Matthew 5 v 13
Lot's wife was salt of the Earth.
assuming anyone cares :-).
they are releasing another bible story book targeted at kids.. sheesh!
Matthew 5 v 13
Lot's wife was salt of the Earth.
i went through the original footage to get a good look at the watch.. from these pictures we can probably say that it is a apple watch and that it has a golden color.
the color on the pin is black, and the band is white, grey, silvery or beige.. .
the pin is in the exact place for it to be a apple watch.. only apple watch edition have the gold color.
Just because it is a gift doesn't let them off the hook
Matthew 19 v 21 ...
now kids can help draw lot's wife getting destroyed.. .
And the next scene in the series -
Lot commits incest with his daughters ...
I really wish more people would connect the dots.
this took quite a while this evening.
so worth it though.
hope you enjoy!
*** w94 8/15 p. 11 This Good News Must Be Preached First ***
Contrast With Christendom’s Clergy
3 In stark contrast, news reports have time and again revealed many of the clergy in some lands to be pedophiles, immoral swindlers, and frauds. Their works of the flesh and their extravagant life-styles are manifest for all to see. One popular songwriter expressed it well in his song entitled “Would Jesus Wear a Rolex [a very expensive gold watch] on His Television Show?” He asks the question: “Would Jesus be political if He came back to Earth? Have His second home in Palm Springs [a wealthy California community] and try to hide His worth?” How appropriate are the words of James: “You have lived in luxury upon the earth and have gone in for sensual pleasure. You have fattened your hearts on the day of slaughter.”—James 5:5; Galatians 5:19-21.
this took quite a while this evening.
so worth it though.
hope you enjoy!
This video (and the Kingdom Hall grab) by Cappytan gave me the courage to cancel my monthly money order to the Governing Body luxury retirement home ...
If you want to recommend it anonymously get friends to google
"Would Jesus wear a Rolex on JW broadcasting"
may 15, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: regular pioneers.
uk version.
Three sexual predators I knew personally as in waved hello and talked to them at conventions before I knew what they were - two of them pedo's.
1. Service Overseer and Pioneer - predator.
2. Keen young Pioneer - pedo.
3. The worst of the lot - MICHAEL PORTER - Pioneer, Elder, Service Overseer, Bethelite. Probably the most notorious UK JW pedo that went to prison on 22 or 24 counts.
All approved by elders and bethel under direction of "Holy Spirit" while they were perving - yeah right.
how many days/weeks/months/years have you been shunned by family ?.
ttatt4u (not dfed or daed) : 5 years.
DoC said:
"That would be great to print on small biz card size stock and leave laying around at the Reg Conv."
This /\ /\ /\
i have a legitimate question and i am not trying to start a fight.
i keep reading that there were 6 child abuse lawsuits that settled for 13 million dollars.
how do people like barbara anderson or jwsurvey or jwfacts come up with this number?
Good decision Simon. Very good decision indeed.
Thank you.
i have a legitimate question and i am not trying to start a fight.
i keep reading that there were 6 child abuse lawsuits that settled for 13 million dollars.
how do people like barbara anderson or jwsurvey or jwfacts come up with this number?
How about this scenario Richard?
You are a parent and your adult son molests a child, goes to prison and comes back to live with you. A new neighbour moves in next door with children. Should you warn her that your son has been to prison for child molestation?
on my way home from work today, i saw the modern day pioneers having a grand old time, relaxing in the sun.
two sprawled on one bench and the other two talking up a storm, with their iced cappuccino, just enjoying the day.
the two carts were a number of feet away.
All for show.