in the coolant circuit of reactor 1 of the Trawsfynydd nuclear power station on 25 June, when the reactor was being brought back to power after a grid disturbance had306W caused an automatic shutdown the previous day. The reactor was again shut down, and the moisture traced to a leaking boiler tube. The boiler affected has been isolated, and the moisture is being removed from the coolant circuit by circulating dry gas.
I understand that the Nuclear installations Inspectorate considers that there is no hazard to safety or health from the leak or the remedial action, and that there has been no incident of a nature which is required to be reported under the arrangements relating to nuclear installations.
I spoke personally in about 1998 with an "ex special services" bible study living in the area and he told me that they (his unit) were sent in to secure the perimeter "we were there for weeks" while mopping up teams cleared the mess. He wasn't a tinfoil hat wearing loon.
Rumours abound in North Wales of an incident in the late 70's/early 80's that was kept quiet by "Maggie Thatcher's government" and there are elevated cancer rates there in what to my mind should be one of the cleanest air parts of the UK.
It seems more likely to me that North Wales had its own significant nuclear leak (not minor as reported) rather than one thousands of miles to the east causing it. (Remember Wales has a very dominant westerly flow of wind off the Atlantic - including the jet stream)