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Posts by freddo
JW Cartoons
by FinalFlame ini've recently watched the jw cartoons centered around teaching young kids the doctrines of this faith.
while i no longer practice any faith, i am well versed in this one.
i must say, these cartoons are in bad, bad taste.
Are the 8 superstar Popes planning a purge?
by Sour Grapes inthere are over 8 million jdubs and i would venture a guess that at least 20% to 30% are pimo.
in my opinion, the kingdom hauls are only half full for two reasons....many have left but the majority are pimo and any little excuse will keep them home and they will report their token ghost hours in service.
all it takes to stay home is being tired, too much school homework or i will go next week, no doubt many have taken part-time jobs and the fear of working the second shift and the guilt of missing meetings is gone.
“At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.” - Watchtower November 15 2013, page 20 par. 17
I do believe that the word "strategic" has been put in most deliberately and that is because they were planning the KH/AH sell-offs and branch/circuit downsizing to ramp up.
What they need is for the PIMI elders especially to stay on board and some PIMI elders do think. They think things like this ...
"I hope they don't touch our savings fund set aside for a new hall."
"Surely they won't take our savings, make us share and then expect us to keep on sending monthly donations ... will they?"
"I hope they don't sell our KH and make us drive to another hall, I don't really want to amalgamate with Inner Fumbuck."
"I hope Inner Fumbuck doesn't come to our hall because then we'll have the graveyard slot on Sunday evenings."
I don't believe there is any whacky enforcement "koolaid" or even "tithing" plan coming down the pipe - just more social pressure to "give more" along with "do more" and "obey more".
BUT ... as they see more decline in numbers and more apostasy and more dissenters they will grip tighter and get the CO's to push DF'ing - not in writing, but in verbal pressure - it's what they do.
Judge Orders Jehovah's Witnesses to turn over Internal Documents re: Childhood Sexual Abuse
by AndersonsInfo inhttps://nixlaw.com/news/judge-orders-jehovahs-witnesses-to-turn-over-internal-documents-related-to-childhood-sexual-abuse/.
judge orders jehovah’s witnesses to turn over internal documents related to childhood sexual abuse.
april 12, 2018. .
Where's Bobby 2446? Oh BOBBY? OH BOBBY?!
Put down the whitewash and come and defend your beloved Watchtower and it's pedophile protecting policies ...
KH hall 4 sale just whose waters are supposed to be drying up again?!
by nowwhat? inavon lake ohio.
while new mega church being built right down the street!.
Could Simon give us a "sticky" Hall closure/merger thread?
Rising allegations
by Freedom rocks inhi does anyone think that with the rise in abuse cases in the uk and the rest of the world and the w5 video as well as many others exposing the organisation that the society might use the loyalty to the organisation as brainwashing to keep people in?
they might say its all lies and an attack by satan and have to stay loyal and not believe any of it.
i bet quite a few will leave.
Well, well Bobby - your gravestone shines brightly in the sun today - has it had a nice fresh coat of whitewash? The inscription on it has been picked out in such fine detail and it is a beautiful thing to behold.
Still full of rotten bones and disgusting things though.
Diane Abbott XD
by LoveUniHateExams indiane abbott has often given me moments of amusement throughout the years.. whenever i'm feeling depressed, 30 mins of watching her varied gaffes on youtube usually cheers me up.. the following is a clip from this week (feb 2008) in which she seems to wonder out loud whether mao did more good than harm.
it's great to hear michael portillo's initial reaction ("whaaat!
") and then watch him and andrew neil belly-laugh at diane abbott's comments at the end of the clip.. perhaps she'd been at the blue nun xd.
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby ... (with apologies to the Kaiser Chiefs)
"Everyone" supports the "Windrush" people.
Looking for user names order
by useruser1914 inlooking for user names order in posts .
an honest look at the situation.
Sorry useruser1914, but I don't understand what you are asking for. Is there any way you could rephrase please?
Diane Abbott XD
by LoveUniHateExams indiane abbott has often given me moments of amusement throughout the years.. whenever i'm feeling depressed, 30 mins of watching her varied gaffes on youtube usually cheers me up.. the following is a clip from this week (feb 2008) in which she seems to wonder out loud whether mao did more good than harm.
it's great to hear michael portillo's initial reaction ("whaaat!
") and then watch him and andrew neil belly-laugh at diane abbott's comments at the end of the clip.. perhaps she'd been at the blue nun xd.
I think Diane Abbott is a walking joke for the Labour party. She should stay where she is best. A backbench MP for an inner city borough of London with no further responsibility.
I personally didn't like Neil Kinnock/Tony Blair/Peter Mandelson kind of Labour very much and I certainly don't like Michael Foot/Jeremy Corbyn/Diane Abbott kind of Labour either.
It may not be popular but I liked John Smith/Robin Cook/Gordon Brown type labour. But they seemed to be in the middle in the swing from "loony left" to "Tory lite" and in the middle when it swung back again.
Kingdom Interlinear Version
by Lynnie inmy mom has gone into assisted living and i've discovered a treasure trove of old wt publications, 2 interlinear bibles for example.
is anyone interested in these?
i live in seattle..
Just a note:
I have a jw Interlinear (book form) but it is also on jwborg WT library and as yet I have not noticed a difference between the online version (which I read on a tablet a lot at meetings when I attend) and the book form. (No end sheets or charts of course in the on line one)
Cart witnessing at the Toyota Grand Prix
by Dagney inpicture 185,000 people on the streets attending the biggest event in long beach.
there is a main downtown street which is the only way into the grand prix.
it’s chaos because it is not private property that can be contained; these are working boulevards with cars and people vying to get where they want to go.
Drearyweather - no - the KH crashes and especially picketing at conventions get posted on the net nowadays where at least hundreds and often thousands get to see them. When we do "join the dots" they are one of "the dots" that helps us make up the true picture.
The carts also serve a purpose - they help people realise what a (insert expletive as an intensifier) waste of time being a JW is compared with those that actually HELP other people.