Welcome Canadian Sunshine.
Your M-i-L if typical will WANT to believe "the organisation" (AKA the Governing Body) is God's channel and trying its best as imperfect men to do what is right.
As each court case hits their dollars and TV documentary/news item hits their image and especially since the Australian Royal Commission case study 29 into JW's - the organisation has - dragging its heels and using its considerable legal and financial clout - fought a protracted rearguard action against doing anything it doesn't want to.
IMAGE and MONEY is everything to these bozos who have entrapped the gullible and invested into believing their every false promise of "paradise soon" or somesuch for over 100 years.
Only this week they have put up LOOK AT US AND HOW GOOD WE ARE child protection documents that I believe are only the result of hard work by abuse victims, ex jw's and the "worldly" and "satanic" courts of decent democracies. The problem is that by sleight of hand and oral communication they will do or not do exactly what they want to using their enforcing puppet elders in the congregations.
They are not a quirky bunch on the edge of mainstream christianity, they are a manipulative money grabbing nest feathering bunch of stuffed fat charlatans.
And breathe ...