Yes 'careful' you are right ...
NZ peak publishers 2016 14,242
NZ peak publishers 2017 14,150
Yes 'careful' you are right ...
NZ peak publishers 2016 14,242
NZ peak publishers 2017 14,150
go to minute nine for the third clip.
what is up with that hair???
I believe it is Plymouth, Devon. Which is indeed a city by the seaside. It features in this dubtown lego clip EPISODE 17...
And of course "Robert Skinner" is featured.
and now it's 2018 and we are still here.
that's like saying back in 1930 the events of the civil war show we are in the last days!
it has now been that long!.
It all seemed to be coming to a head in the last third of the twentieth century didn't it?
We had had WW1 and WW2. Nuclear bombs and nuclear missiles to put them on by the 1950's. Cuban Missile crisis in 1962.
Run up to 1975 we had USSR Bloc and NATO squaring off, Kennedy assassination, Vietnam, (in the UK we had strikes, power cuts, short week working).
Then after the 1975 debacle we still had "the generation" dream running at full steam to keep us on message. More Superpower tension, rise of China, Falklands war, Russians in Afghanistan - but suddenly in 1990 it all came to a shuddering halt - fall of the Iron Curtain - united and benign Germany.
Early 1990's - Ooh! might this be the shout of peace and security? The generation are in their 80's and 90's now - gotta happen soon!
Then our feet were cut from under us - Generation change! Run out of time!
By 2000 it was all over bar the realisation.
We had been had.
move forward as a spiritual person.. paragraph 2 "robert and his wife began passing time by quizzing each other on bible subjects.
his wife, a spiritually strong person, had no problem answering the questions, but robert found himself constantly embarrassed, not knowing what to say.".
there is no indication of how she fits the template of a spiritual person other than she can answer bible trivia.
When I quote scripture like Acts 1 v 8, Luke 21 v 8, or Acts 17 v 11 most jw's either shut down, accuse me of setting up my own doctrines or run away metaphorically screaming "La-la-la I can't hear you!"
But then I can't be spiritual - I refuse to stand like a dummy next to a trolley cart.
my husband was df 3 years ago.
i still attended meetings but not regularly and for the past 10 months i have not attended any at all.
my husband wanted to get reinstated until maybe a few months ago when i started to help him to wake up.
Some very good advice for you from the above forum members Whynot.
May I ask what your "attachment" is?
Is it close family in the borg?
Is it the jw hope for the future? (Resurrection/Paradise)
If it's the former then maybe, just maybe a reinstatement and fade out IS the way to go.
If largely the latter then maybe you can retain a "Christian" belief and hope without going through 8 deluded men in New York - just go "direct" in your thoughts and prayers.
If you want to reinforce and support each other for as long as you retain some semblance of christian beliefs play the "Jehovah understands" broken record out loud.
Best of luck!
This one in Raglan South Wales went in 2017 for property development. It was I believe home to Monmouth Congregation of JW's which moved to Ross-on-Wye hall. (note meeting times blanked out)
Someone else may be able to confirm exact details.
Clevedon, Somerset England. late 2014.
Not sure if sold but shut up and sat empty; one congregation disbanded the other moved ten miles to share with three others at Weston super Mare.
dear,everybody,how are you?my name is john moro i join jevoah this year 2018 in april in order to be jevoah wittness i live in yokine wa australia,i like to meet friends and share jevoah message to evangelize the word.thank you may god bless.
yours sincerely john moro.
Hi John!
If you believe the bible is from Jehovah then you will see that his followers do as described at Acts 1 v 8. That is be witnesses of ... Jesus.
Jesus's Witnesses.
And at Luke 21 v 8 he said who to avoid and not follow ...
Those who are always saying the end is near or put themselves in the place of Jesus.
I hope that helps you see clearly who to follow and who to avoid as you search the scriptures for their true message.
Of course many of us aren't at all sure the bible has any message. Perhaps you can help by explaining?
I also believe there are plenty of helpful folk here who can assist with life's practicalities such as how to go about getting work, providing for loved ones and thinking ahead for what is truly the best life can offer.
it really amazes me when jws act like we are hurting them!.
many of us have found that if we stop associating with them for valid reasons, they act all upset and hurt that we would be "so cruel as to limit our association or cut them off".
i know of friends here on the forum who have been told by parents that they "will shun them if they leave jehovah" , and yet when the shoe is on the other foot and our awake friends shun them first, the parents cry and bemoan the situation and say how "cruel it is to deprive them of their company".
Yes The Fall Guy, it is wonderful that the Secretary wouldn't shun his kids or boot them out. But how many elders have you known who would tell YOU and ME we need to shun ours while giving every possible loophole to their own?
The phrase rhymes with TRUCKING HIPPO-SHIT.
problem with this week's video on counsel.
why did they emphasize the counsel and not the fact that those who were watching movie should have followed christ counsel at mathew 5 go to your brother instead they ratted on the guy to an elder and let him do dirty just totally ignore jesus words..
baldeagle - good point.
When I was a young petty MiniSerpent I saw that a brother I worked with in a big factory had won a small but nice sum (£200) in the works raffle (for which you would pay £1 a month to join).
The winners list was published on the works noticeboard and there was this brother's name winning top prize.
So I run off to the P.O. to ask "what to do" and he said exactly what that article said - go and speak to him and see what his response is and IF you aren't happy with the reply come back to me.
I spoke to the brother who apologised for compromising my conscience and that was it. I went back to the PO who with a sense of humour rare in jw's said "we should have bribed him to split it three ways to keep us shtum."