I dunno Simon - I just don't see pro-Islam lies and propaganda in Abaddon's posts. I see a well put point of view that is pro-moderate and anti extremist.
Cofty puts a well reasoned point of view too in that Islam is the religion presently used by most extremists to foment their evil.
I believe that British money spent on schools (e.g.) in Pakistan (e.g.) is one of the best ways to spend foreign aid. And with the British background I believe we should spend on foreign aid especially in ex empire countries we have had strong links with. Also building relationships through common sports such as cricket is good too.
I also believe that any religious extremist that kills or threatens to kill should be dealt with severely. Life imprisonment and death penalty included.
Also that anyone (in general terms) who is in a western country illegally should be immediately returned to their country of origin. If they come back then they should be imprisoned for a year before being sent back. Come again and caught then (say) five years.