I was visiting (with a JW family member so I behaved - sort of) a different country last weekend and in a city by one of the Metro stations was a cart with literature in (a European language) and English.
The young couple had good understandable English and I introduced myself as a "brother" and asked if they were "having a successful day."
"Oh yes!" said the young brother.
I smilingly said "Oh, good! Have you started any bible studies?"
"No, no." He said a bit sheepishly. "No bible studies."
"So, how has it been successful?" I asked, all innocently.
"We place literature. Look."
And he showed me a little slip in a foreign language which looked like "video showings" "return visits" "placements" "bible studies" and such like.
There was a number 3 in one column and a number 1 in another and a 1 in yet another. It meant 3 placements of literature and 1 showing of a video and 1 RV. I asked if it was for their shift or for the whole day. "From 8 until now." I was informed.
It was about 3 pm and the spot had had pairs of witnesses on it from 8 in the morning and the 3 placements and the 1 showing an the RV weren't for the last 2 hour shift but for the whole day up until 3pm!
So there we were in dry weather in a busy square by cafes and restaurants and shops and bus stops and tram stops and a metro station in a busy metropolitan city with lots of tourists on a Saturday afternoon and they had placed three friggin' pieces of literature and had one video showing and one RV and that counted as a successful day!
Jesus wept, what a complete and utter waste of time - 7 hours and 4 pairs of witnesses for that. I could have done that in twenty minutes on my magazine route back in the day.