Who jumped to a conclusion pomo? Simply a report.
Posts by freddo
Serbia: "Parents from hell sentenced the baby to die in a hospital" - Mon, Nov 27, 2017
by darkspilver inthere's been some front page coverage in serbia today (mon, nov 27, 2017).
monster parents condemned baby to death!
- alo!.
CO Rose UK
by jookbeard indoes anyone know this guy, where he came from?
how he climbed the jw ladder, i have to say i know nothing about him but he seems to be kicking ass with the problems in the north of england..
Branch committee now "Stan" which would have a "co-ordinator" who would be no "higher in rank" than the others.
CO Rose UK
by jookbeard indoes anyone know this guy, where he came from?
how he climbed the jw ladder, i have to say i know nothing about him but he seems to be kicking ass with the problems in the north of england..
Bit of speculation here ...
Might it be that it's because Rose is such a thorn (pun intended) - a prick, even - that this is why some have thrown in the towel?
After all he will have done at least four "encouraging" visit to the congregations in his circuit and now will be on his fifth. If you are a doubter or a bit wobbly you might think the first visit could be down to him having a bad week; but when that gets repeated time after time it can be very wearisome.
Talking personally it was one overbearing CO that A) almost made me resign once as an elder and B) another one that made me actually resign about five years later. It was a kindly more reasonable CO in between that made me "hang on" longer than I should have.
Lets hope Rose works his "magic" in another circuit when they get swapped in September because as sure as grass is green I know Vigo and Gillies and Co. at Bethel UK won't have the common sense or humility to remove this idiot!
"In a human moment before Jehovah grabbed her"
by truthseeker ini often wondered how far back the witnesses had been involved with my family.
my grandmother died at the end of 2013 and while going through her photos we found some of my great-grandmother, dora, who was born in 1901 and died in 1994. there is a photo of dora dated 1946 standing outside her house in east riding, yorkshire.
on the back of the photo her husband had written "in a human moment before jehovah grabbed her".. my great grandfather, who died before i was born, did not like the witnesses.
Note to Pete ...
I had two Welsh Great Grandparents and six English. The name Jehovah was certainly known among the independent chapels of Wales.
To Truthseeker ...
As regards the photo - I just took it as a rueful husband lamenting the normal human wife he lost to "Jehovah" through the Jehovah's Witnesses.
I think of the 3 "great" JW Matriarchs (as in staunch finger wagging JW automatons with or without JW husbands) of my family and in-laws living in then Southern England.
They all lived through the "Blitz" (Look up "Coventry Blitz" on wiki for an example) as young women or young mothers. A frightening time that makes today's bombings in London seem small by comparison.
They all lost a close relative in death or saw first hand the bombings on their towns by Nazi bombers, killing or disrupting the lives of them, their family and their friends. They all had husbands in the forces or firefighters at risk.
So along come two nice ladies from dubland - fired up with Rutherfordian zeal filtered through Knorr's corporate expansion campaign and Freddie Franz's answers for paradise and resurrection within the 1914 generation and the rest is history ...
After the war they all had young children "at home" when their husbands were working (remember the Jesuits - give me a child at 5 and we'll have him for life?) and they were studying with the JW's. These kids - including me are the kids that became elders and pioneers that were the glue of the congregations from the 1960's to the early 2000's.
They are old and dying off. Their kids are a less committed and THEIR kids even less so. The org is slowly crumbling. But sadly - oh, so slowly!
Work Christmas functions: Being a Bible Student (unbaptized)
by rulehayl inhi all,i have been studying with the witnesses for more than 6 months and regularly attend both midweek & weekend meetings, and i am nearly at the end of the "bible teach" book.
my boss is adamant i attend team christmas functions.
she knows about my studying and potential baptism next year, and has suggested that i attend and just not participate in activities like kris kringle.
rulehayl ...
Your first post was about your study conductor saying you were on a slippery slope by your associating with your workmates. Ask her how what she says fits with these two verses.
Romans 14 v 5,6 and Colossians 2 v 16
If she has to give convoluted replies that don't seem to make sense that might give you pause for thought.
There is no rush for you to decide to be baptised or not; (after all you wouldn't want to follow those who say that Armageddon is near, would you? Luke 21 v 8)
In fact if you take a while (say a couple of years rather than the expected few months or so) you will see whether the response from your study conductor is loving kind and patient (1 Cor 13 v 4) or exasperated and impatient.
List of UK Travelling Overseers in 2013
by soiledumpling inhi pepeep am attempting to get a current list of uk travelling overseers.
left 4 years ago and have heard rumours of many new ones.
Peter Morgan not on circuit work then? Or is he 70 now?
"In a human moment before Jehovah grabbed her"
by truthseeker ini often wondered how far back the witnesses had been involved with my family.
my grandmother died at the end of 2013 and while going through her photos we found some of my great-grandmother, dora, who was born in 1901 and died in 1994. there is a photo of dora dated 1946 standing outside her house in east riding, yorkshire.
on the back of the photo her husband had written "in a human moment before jehovah grabbed her".. my great grandfather, who died before i was born, did not like the witnesses.
Wow! 1946. That is so poignant.
It could be written by any UBM down the decades, couldn't it? (Or by anyone that desperately wants his or her spouse to wake up like they did.)
List of UK Travelling Overseers in 2013
by soiledumpling inhi pepeep am attempting to get a current list of uk travelling overseers.
left 4 years ago and have heard rumours of many new ones.
Anthony Manning came off in 2015. Public Reproof I heard. Don't know why.
David Hudson off due to age 70 rule; elder in Swansea South Wales neck of the woods I believe. Alive and well and gave a talk at the Cardiff Regional in 2017.
Don Holley (who took himself off in 2013 in his seventies - did he see the redundancies coming the year after?) was alive and well and gave a talk at Cardiff Regional in 2017.
Gradualism for the blood doctrine?
by no-zombie inhere in australia, during the service meeting this week, the local needs part was taken up to quickly discuss a letter from the organization stating that there will no longer be a annual meeting part to discuss or remind the congregations about their blood cards.. i found this quite odd.. its not like that there is a shortage of meeting time to discuss this issue, as the society has recently been hijacking more and more local needs parts for its own messages.
and for a supposedly important doctrine, you would think that it should be mentioned more often rather than less, to keep everyone in line.. could this be a beginning of the movement away from the blood doctrine, through the process of gradualism?.
no-zombie .
Very interesting indeed.
My guess it is more about distancing themselves from being seen to tell the congregations what to do by the secular authorities in court so that if their sorry asses are sued they will lie in court and say "its not us telling them, they do it of their own free will."
Follow the money ...
How do JWs pronounce COBE?
by Wild_Thing injust wondering.
when i was a witness, we had presiding overseer, and would say p-o for short.
do they spell it out when they say cobe or do they say it with as a word?
I think before Congregation Servant it was Company Servant as in Company of men (military term not corporate term).
COBE is pronounced CO-BEE.