Thank you DS. Much appreciated.
Posts by freddo
BBC: Victims 'told not to report' Jehovah's Witness child abuse
by Lostandfound intoday on bbc news site sorry about typo in heading big story on bbc news in uk.
BBC: Victims 'told not to report' Jehovah's Witness child abuse
by Lostandfound intoday on bbc news site sorry about typo in heading big story on bbc news in uk.
It's not so much the "two witness rule" - they can play what games they like in lala land for all I care - it's the NOT REPORTING TO POLICE/SOCIAL SERVICES and TRYING TO STOP OTHERS GOING TO THE AUTHORITIES - TO PROTECT JEHOVAH'S NAME that makes my blood boil.
It is insidious. Even in the mid-2000's after Panorama/Dateline forced the bastards in Bethel to put in writing that congregation members could go to the authorities without sanction, the verbal "strong suggestions" were to avoid it like the plague and woe betide any elder who told them he was going anyway.
I remember with another elder phoning the UK branch about a case where we believed that the children were being very badly neglected and we wanted to go to the social services. The Toady little shit on the end of the phone line - who of course is anonymous - really didn't want elders to go even when we explained that the parents or relatives wouldn't go because they knew they might "lose" their kids into care.
We went anyway and didn't tell anyone else about it. Funnily enough the other brother is now an ex-elder too even though he seems to be a true believer.
I believe - but cannot prove - there is a reported case in Ireland only this year where elders were removed (soundness of mind was the charge can you believe?) because they went to the authorities and what they knew came from either elders "investigations" or judicial records.
It Might Have Hit The Fan
by ini haven't associated with the jws for at least 6 months.
they do not know that i am an apostate.
maybe till just now becaue i was browsing reddit and stumbled upon a story from a paper about $4000 a day fine imposed upon watchtower.
If you don't want to "blow up" then just say that a workmate/neighbour emailed it to you asking about it and you just emailed it on "to an elder" as you wanted the elders opinion please as it seems very troubling to you.
not a new topic - really a pet peave
by Moster inmakes me crazy:.
there: go over there!.
their: they own it; belonging to etc.. for the love of pete - use them correctly!.
And of course the old school overseers' (plural) favourite ...
"pronounciation" when it should be "pronunciation"
Mind you, I've heard BBC newsreaders get that one wrong.
not a new topic - really a pet peave
by Moster inmakes me crazy:.
there: go over there!.
their: they own it; belonging to etc.. for the love of pete - use them correctly!.
My pet peeve is people who spell "peeve" as "peave."
Plymouth / Hull UK
by stan livedeath incopied from a facebook post :.
"heard on a youtube channel that " a purge " is taking place disfellowshipping quite a lot of witnesses in both hull and plymouth area,s ?".
anything to add ?.
That LEGO clip. Absolutely brilliant! More!
Lots of subtle stuff.
I didn't get the wolf/dog thing then realised - they are elders! LOL!
And at the very end the mug logo "Keep Calm and Follow Kevin!" Excellent.
And the hall is on Brazen street!
"Def Con 2" for the CO visit.
Rock band titles from JW history / culture
by sir82 inon another thread, undercover suggested "adam and the dinosaurs".. i came up with these:.
green bible dinosaurs.
jezebel and the fornicators.
Preach Boys
Twisted Scriptures and the Publications
Deaf Shepherd
Electric New Light Orchestra
Noah and the Ale
Rolling Drones
How many faithful old JW`s are now living in Christendoms retirement homes not being cared for by the religion they gave their life for.
by smiddy3 init must be pointed out in favour of christendoms religions that they do not discriminate against people regarding their religious beliefs.
many old age jehovah`s witnesses are residents of christendoms age care homes.. isn`t this a conunudrum ?
they, jw`s condemn christendom as part of the world empire of false religion and they cast off their old faithful members to their enemy christendom , to look after them without lifting a finger themselves.. in the meantime they are raking in millions of dollars $$$$ in selling off real estate properties in new york and elsewhere around the world.
In the Uk there are a lot of JW's who thought they'd be in paradise by now and who are living in Jah-Jireh homes set up by brothers who received not a jot of help from the WTCorp.
Mind you, they generally pay for this care at normal industry rates but at least they can sit in their urine stained chairs chanting "new" kingdom songs while watching Herd flash his Rolex on JWTV.
November 13, 2017 TO ALL BOE IN THE US Re: Making the Best Use of Our Kingdom Halls
by wifibandit innovember 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: making the best use of our kingdom halls.
If I was a still in, bored out of my brain social witness I know what would be a win-win plan. Here goes ...
ONE yes ONE meeting per week. That way you can have seven to ten congregations meet at one KH. Dubbies only have to travel once and so don't mind a longer distance drive.
This meeting would be Public Talk 20 mins/WT study 30 mins/Bible reading 5 mins/ministry part 10 mins/CLAM part 10 mins. Two songs/prayers/announcements 15 mins.
Total 90 mins.
Then a program for family worship.
Week one Broadcast of course
Week two "God loves a cheerful Giver"
Week three "Bring your gold and silver to the "temple"
Week four "The resurrection hope costs money"
(Week five) "The Governing Body loves you so donate.
More halls to sell. Lovely Loot for Lett and Co.
Is All The Bad Publicity About The Watchtower Pedophile Lawsuits Causing Contributions To Nose Dive Worldwide?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think with all the child molestation lawsuits the watchtower corporation is and has been hit with is the main reason for all the prime property sell off recently.
the silent lambs protest back in 2001, and the dateline prime time expose probably was the death knell for the watchtower's hey day in brooklyn.. their membership is drying up, young people are leaving in droves, the situation is no doubt far worse than the annually published yearbook figures show and so they ceased it's publication permanently.
and those left remaining are experiencing a huge grab of money from their congregations accounts and now are required to make pledges about how much they can contribute which i think is a last ditch effort by the governing body to squeeze more money out of the rank and file watchtower indoctrinated drones.. i think all this is happening because even those still loyally attending are hearing reports of these tremendous pay out that the watchtower is making to the victims of their self serving policies that put young ones at great risks so that even the rank and file don't want to contribute to pay court costs and so are withholding giving contributions to a very great extent.
In the UK of course we have the great Chelmsford White Elephant being trumpeted on jborg and in letters - second only to the great Warwick White Mammoth. There is a focus for the money.
So last year I believe (from the charity commission website) that donations (IBSA /Watchtower London) were well up.
My guess in our hall of 80 is that there are 4/5 of us (nominally active) who talk quietly behind our hands and who I believe have stopped donating due to "generations", ARC, money grabbing, hall sell-offs. I guess there are a similar number who for the same reasons minimally donate but don't say anything.
But the rest is business as usual and there is the usual handful of gullible nice old ladies and gents who sit in their paid off homes living off of state pension and on their dead husbands (or their own) pensions and donate and hang off of every word the GB spout on JWTV.