The ARC did not find 1000 unreported victims. In March 2017, they admitted roughly half of them either already came to the attention of the police or had “insufficient evidence” to warrant a report.
However ...
Case Study 29 says ...
6.3 External reporting of child sexual abuse to authorities
Although the position is not clear in relation to a few files, there is otherwise no evidence before the Royal Commission of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation having reported to police or other secular authority a single one of the 1,006 alleged perpetrators of child sexual abuse recorded in the case files held by Watchtower Australia.
Please note doubter -1006 perpetrators - not victims.
Now you keep on trolling if you wish; all the members of this forum and lurkers who see your responses will form their own conclusions.
You do a better job of highlighting the filth that goes on covered up by your leaders than any honest hearted person ever could.