Bobby's scripture-containing case is bigger than anyone else's on the forum.
His grave will have more whitewash on it too.
the guardian newspaper today reports that the iccsa has received “numerous” reports relating to child sexual abuse among jehovahs witness's, and it is possible they will establish an entirely separate inquiry into these reports.
the government set up the iccsa independnt inquiry into child sexual abuse some time ago and their has been a delay in the inquiry operating as thw role of chair s established.. typo in heading, sorry .
Bobby's scripture-containing case is bigger than anyone else's on the forum.
His grave will have more whitewash on it too.
the guardian newspaper today reports that the iccsa has received “numerous” reports relating to child sexual abuse among jehovahs witness's, and it is possible they will establish an entirely separate inquiry into these reports.
the government set up the iccsa independnt inquiry into child sexual abuse some time ago and their has been a delay in the inquiry operating as thw role of chair s established.. typo in heading, sorry .
"Watchtower" / Governing Body / Bobby2446 - all modern day Pharisees.
All finery and scripture-containing cases to the front - an open gown at the back.
Sadly for them the wind blows more strongly these days.
does any one have any info on the treatment of long serving elderly bethel servants who are retiring or virtually having to retire?
with the closing & selling off of their properties & relocation's, what is happening to their elderly servants who cannot just move away & have lived at some of their jw accommodations for so long?
many of these servants have worked for very little financial rewards & i have heard some have no life savings or superannuation retirements payouts.. shouldn't the society be paying out a redundancy sum to them?
Here in UK it seems that the danger zone is 40 - 60 and those that have "issues".
In our circuit I know of three couples kicked to the kerb last year.
The oldest is a "nondescript" elder (mid 50's I'd guess) who has been a bethelite 25 years and his pleasant enough zealot wife (late 40's I'd guess) who were on "maintenance" (him) and "laundry" (her).
He has a menial job (cleaning quelle surprise) with a local gangmaster brother who is known for being a harsh taskmaster and having a screw loose! She has a job doing admin. work in a Doctors' Surgery.
Another couple is a mid 30's brother who was in transport and his "nervy" wife who was often sick with unfathomable illnesses - so they were obviously right for the chop.
Then a couple about 40 where the wife was really only there to please him and do her duty but who hated the place.
It seems if you are over 60 then they are shamed into keeping you and the keen under forties seem OK too - mind you, when Chelmsford luxury retirement complex is finished we'll get more booted I'm sure.
Of the following four successful attempts one was was actually in my congregation.
Four who were "active" baptized publishers at the time of suicide. 1. One brother used a car exhaust; 2. A sister took an overdose of drink and pills. 3. Another brother hanged himself in the garden shed. Each one left teenage or adult kids.
4. The final one (single - no kids) was early twenties and he locked himself in a walk-in cupboard and overdosed on pills and drink.
Then there are those on the periphery of JW'ism. (Relatives of JW's or ex JW's or brought up as JW's)
One jumped from a high bridge, one gassed himself in a kitchen oven.
Then there are those who you aren't sure whether it was a suicide attempt or being high on a drug/drink cocktail or did they "jump" or "fall" from the balcony or building.
i know we cannot answer this, how many are physically in, mentally out (pimo), but i heard an amazing piece of news the other day.. an ex-p.o and ex-elder, a long time regular pioneer, and when i knew him a stalwart believer, went for a drink with another jw who has actually left, but is not df or anything.. in the course of conversation he came out with this bombshell "well, i am actually an atheist now, i just go along to keep my wife happy".. i also heard of a number of youngsters that i know personally who are simply living their life as they want, whilst making sure they don't get df'd for family and social reasons.. if as it seems the pimo's are a huge number, could there be a huge " awakening" where they all realize they are in a huge group, and they all say " eff it, lets call it a day on all the jw s**t ".
wishful thinking, but.....just possible ?.
In my hall of about 75 "publishers" I know for sure there are four of us PIMO to a large extent (of not believing Armageddy is coming or who literally mock the antics of Lett and some of the directives of the GB).
I suspect there are at least another three who by their demeanor and actions (inactions) seem somewhat or even largely PIMO/questioning too.
So a good ten per cent I would say.
Now I don't go round telling these others that I recommend they come on this forum or read CoC but they all look at Youtube clips of the ARC and share negative news items about child abuse and question overlapping generations.
I think the number is growing. And the apathy and increased vacations and weekends away by many others is telling too.
They may not all believe the emperor has no clothes but they certainly believe he is very scantily clad!
Simon said it more succinctly than I might have done.
this months broadcast is presented by losche and he discusses the need for trust in the fds.
the following is transcribed from the 12.30 mark.. satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about our brothers including the faithful slave.
the method of spreading rumors is not new.
Thanks listener ...
From your transcript:
"So, whom do you trust? You fully trust in Jehovah, Jesus and the Faithful Slave."
There we have it - the JW trinity.
oclam-2018-april-2-30--answer sheet march announcements and reminders!.
Thank you!
So soon it will be no more lorries needed at London Bethel it would seem.
... in the j.w's it means to spend 50 or 70 hours each month in wasted time, perhaps stood at a cart that nobody pays attention to..
Yup, Pioneers used to machete their way through the jungle or run the risk of robbery and physical attack in hostile territories.
Not in JW land.
For them it's part-time secular work - then scratch your backside stood next to a bookshelf with wheels, with frequent coffee breaks - then go on a "Bible err ... Borg publication study" with a vulnerable no-hoper or the vulnerable kid of a vulnerable no-hoper.
Then a bit of sanctimonious halo-polishing being interviewed on the platform at the local KH or Assembly hall and a bit of hob-nobbing with other pio-lemmings and the circuit overseer.
Add in liberal comments about "keeping your life simple" and other pio-sneering phrases and you have a "Pioneer" jw-style.
Top Marks, I say!
I have the 4th edition (2008) and I welcome this new one with its foreword and additional content. On the basis that Ray Franz's work is unchanged we can read that and choose what other content to analyse too.
I never knew about Jon A. Mitchell - secretary to the GB in 1980/1981 - his knowledge of the "lock down" at Brooklyn after Ray Franz left sounds interesting.
Also Deborah Dykstra's association with the Ray and Cynthia and her account will be interesting too - they must have trusted her and it looks as if all has come through.
The foreword by David Henke may not interest me but it may well open this up to a wider audience.
The additions may well help this telling of events of nearly 40 years ago (and of course Ray discussed the "original" generation change in 1995 although he had passed away before being able to write about the "Overlapping" craziness) become more relevant.