Saethydd - good for you. Go and visit granddad and ignore the cunning shunts.
Stan - I hope you "tweaked your daughter's nose" over that self righteousness on her part.
But maybe you're more grown up than me!
my grandfather is a longtime jw with advanced parkinson's.
on the advice of a good friend mine who is inactive but not "out" i went to visit him monday and we talked for awhile.
his health isn't well, but he was happy to see me.
Saethydd - good for you. Go and visit granddad and ignore the cunning shunts.
Stan - I hope you "tweaked your daughter's nose" over that self righteousness on her part.
But maybe you're more grown up than me!
here are a couple of boes you might want.. .
Love it. Let's all go to Chelmsford from Dublin for one day of work.
What a privilege. Blessings which cannot be contained. What a wise use of time and resources.
If only our masters had read Luke 14 v 28,29 BEFORE starting this vanity project then we wouldn't feel obligated to put our hands in our pockets to head for London from outer fumbuck to show how loyal we are to our great leaders.
2017 grand totals.
branches of jehovah’s witnesses: 90. .
number of lands reporting: 240. .
Drearyweather ...
It just shows a trend or a direction year on year. Just taking kids becoming publishers and then baptised. Imagine a funnel like you might use to pour oil into your car engine.
At the top are all the kids who have a parent as a jw. When they reach an age between 6 and 14 (eg.) some will become publishers. When some of those reach an age between 12 and 18 (eg) they will get baptised.
So the more publishers you stuff in at the top then the more baptised dribble out of the bottom. The higher the increase in the worldwide publisher number then the more likely that the baptism number will increase in the following years.
Pressuring to lower the age of the kids getting baptised also gives an increase. But then it cannot improve much further. You might bring the average down from say age 15 to age 13 but any younger and it gets more and more difficult to justify and people resist. Especially in western lands.
2017 grand totals.
branches of jehovah’s witnesses: 90. .
number of lands reporting: 240. .
"Are you serious" - growth was 1.8% last year.
a friend of ours over in northern ireland says that people can't find their country on
apparently it is because the list of countries on the site is by bethel not the standard list of countries that (say) a google website would list.
someone looking for a congregation in northern ireland goes to "ireland" but that is only the republic of ireland.
Ballymoney is in London
As in ... All the Bally money seems to be diverted to London bethel.
i must go through six of new verification screens on average before verifying.
i seriously try harder and harder, i don't know if we include the tiny little piece of sign or not.
i have done both,and still get another screen.
It's getting worse. I often get six or even eight attempt screens.
Do I count lorries as cars? Backs of signs? Only road signs or what about other signs.
Don't get me started on "store fronts" or how long it takes for a picture to fade and replace!
I keep going until I'm in.
But I do wonder if it puts off new or nervous first time posters who may give up part way through.
2017 figures released to bethel families worldwide:.
peak publishers: 8,457,107. total baptized: 284,212 .
regular pioneers: 1,225,279 .
Yes alanv - the present GB have less backbone than their predecessors.
No "partakers" - I'll guess; no mention of ARC in "legal" on jborg.
Just Jehovah finding pipe leaks and flying the GB member home from Russia as a miracle on the electric church TV channel.
the report is finally out.......... ————————.
recommendations to the jehovah’s witness organisation.
recommendation 16.27. the jehovah’s witness organisation should abandon its application of the two-witness rule in cases involving complaints of child sexual abuse.. recommendation 16.28. the jehovah’s witness organisation on should revise its policies so that women are involved in processes related to invesation and determining allegations of child sexual abuse.. recommendation 16.29. the jehovah’s witness organisation should no longer require its members to shun those who disassociate from the organisation in cases where the reason for disassocia on is related to a person being a victim of child sexual abuse..
I don't believe it is a "toothless dog" Morpheus.
Certainly victims of abuse are feeling better for having gone through it and will be able to sue - if they so wish - with greater confidence that they will be listened to.
a little advice please.. it's now 7 months since i stopped going to meetings.
we still get regular calls by elders - at least every 2 weeks.
i can handle them.
Hi "insert name"!
Thanks for your caring message; I really appreciate it.
Don't worry about me darling, I'm in a really good place right now and very happy with life and I hope you are too.
Bye for now!
just this week i had the jws knock on my door.
sisters from my old congregation.
we exchanged the usual polite conversation.
Days of future passed said "So they just trudge on towards the mirage."
What a way you have with words. That conjures up such an accurate image of the average middle aged and older jw.