London Bethel on the Ridgeway is less than 10 miles away. I bet they've been sending supplies and donations by the truckload.
Posts by freddo
London fire..
by zeb ini bleed for the poor souls caught in that.
no sprinkler system in that domestic building..!.
tragically the govts various of london learned nothing during the world war..
JW Cart encounter
by Listener ini've seen very few carts in western australia.
the only one i have seen is near the front entrance of the perth royal hospital and on the several occasions that i have seen it, they are there all day, at least during the week.
i've stopped and had long conversations twice now and both times when i have approached them they've told me to take whatever publications interest me and then we've started talking.this last visit i brought up the royal commission.
Brilliant job Listener - just brilliant.
Maybe we should praise the Nazis for "being so well organised" in their death camps and commend them on their nice neat uniforms too.
Whitewashed Graves!
The little things that made you feel guilty as a JW?
by HereIgo inwatching rated r movies?
maybe a little gambling in vegas?
when i was in high school i went to the mall with my friend at the time, who happened to be a female.
When I was fifteen my school arranged a coach trip to London for some class project - it meant getting home at about 8 pm and shock horror "I WOULD MISS THE MEETING!" and have BAD ASSOCIATION!"
My Father agreed (laid back type) - my mother laid a guilt trip on me.
If she had known that I had SHOCK HORROR walked a female classmate home from the bus stop afterwards in the dark (completely innocently) she would have had a fit.
Fortunately they were at the meeting at 8 pm.
Complete this sentence with only one word: THE TIME REMAINING IS...
by steve2 inthe time remaining is... elastic.. .
stash: /
I think the last one that was a separate letter headed from the GB was about the group study being dropped.
This one looks like the usual yearbook boasting session opening letter.
No Divine Protection in Kingdom Halls.
by Tony Browning insad case in honington, devon, uk..
Spot on Steve - I really haven't learned when to shut up; sorry!
Coffee Mugs
by Iamallcool ini am thinking about buying coffee mug(s).
maybe i will get my coffee mug personalized.
any suggestions on what should be on my coffee mug?
I like my coffee like my women - strong and black!
Yesterday's Watchtower Study 11 June 2017
by BluesBrother in"what will go when god's kingdom comes?
" from april w/tower.
we start with a picture of jesus riding a white horse into battle, galloping towards terrified people in darkness.
What a load of simplistic brain numbing bunk. If that's the regular WT then what does the simpleton's simplified version have to say?
I love the polarised view. So what about your unbelieving children and spouse sister "
shit for brains" err ...I mean sister gullible.We haven't said it out right but they are toast!
But if you sit there and nod your head hard enough you can compartmentalize all the crap so that you can function ... as long as you stay on the meds.
As an Ex JW now, how would you react if you met your Bible study conductor?
by EverApostate ini was a jw for 11 years , came to know ttatt and wrote my disassociation letter 5 years ago.
since then i had been an atheist and trying all i can to spread awareness for “still in” members.
my wife and mom are still jws and i do get along with them perfectly.
If I met my study conductor I'd run for the hills - he's been dead over five years!
Should a JW accept Veteran payments?
by Tantalon inhello people,.
i was born in but long time faded.
i think i hold current jws to a higher standard than they now maintain.. here's the thing; my father is very old, in his nineties and been a jdub for over 60 years and even made it to elder till he got too old.on a recent visit my siblings and dad were saying how wonderful that veterans affairs were.
Old boy in my hall who passed away about ten years ago and who became a jw quite late in life - in his seventies I think - was a WW2 army veteran.
In the UK there is the British Legion which is a charity mostly linked with the "poppy" appeal and which looks after servicemen in their time of need.
He was a wily old bird and happily accepted handrails being installed and cash payments for things he "qualified for" such as a comfier mattress etc.
He never really got the army out of his system and if I went to visit on a Saturday after the ministry he often would get his campaign medals out and start yacking about "the war".
Funnily enough there was another younger guy who was in the British Army in the 1970's in Northern Ireland who got blown up by the I.R.A. and had alcohol and mental problems (not surprising really) before being a JW and he would tell me how the first veteran spent his army life as a stores clerk and never saw any action.
It was quite funny really where the WW2 guy felt his six years outweighed the other guys two years and invaliding out. They would often needle each other.
Both dead and gone waiting for Armageddon - hey ho.