"You should talk Gerrit. You and your lederhosen and the spanking board."
Love it!
again with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
"You should talk Gerrit. You and your lederhosen and the spanking board."
Love it!
jehovah's witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - san diego reader (california, us), friday, january 12, 2018.
The organisation "uses" Bethelites.
Got that right Bob.
Some booted bethelites round here crying away after years of service and their best years given. Didn't take 'em long to start answering up saying what a blessing it is like an abused wife with stockhom syndrome as they chuck the meds down their necks and begin to wash windows and wonder where their retirement fund is going to come from.
again with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
Elder 1: "I've so much time on my hands - no one in the hall needs encouragement; no one needs any practical help; no one is sick; no one has been waiting for Armageddon for decades; no widows or orphans that need a kind word. I know - I'll have a moan about the only young male that isn't on "the spectrum" or on meds. Yes! His suit is TOO TIGHT!"
Elder 2: "This is so true Elder 1. Why don't we saw off the branch we're sitting on, discourage the only possible future Min. Serv. prospect that the Cong. has got and show ourselves to be the self righteous jerks that we are."
"Oh Jack! Jack! Come into the back room for some encouragement!"
jehovah's witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - san diego reader (california, us), friday, january 12, 2018.
If you say so Bob.
jehovah's witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - san diego reader (california, us), friday, january 12, 2018.
Britain branch -793 publishers. Poland - 1896. Japan - 700.
Her case is still helping to protect children.
Sorry you're so cynical. I believe many litigants care about JW children. Even some lawyers too.
Sad that you don't know that.
jehovah's witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - san diego reader (california, us), friday, january 12, 2018.
If she settled good for her. Such is her right. She has more backbone than the Gibbering Boobies and their lackey lawyers put together.
A Jewel in the Crown indeed. And more jewels and more crowns have arisen and even more are on their way. Watchtower is losing adherents hand over fist; closing kingdom halls and all Fat Tony can do is talk about tight pants. What a joke.
Candace Conti the inspiration. That's who I'm talking about.
jehovah's witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - san diego reader (california, us), friday, january 12, 2018.
Hello Bobby.
You may be right about Candace Conti not being allowed to discuss the case. I don't know. But what I do know is that she is the Jewel in the Crown of litigants against WTB&TS in regard to pedo cases.
Poor ickle Watchtower; thought it could cut her down and shut her up eh? Well I believe it cost them a lot of dough, a lot of members, a lot of credibility and what's more it is like hydra.
For every head cut off even more pop up to replace it.
Her case is on record for every lawyer and litigant and there are many more in the pipeline.
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
This just shows more and more micro management from the Gibbering Boobies. I served on service committees as Secretary and as P.O./C.O.B.E.
I have to say our service committee meetings were much more relaxed than this and I remember we didn't care if a pioneer wasn't doing 840 hours as long as they were above about 750 we were just happy to accept they were doing their best.
I remember one time when a twenty something got married and for about 3 months before her wedding the hours dipped and in the three months after too. We just said do what you like and pick up again after using the example of the O.T. young Israelite soldier who got a year off to get married and set up a household. She actually came to us beforehand and asked what should she do and we said we really didn't mind and that she could choose to have a break and go back on later or just take six months off but keep the title and let us know then whether she wanted to stay on.
Another time a pioneer sister had a baby and she still got about 500 hours in and picked up afterwards. The C.O. didn't mind and just said "you know her circumstances best, brothers".
And we consulted with the other elders too (I understand that if you have a body of a dozen or more you can't consult on everything but we didn't want a "body within a body" syndrome) if we really felt someone should come off.
I also note the "we'll announce her deletion" - that is so cold for the 34 year old who had been struggling with genuine health issues.
More and more bloody micro-management! I am so glad I don't have to even think about being subject to and subjecting others to Pharisaical rules any more.
despite decades of the feminist movement, watchtower's attitude of woman being inferior has changed little, with pauline sexism justified as inspired, on the basis that women are lesser emotionally, intellectually and physically.
jehovah's witnesses seem to accept this with little resistance.
is there anything about the #metoo movement that may wake followers up?
As a white mid fifties male whose first parent into the WT mess was his mother - and whose father meekly followed - I see Simon's point - especially now - about going along with their jw'ism.
But overwhelmingly I support Pheobe's comments about unwanted male attention in the 60's through 80's.
This was the age of Benny Hill - the fat little comedian chasing gorgeous girls around on Saturday night TV and everyone rolling about laughing.
Of "Carry on" films where Barbara Windsor was paraded as Sid James and co's lust object.
Of "On the Buses" with Reg Varney and the toothy one trying unsuccessfully to bed everything half their age in a skirt.
Squeezing a tit was a joke that might get a slap round the face - end of. But if the girl was shocked and succumbed to more - well lucky old you eh? Nudge nudge wink wink!
It sickens me to admit it but that was often the way with men who had gone through WW2 and so what's a bit of slap and tickle girlie? No ones dropping bombs on you anymore.
And laugh we did. And personally I wouldn't have dreamed of translating that into real life - maybe my jw upbringing played a part?
However my wife regularly received unwanted comments and male attention from strangers in the 1970's through 90's - in her early married years she had a particularly "leering" boss who would make suggestive comments and ask her out on "business" dates. I even phoned him up as a younger man and had a quiet word explaining that if it didn't stop I'd be round there to "chat face to face."
My wife didn't want to lose her job - fortunately in this circumstance our livelihood didn't immediately depend upon it. Had it done she may have endured further and I kept silent.
And if a young woman suffered "date rape" as against "stranger rape" - well - the old desk sergeant might think she was leading him on.
And even their own families would sometimes shut down their daughters cry for help from the family molestor so as not to bring shame on the family.
*** due to formatting issues when posting, i will be posting stats as a separate replies to this thread ***.
stats as of january 13, 2018. .
england and wales: 1,325 congregations.
Yep darkspilver ...
Look at Clevedon's in and out for the last year - £19K in, £66K out ... they don't even have a KH anymore! Of course they did have savings for a new KH which would have built up (without showing on the CC accounts) a nice little pot - along with the dead and defuncy "funds transferred" Portishead - over the last ten years. Wonder where that went - ?