The only way they will go is if they are sent to jail.
Didn't it happen in 1918?
I can only hope for a 100 year anniversary present ...
will they be making a lot of their gb helpers full fledge gb?
i think as they continue to loose money and members and contributions dry up, that many might be thinking how to get out of this financial mess with some sort of golden parachute, and hand over the reigns to their helpers.. i'm sure with all this bad that is happening to the corporation they would welcome an early retirement with a nice comfy nest egg away from all this bad publicity away from the public eye.
why do they want to keep fighting a losing battle give over their power for a nice comfy retirement.
The only way they will go is if they are sent to jail.
Didn't it happen in 1918?
I can only hope for a 100 year anniversary present ...
acts 2:38 is easy to understand and easy to follow.
there are no words that are vague and need interpretation.
“do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of jehovah’s witnesses in association with god’s spirit-directed organization?”.
Question changed in 1985.
for part one go here .
Thanks Kevin McFree.
Who would have thought that Lego animation could be both true and poignant?
not being a witness has been a plus for my sex life.
what about you!
Stan! You stud. You give me hope for my later years.
i can't believe they came out with this.... question from readers: should a youth who struggles with masturbation sleep with a pillow?.
you young people know that it is wise to make such restrictions, especially during "the bloom of youth.
" (1 corinthians 7:36).
It's a spoof, people! Very funny though.
this week's clam meeting has a video from jwborg entitled refreshing those “toiling and loaded down” about the organisation's response to two terrorist's attacks in new york (twin towers) and paris (bataclan 2015).. to me it is more about a back slapping "look what we do for you" than a "left hand not letting the right know" (matt 6 v 3) action of love and care.. ... ... ... ... ... .... if you've read this far - by contrast please google "didi bataclan paris" to read about a true unsung hero.
not forgetting the true heroes of 9/11 .... ... ... ... ... ... .
am i too cynical?.
Like I said Dreary, you're a good person.
But Steve 2 is a good and thoughtful member here as well and he makes a reasonable point.
do you think the gb are watching the live report??
will they learn from all this?
are they scared shitless as the reality of social media delivers one bitch-slap of truth after another?
John Davis
The GB proclaim they are subject to "Caesar's" laws where no law of god is "broken".
You mention "non sh1thole countries" with ages of consent as low as 13 or 14 (I paraphrase). These (non sh1thole) countries apply the law in a non-blanket way.
For example - if a 15 year old and a 14 year old seem to freely consent to each others sexual activity (without coercion) it might result in being dealt with in such away that neither get a criminal record.
If an adult has a consensual relationship with a 13 year old it will rightly be treated differently.
The stink that rises from the GB and their organisation is not due to two teenagers fumbling in the dark.
It is from their being culpable of having records of adults abusing children and young teens and then withholding that information (from other congregants, legal agencies etc.) and even allowing perpetrators to later become or stay as elders, pioneers and min servants.
this week's clam meeting has a video from jwborg entitled refreshing those “toiling and loaded down” about the organisation's response to two terrorist's attacks in new york (twin towers) and paris (bataclan 2015).. to me it is more about a back slapping "look what we do for you" than a "left hand not letting the right know" (matt 6 v 3) action of love and care.. ... ... ... ... ... .... if you've read this far - by contrast please google "didi bataclan paris" to read about a true unsung hero.
not forgetting the true heroes of 9/11 .... ... ... ... ... ... .
am i too cynical?.
You are a good person with a good heart drearyweather; like I asked "am I being too cynical?"
this week's clam meeting has a video from jwborg entitled refreshing those “toiling and loaded down” about the organisation's response to two terrorist's attacks in new york (twin towers) and paris (bataclan 2015).. to me it is more about a back slapping "look what we do for you" than a "left hand not letting the right know" (matt 6 v 3) action of love and care.. ... ... ... ... ... .... if you've read this far - by contrast please google "didi bataclan paris" to read about a true unsung hero.
not forgetting the true heroes of 9/11 .... ... ... ... ... ... .
am i too cynical?.
This week's CLAM meeting has a video from jwborg entitled Refreshing Those “Toiling and Loaded Down” about the Organisation's response to two terrorist's attacks in New York (Twin Towers) and Paris (Bataclan 2015).
To me it is more about a back slapping "Look what we do for you" than a "left hand not letting the right know" (Matt 6 v 3) action of love and care.
... ... ... ... ... ...
If you've read this far - by contrast please google "Didi Bataclan Paris" to read about a true unsung hero. Not forgetting the true heroes of 9/11 ...
... ... ... ... ...
Am I too cynical?
do you think the gb are watching the live report??
will they learn from all this?
are they scared shitless as the reality of social media delivers one bitch-slap of truth after another?
A question for my American friends - these long sentences that go well beyond a human life span. Is there any way an inmate can sometimes work them down like in the UK?
Over here it is normal that a good behaviour inmate who says all the right things at his reviews can have his sentence halved. The notorious JW Michael Porter - Pedo got 18 months but was out after 9. Obviously in some cases like murder this isn't always the case.