Actually thanks Anders - I recall that now and remember being on a fact finding mission (aka witch hunt) - in the late 1990's - when I was an elder on a young brother playing fast and loose in JW terms with several young women but there not being enough to prove how far things went with each one.
One girl confessed to what is in jw land is porneia with the chap and he said he only went as far as above the waist action. As she confessed to a blowjob with him she was dealt with judicially but he got away with strong counsel because of course there was only one witness to the blowjob as he denied and said she was fantasizing.
She "lost it" at his "lies" and stormed out the JC in tears verbally DA'd and was judged unrepentant and DF'd!
About six months later another girl confessed out of the blue to similar "porneia" with the same chap and this time he denied completely beyond kissing her.
We checked with the original (already DF'd girl) whether she still held to what she had said and she was willing to repeat what she said and used the testimony of the now DF'd girl plus the new one and DF'd his sorry ass for porneia and malicious lying. The more recent girl got a private reproof.
We asked the original girl if she wanted to get reinstated and that we would fast track it if she did. She was very polite (amazingly) but basically told us she was never coming back to a religion that used elders who "lacked discernment". I understand she is now in her mid forties, in business with her hardworking never a jw husband with teenage kids, happily married.
Not proud of being involved in the process above but just reporting.