You "threatened them (elders) with legal action for a breach of confidence" and then "they were deleted".
Way to go! Tell us more.
recently quit being a jw because i realised that beyond armageddon i was going to be ruled by people who cover up child abuse, not telling the congregations by their letter where the money they donated in the box is going towards paying compensation for legal battles which they caused, and also i was bullied by elders and discriminated against for being homosexual, even though i am not practicing it.
it wasn't until i threatened legal action for a breach of confidence that the elders were deleted.
so through the media and my own personal experience, i realised that they were no different to corrupt businesses in the world.
i have successfully faded but my dad can't help but witness to me, so i have decided to do my research and answer him from the bible when he tries to get his point across.. so on my last visit to my parents house, he was trying to tell me that the jw's have the right religion because they go house to house, and got me to read luke chapter 10, so as he is reading it i said, isn't this interesting because in verse 7 says says don't from from house to house.. he couldn't cope with it and started saying i am taking it out of context, i replied this is what the scripture says.
even when it is written in black and white and they are the ones quoting the scriptures they still can see it.. he then said that i am unwilling to see the truth and could not talk any longer, go figure..
what is the minimum meeting attendace for someone, who is of good health, has not children doesn't work in a job that requires travel and lives about 3 miles from the kh?
is 50% for clam and 75% for watchtower acceptable?.
Depends upon what area you are in. If in "The West" then general meeting attendance has degraded markedly from 90% to about 70%. Many "listen in" with phantom illnesses that wouldn't stop them from e.g. going to work, shopping or eating out.
Also depends upon the body of elders world view as a group.
Usual rules apply - if the brother wishes to qualify as an elder he is unlikely to be allowed. If he already is an elder then one or two on the body will have a quiet word with him.
But if he is otherwise liked and used and especially if there is a need in the hall for elders then he will probably be allowed to continue with much tut-tutting and eye rolling from those in the cong that have their antenna up for inconsistency and hypocrisy.
convention introductions.
2017 “don’t give up!” convention.
Apologies for the "cheese eating surrender monkeys" line. Poor taste in the circumstances.
It is a line from the Simpsons when the Scottish groundsman has to stand in for a teacher and take a French language class. Built upon by Jeremy Clarkson in Top Gear when referring to manufacturers of French cars.
It is a favourite banter-line among not so subtle Brits like me.
it has proved to be :.
international bull shit artists .........i.b.s.a.. and their history over the past 100+ years has borne this out.. how many times do they have to fail in :.
in the july broadcast of jw broadcasting tony morris one of the gb was telling people about what the jws do in iceland with the cart work and mentioned that they have plastic covers for the books and magazines so that they last longer, ialways thought the end of the world was so close ?.
Whatever would we do without finger-wagging, image conscious, condescending Turd the Third?
Such a spiritual giant - you can see why Jesus has chosen him as part of the 144,000 kings and priests to reign in heaven with him.
Move over Peter, James and John - Jesus has a new right hand man!
i'm sure i am not the only one to have heard this come out of the mouths of my loved ones.
it's a very painful thing to hear, especially when it comes from the people like your own parents/family.
even after i've been told that, they would say "we'll just continue life without you.
They're frightened Jules. Remember that and it will help take the sting out of it.
They're frightened you'll die at Armageddon. They're frightened they will die and they're probably frightened your Granddad is right all along. They may be frightened about loss of status in their social group - which status is based on peddling Watchtowers and directing people to JWBorg and sitting through drivel at meetings.
All because they are deluded sailors working on a ship of fools.
hello, i've been lurking for quite some time here on this forum, reading a whole lot and i've finally made the courage to create an account as a form of escape and in hopes to be understood and not feel "mentally diseased".
little background on me, i am a born in but i consider myself a pimo (physically in mentally out).
i feel like i've always had doubts but these doubts would sink with the meetings and the assemblies and every other little thing that drowns any doubts a witness may have.